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Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, a bond beyond boundaries

Sehar Kamran


New Recruit

Apr 24, 2011
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The ties of love, respect and sincerity are so deep between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that can't be defined in words. People of Pakistan give same love and respect to Saudi Arabia that they have for their own country.

Killing of Hassan Al Qattani in Pakistan is not only sad, it is very painful for all of us, we equally share the grief and pain and we feel that it is a conspiracy against Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. We all know that who could benefit by creating insecurity, spreading uncertainty and anarchy in our beloved country Pakistan and who could be uncomfortable with the enduring friendship and strong brotherly ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The people of Pakistan standby Saudi Arabia, we have strong religious, cultural, economical and strategic relations and bilateral ties, each and every Pakistani considers it a Primary duty to defend and protect the sacred land of Saudi Arabia. We have high respect for the custodian of the two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and no power on earth can damage this cordial bond that has no limits and boundaries.

Pakistan has been going through a tough time, our people are paying heavy cost for standing against terrorism. Those who consider Pakistan a symbol of strength for the Muslim states are trying to weaken it by creating instability, and insecurity, we are fighting an unannounced war in a form of terrorism, our countless sacrifices have scripted a new history of courage and commitment. Our resolve to face the challenges and stand firm cannot be shaken. There is a move to socially, economically, diplomatically and politically isolate Pakistan, but no one can isolate the will to face the challenges and move forward. Lets prove the world we are a Nation that stand Tall and we will not let any conspiracy succeed. We respect Pakistan, we respect Saudi Arabia and the everlasting time-tested relationship between the two brotherly countries will not fade in any weather or time, we are strong Muslim states and together we will lead the world, InshaAllah.

Long Live Pak-Saudi Enduring Brotherly Ties.

Mrs. Sehar Kamran
Pakistan International School (English section) Jeddah
@ Sehar Kamran,

I dont agree with many of the points you made in your article.

I dont respect Saudi Arabia as much as i respect Pakistan, nor would I shed a single drop of my blood for Saudi Arabia.
The house of Saud has an estimated net worth of 1 trillion dollar, thats more than 47 African countries combined GDP PPP and 95% of the Nominal GDP, i don`t know about you but i`d imagine the Saudis are living quite large and can buy friendships if they feel like it.
I wouldn`t be quick to befriend such greedy people that steal from their own people shamelessly.
Mrs. Sehar Kamran,

Welcome to the forum, now, on the issue, i have said thanks because you spoke your mind out.. few things though.. We have some reservations regarding the Kingdom..

1. It is the country where Makkah and Madina are, it should had been a khilafat, not a Kingdom
2. It should have played an important role in protection of Muslim world, being Khadim-e-Harmain Shareefain means that you have to take responsibility of leading Muslim world by example.
3. The Kingdom has all its wealth in Non-Muslim countries, if they had put that money in developing Muslim countries, it would had benefited Muslims to a great extent.
4. Allowing US and NATO forces into the Kingdom proves that they trust neither MUSLIM countries NOR Allah Jalla Shanohu.. Alam tara kaifa fa'ala ruboka be ashaabil feel.. remember?

These are but a few of the reasons Pakistanis are not so crazy about KSA anymore, yeah i would have accepted you if it was like 20-25 years ago..

Ma'as Salam..
It is sad to see that a Saudi diplomat lost his life at the hands of Wahabi Islamists.

However sad this incident is, we cannot shout this imaginary "brother hood-hood" with Saudis. If you have any misunderstanding about the hatred for Pakistan among Arabs and Saudis, then show our green passport at any Saudi port, and you will get all the brotherly hood-hood knocked out of your head.


p.s. Pakistanis must learn to be brotherly with each other first before they can declare Saudis and Chinese their brother-hood under the hood.
Yea hmm............. Somehow I don't think the Arabs(don't like to call them Saudi) are loving the Pakistani's they way you make it out. The only thing they love is their reflection in the mirror.
Well Ma'am as you are living in Jeddah, and have got a supreme status, you cannot feel anything.
If you rather come to anyother place, or look on the treatment with expats, be a Pakistani or who-so-ever, we all know the pride and arrogance Saudis show.

From defence and trade point of view, yes. But from citizen's point of view, I guess I need not highlight it, but we cannot survive.

Having Saudis as allies would be alright as long as there's no deal to allow them to export their culture to Pakistan. It usually comes with strings like this.
Instead of pledging anything to the house of saud.. one should pledge it to the Imam of Makkah..
After all.. if the state of saud stopped short of the holy cities... would we still "love" them??
Mrs.Sehar! Being a new member, welcome to the forum.

While i have no problem with your article except this "People of Pakistan give same love and respect to Saudi Arabia that they have for their own country."

We don't love any country as much as we love our own. I can guarantee you that Pakistanis here don't think this way. They are our allies and we respect them very much but loving their country the same way as love our country is strictly not possible. It's unnatural.

As for the death of Saudi diplomat, it was indeed unfortunate and condemnable but i am sure that it will not effect the relations.
I had alot of respect for saudis until they bailed Rymond davis out , we never got our revenge !
Mrs.Sehar! Being a new member, welcome to the forum.

While i have no problem with your article except this "People of Pakistan give same love and respect to Saudi Arabia that they have for their own country."

We don't love any country as much as we love our own. I can guarantee you that Pakistanis here don't think this way. They are our allies and we respect them very much but loving their country the same way as love our country is strictly not possible. It's unnatural.

As for the death of Saudi diplomat, it was indeed unfortunate and condemnable but i am sure that it will not effect the relations.

i do have the same love as i have for my country ........ infact i cannot distinguish my love between pakistan china and saudia ....... because pakistan is my country my love .... china has looked after pakistan since pakistan accepted china in UN as pakistan is part of china so my love is for my other motherland china as same as for pakistan ....... and now for Saudia ........ it is country where my Prophet SAW came i cannot discribe my feelings for saudia because i do not have words ....... being a muslim we should give the same love which we do with our motherlands
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