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Pakistan and Israel Moshe Yegar

Its impossible for Pakistan to recognize Israel.....shold never even think about that unless Israel is part of Pakistan.....:smokin:
The Israel & palestine both should be accepted as fact with all the rights they deserve.

before getting emotional we should think what we've got since we dont accept them?
do their economy collapse when we boycott them on economic front?
they are dying cz their peoples could not visit Pakistan?

buddy as muslims try to spread peace rather than spreading hatrate is the duty of all muslims.
tell me than wht we can do now?

could nuking them will solve all the problems?

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

i guess before getting emotional on every issue we should use our minds too to solve problems rather than becoming part of it.

i guess we should use our brains instead of getting emotional on every issue will work more to solve the prob rather than becoming part of it.

tagging every one as non muslims will not decrease anyone's frustration of not being heared.

What is wrong with you ?
Keep YOUR emotions aside and try thinking logically.

I asked you a very simple question, WHICH Israel are you trying to accept ?

if you accept 1948 Israel, that means you are in principle agreeing to the creation of state.

If you accept the Israel AFTER it's wars and increase in area, that means you are accepting Israel's occupation of those lands.

If you accept today's Israel that means you are accepting Israel's occupation as legal, and you are also accepting the rights of Jewish settlers to take ownership of that land.

Option 1 is not available, if you select 2 OR 3, you will violate some of your own international commitments.

Lastly, I did not call any one non muslim, and the only thing I am frustrated at is the lack of attention and depth of thought you people are willing to commit to.
Obviously you believe thinking BEFORE commenting is not important.

Recognize Israel .... Which Israel ? 1949 ? 1967 ? 1963 ??

What about the land that Israel occupied in these wars where does that go ?
And if you Israel NOW, that means either we were not sincere with Palestinians before or have decided to be not sincere now.

It is time our civil service particularly the foreign and finance ministry was cleared of "non muslims".

Salman bhai thts wht am saying there are several way to sho ur frustration other than calling nyone non muslim.
The main reasons for Pakistan's policy toward Israel are: (1) religious solidarity with the Arab-Muslim countries; (2) fear of an adverse response by radical Islamist groups throughout the Muslim world; and (3) concern that establishing diplomatic relations with Israel may cause instability within Pakistan.

The article lost credibility right at the start. Opposing Israel is a moral prerogative regardless of the religions involved.

The article is from the standard Israeli rulebook of presenting the conflict as a religious issue in order to play the victim card and use the anti-Semitism defence.
What is wrong with you ?
Keep YOUR emotions aside and try thinking logically.

I asked you a very simple question, WHICH Israel are you trying to accept ?

if you accept 1948 Israel, that means you are in principle agreeing to the creation of state.

If you accept the Israel AFTER it's wars and increase in area, that means you are accepting Israel's occupation of those lands.

If you accept today's Israel that means you are accepting Israel's occupation as legal, and you are also accepting the rights of Jewish settlers to take ownership of that land.

Option 1 is not available, if you select 2 OR 3, you will violate some of your own international commitments.

Lastly, I did not call any one non muslim, and the only thing I am frustrated at is the lack of attention and depth of thought you people are willing to commit to.

i agree tht am less knowlegeable than you but i see things in practical & logical way just tell me what benefits we get or palestinian get in last 60 years in fighting between muslims & israel?
in human history no one can claim any land as there pvt property till jusgement day is it not true that Jews were living in tht area before muslims? why we see picture from one angle only?
If Israel is living peacefully than we should help them to solve their problems with Arabs but we dont accept them they attcks inocent ppls we couldn't do any thing than again US says its right of israelis to save their area & peoples still we cannt do ny thing.

we want to give the same frustrated circle to live in to our fuure generations as well?
"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. "This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. "Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. "It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans."
- David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967

Mossad was formed on December 13, 1949 as the "Central Institute for Coordination" at the recommendation of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to Reuven Shiloah. Ben Gurion wanted a central body to coordinate and improve cooperation between the existing security services – the army's intelligence department (AMAN), the Internal Security Service ("Shin Bet") and the foreign office's "political department"

In 1981, after Israel's attack on Iraq's Osiraq nuclear reactors in the 1980s, a similar plan to attack Pakistan's Kahuta Research facility by using Indian airfields was foiled, when the Pakistan Air Force got alerted beforehand, and took preventative measures

Conservative people in Pakistan will create massive protests against the government besides why would Israel want relations with Pakistan? I don't see a reason for diplomatic ties unless they want to use Pakistani soil against Iran but we won't allow that. We don't want another Afghanistan in our south-west border. Pakistan-Iran border and Pakistan-China border are the only peaceful borders we have.

Let them do what they want, the govt shouldn't be scared off such things. They happen in modern democracies too, the policy should still be adopted.

Maybe right now apart from cups of tea not much can be done, maybe clandestinely we can reap some benefits who knows in what ways we may benefit. There's no harm in it let people protest, if they don't stop then martial law.
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