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Can Pakistan and Israel be friends??

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Apr 27, 2012
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In 1948, Israel was declared as independent state. Both Pakistan and Israel were established with the base of two nation theory. Pakistan was established in the name of Islam while Israel was established for the homeland of Jewish people. But Israel label Pakistan "an antisemitic state" and Pakistan label Israel "A Zionist and racist state". However recently, both Israeli and Pakistani politicians have called for the normalization of diplomatic relations

An attempt to establish diplomatic relations with Pakistan and Israel was made in 1947, when Israel's first Prime minister David Ben-Gurion sent a telegram to Jinnah—Pakistan's founder. But Jinnah instead stated,

“Every man and woman of the Muslim world will die before Jewry seizes Jerusalem. I hope the Jews will not succeed in their nefarious designs and I wish Britain and America should keep their hand off and then I will see how the Jews conquer Jerusalem. The Jews, over half a million, have already been accommodated in Jerusalem against the wishes of the people. May I know which other country has accommodated them? If domination and exploitation are carried now, there will be no peace and end of wars”.


Pakistan didn't recognize Israel. However, in 2005, the foreign ministers of the two countries held talks for the first time.Following the meeting Musharraf said Pakistan will not recognize the state of Israel until an independent Palestinian state is established,—although, according to Musharraf, Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel. There was no need for Pakistan to go against Israel but still Pakistan go against them and help Arab nations against Jewish state because their army was not that powerful and advanced as Pakistani army was.


During Israel's War of Independence, Israel's diplomatic mission in Washington received information that Pakistan was trying to provide military assistance to the Arabs, including rumors that a Pakistani battalion would be sent to Palestine to fight alongside them. Pakistan bought 250,000 rifles in Czechoslovakia that apparently were meant for the Arabs. Also, it became known that Pakistan bought three planes in Italy for the Egyptians.

The Pakistan helped Aran nations against Israel by participating in the 1967 Six-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War; Pakistani pilots flying Jordanian and Syrian planes repeatedly engaged the Israeli Air Force and shot down Israeli planes. Saiful Azam, a Pakistani pilot shot down at least 4 Israeli planes during the Six-Day War. After the Yom Kippur War, Pakistan and the PLO signed an agreement for training PLO officers in Pakistani military institutions. During the 1982 Lebanon War, Pakistani volunteers served in the PLO, and 50 were taken prisoner during the Siege of Beirut.


Israel didn't stay silent too. As Israel has threat from Muslim countries, Israel attack Iraq's nuclear reactor. Israel tried to attack Pakistan's Kahuta research facility in 1981 too by using Indian airfield. India was allegedly warned that Islamabad would attack Trombay if the Kahuta facilities were hit. The Prime Minister Indira Gandhi eventually aborted the operation despite protests from military planners in New Delhi and Jerusalem.


Pakistan and Israel has worked with each other in the 1980s (1980–1988), during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. CIA along with MI5, Mossad and Pakistani-based intelligence ISI, ran a covert operation named Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan to remove the Soviets from the country. During the operation Israel and Pakistan also had high-level dealings through their intelligence agencies, which included military dealings. Israel also supported Pakistan by providing Soviet weapons to Pakistan during the 1980s.


In read there was no need to go against Israel but Pakistan did for Arab countries. Israel was established for the same reason as Pakistan. Pakistan was created to save Islam while Israel was created to save Jews. We all know how Jews were killed during world wars.

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Not possible.
Pakistan and Israel at maximum can have formal relations but cannot become friends.
Not possible.
Pakistan and Israel at maximum can have formal relations but cannot become friends.
Actually they can, all the Arabic countries are warming upto it once they do the mullahs will have no argument left.
But i think even without them we need to establish cordial relations with them.
I forgot to add this.. :D
Some Israeli leaders believe that should diplomatic relations with Pakistan be established then Pakistan could serve as a bridge between Israel and the Muslim world, including Arab countries.
We should have friendly relations with Israel, and we can too. It will benefit both countries.
Actually they can, all the Arabic countries are warming upto it once they do the mullahs will have no argument left.
But i think even without them we need to establish cordial relations with them.
Israel will gain nothing by befreinding Pakistan but it may loose friendship with India.
At best you can have cordial relations with them but not friendship.
Its just like saying that India and Saudi Arabia will become friends.
@WebMaster @Aeronaut ....take care of this post and the poster......

what happened american....you suddenly become concerned with pakistan.....
We are both allied with US and you are strategic partner of Russia. Just Imagine if we solve our problems :haha:
We should have friendly relations with Israel, and we can too. It will benefit both countries.
That's what I was trying to say in above post. This is not our fight. Also Islam don't command us to kill non-Muslims especially Jews.

whats there for Israel ...in friendship with pakistan........
this ain't gonna happen...
Refer to the post # 5
I forgot to add this.. :D
Some Israeli leaders believe that should diplomatic relations with Pakistan be established then Pakistan could serve as a bridge between Israel and the Muslim world, including Arab countries.

was you interview them before ..?
That's what I was trying to say in above post. This is not our fight. Also Islam don't command us to kill non-Muslims especially Jews.

Refer to the post # 5
Which fight? I don't think there is any fight. Hamas firing iranian crackers you call that fight?
Rule 1

Drop you nuclear weapons ..
Rule No.1
Don't even talk about nuclear weapons. Both countries have nuclear weapons and I don't think how that can become a hurdle in becoming friends or having good relations.
We are both allied with US and you are strategic partner of Russia. Just Imagine if we solve our problems :haha:
nope...your ties with america is getting worse day by day...as you come near to china...and Russia will never align with you....
you support Palestine movement against Israel ..and have taken parts in movement against Israel ...
so, its very difficult...for your ties to mend.....
atleast not now...not in these conditions....
I forgot to add this.. :D
Some Israeli leaders believe that should diplomatic relations with Pakistan be established then Pakistan could serve as a bridge between Israel and the Muslim world, including Arab countries.
LOL,Chinese leaders also say that they will not do anything to harm India but we all know the ground realities.
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