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Pakistan and India have lost interest to study in Britain.

Fahad Khan 2

Jan 28, 2013
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LONDON – Students from Pakistan and India have lost interest to study in Britain, according to the latest immigration report published on Thursday.

The official report issued by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) indicated a steep decline in students from Pakistan and other Commonwealth countries opting other international destinations for studies.

“The number of overseas students coming to study in Britain from Commonwealth countries such as India and Pakistan had fallen from 1,00,000 to 35,000 in the past three years”, the report said.

UK University bodies and critics of the country’s immigration policy have been warning the UK government over toughening visa policies driving overseas students, who pay much higher fees, to other countries such as the US and Australia.

The rules are seen as too complex and subject to endless changes, the visa costs are not competitive, and the rules relating to work after study are so limiting that prospective students are heading to the US, Australia, Canada and elsewhere,” the Lords Science and Technology Committee had said in a report last month.

'Big News' For Pakistanis And Indian Students Interested Studying In UK | Pakistan Tribe
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It's become very difficult, near impossible for international students to come and study here. Besides, restrictions are getting tighter. Too many of our people, even when it was easier, took student visas and started working here instead, working when they're not allowed to and overstaying.

If you think you can come here to study, and somehow work to cover your finances too. Think again, it won't happen.
It's become very difficult, near impossible for international students to come and study here. Besides, restrictions are getting tighter. Too many of our people, even when it was easier, took student visas and started working here instead, working when they're not allowed to and overstaying.

If you think you can come here to study, and somehow work to cover your finances too. Think again, it won't happen.

Yaniii I shouldn't come ! :(

And here I thought I had a Brother in England by the name of Jungibaaz who'd show me around and tell me how to ease into life here but it seems I'd be off on my own ! :cray:
It's good because, the so called Great Britain is still seeing a huge influx of immigrants and International students but it's getting worse because these students are from EU, unlike South Asian students who use to pay way more than EU are no longer being allowed.
Who wants to go to a country where they would not even give you post-graduation work permits. I guess Canada,AUS and other countries are way much better than this place.
Yaniii I shouldn't come ! :(

And here I thought I had a Brother in England by the name of Jungibaaz who'd show me around and tell me how to ease into life here but it seems I'd be off on my own ! :cray:

You're an exception my dear, me casa es su casa.
Let me know if you ever do come. :enjoy:
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Very few schools are out there in Uk , which are really good and produce Quality graduates . TOP 15 , rest are crap.
brits have restricted work for foreign students .. kidher say lain gay itnay paisay becharay desi bachay

It's impossible. The only international students I've seen here are a lot from China, and USA. Most Pakistani students I saw came here and realised it was gonna be tough, they quit on the student part and started working just to scratch a living.

That ultimately gets them caught too, university registers attendance forwards that to the authorities if international students don't show up.
Australia is an unwise study option for International students for a number of reasons.
Yep, my colleague is a Masters in Finance from U Melbourne and she couldn't even explain the very basic terms of finance when asked. I was once targeting ANU for my PhD but after that and the general feedback....US all the way...
People are just wasting there money going there... One of my friend who went to Australia he said Australian universities are crap... He said Pakistani teacher are far more cooperative and hard working then in Australia....
It you want to get international degree join any university with its campus in Dubai....
You can also do job with no limitations and fees is also low....
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