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:: Pakistan Air Force vids - Edited on Adobe Premiere ::

Here are some videos that I have edited on the PAF and uploaded on my YouTube page.

Kindly note that there isn't much material out there, espicially in HD. One has to resort to (mostly) music videos and/or documentaries. Can't get much out of news clips because of the slides stuck on 1/3 of the screen most of the time.


Editing is good but music is some video doesn’t Align or simply not making sense.

Listen to this, go through the list and look for their creator and search more music for your video.
Wish we had more raw video material on our hands. Things are improving but still not what it can be yet ! GREAT EDIT
ACEOFPAF may run out of business
Wish we had more raw video material on our hands. Things are improving but still not what it can be yet ! GREAT EDIT
ACEOFPAF may run out of business

But i'm not competing with anyone, especially AceOfPaf as that guy has a lot of following and i'm not in that category.
Here you guys, enjoy...

Bro it's very nice video. But one thing I think to change in it :

at one time, there is a message "let's go war" but just after this message, the jets are shown landing back. Wouldn't be better to have jets bombing, targetting enemies jets (why not Abhinandon Mig, Su30 ?).
Oh and adding jets engines noise when there are close view of Jets would add more dynamics.

I'm not expert at all in video editing, so I don't know if it is easy to change, or add sounds etc.

But I'm always look foward your PAF's videos. :tup:
Sorry.. ( well not really) but that’s a s**t band with s**t music. I was so preoccupied with the noise and carry on with the band that I blanked the rest of the video. It could been about penguins for all I know. Get some better music into your videos please ..I’m very irate at the moment.
Sorry.. ( well not really) but that’s a s**t band with s**t music. I was so preoccupied with the noise and carry on with the band that I blanked the rest of the video. It could been about penguins for all I know. Get some better music into your videos please ..I’m very irate at the moment.
OKay, if that's a shit band - who do you think I outta use next time? Benjamin Sisters. Its a Rock band & a very well know Rock Band of Pakistan. Its an original idea of using so many Drummers sync'ed together.

And last I checked, the PDF Members have always liked my material - possibly over the official released by PAF.

Since you're a Rookie here (less than 10 Days), i'll just let it slide.

P.S.: Your Avatar doesn't do you justice if you're looking for soft music. Perhaps you should change to Martha Stewart...
OKay, if that's a shit band - who do you think I outta use next time? Benjamin Sisters. Its a Rock band & a very well know Rock Band of Pakistan. Its an original idea of using so many Drummers sync'ed together.

And last I checked, the PDF Members have always liked my material - possibly over the official released by PAF.

Since you're a Rookie here (less than 10 Days), i'll just let it slide.

P.S.: Your Avatar doesn't do you justice if you're looking for soft music. Perhaps you should change to Martha Stewart...
Ha!...Benjamin Sisters? Who the f*** are they? Never heard of them.. and by the way you didn’t have to ‘let it slide’ rookie or not give it to me with with both barrels! And my Avatar? ....does not dictate what kind of music I like ( which is quite broad ...doesn’t include Benjamin Sisters’ !) All I’m saying is focusing on the band & their cr***y music instead of the PAF ( in this case) in my book is a no no.
their cr***y music instead of the PAF ( in this case) in my book is a no no.
Just because you showed up and labelled it 'cr***y* music' means d!ck to me - the Editor. The Band Call are well renowned in Pakistan. The Video is of PAKISTAN Air Force - Not the Royal Air Force! If you're capable of understanding the lyrics, you'll possibly understand why I chose it.

If you're interested in in just PAF, stick to articles, news clips and/or Documentaries.
give it to me with with both barrels!
I assure you, you're not worth a double barrel shotgun. And there are plenty here on PDF to skool you day & nite.
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