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Pakistan Air Force Transport

Hi when you say weak engine and larger the IL-76 what’s the point of making it larger then
IL76 if the engine is week any more update is appreciated
Thank you
The Chinese are still in the prototype phase with the Y20 and their engine technology is yet to mature, though do expect a reversed engineered CFM Leap 1C soon, The current engines being used by the Y-20 are based on reversed engineered CFM56 engines
Whats the point for the Chinese to make it the Y-20? They will make them for their strategic needs regardless of whether the engines are not in the same class as RR, GE or P&W etc. Jet engines are their achilles heel, so to speak.

The engines it uses are the Russian D-30s, similar to ones used on our Il-78s with about 23-24,000 lbs of thrust. Compared to C-17 which uses P&W F117-PW-100s with over 40,000 lbs of thrust. Hence I mentioned the under-powered part for a similarly sized aircraft.

Have you people ever thought of it like this---

Are the american engines OVER POWERED---. If you looked at older american cars---the enginbe size on the cars was monsterous---.
China, Chengdu?

Maybe the PAF should buy or charter 1 or 2 747 Freighters for Flying their JF-17 parts from China and Russia.
World's largest plane, Antonov An-225 Mriya, lands in Karachi
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