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Pakistan Air Force Training


School of Electronics (SOE)

Nestled in the serene corner of the city of Karachi, PAF Base Korangi Creek where School of Electronics (SOE) is located, gives the impression of peace inspite of the bustling atmosphere of the epicenter of trade and commerce. SOE has formed and strengthened the backbone of maintenance of the PAF in electronics related disciplines for more than 50 years.

SOE, earlier known as Signals and Radar School was established at RPAF station Malir, Karachi in 1949. It was renamed to the current name in 1954 and was shifted to its present location in 1963.

Courses Offered:

SOE offers training courses in the following three categories :-

Basic Training Courses:

These courses are offered in four electronics and four allied trades. These training courses prepare future technicians to handle sophisticated electronic equipment, aircraft, radars and communication. After successful completion of training, trainees are awarded with Diploma of Associate Engineer in their respective trades.

Specialty Short Courses:

These courses are offered to experienced technicians and officers who after completion of course are awarded certificates.

Career Progression Courses:

These courses are designed for grooming junior commissioned officers and senior non-commissioned officers as future aircraft maintenance supervisors. Certificates are awarded on completion of the courses.

Salient features of these course are as follows :-

Type of courseName of CourseDuration WeeksFrequency
Basic Trg CourseRadio (Air)92-94
(4 Semesters)
Two per year
Basic Trg CourseRadio (Grd)92-94Two per year
Basic Trg CourseRadar (Air)92-94Two per year
Basic Trg CourseRadar (Grd)92-94Two per year
Allied TradeGrd Signalar Observer40-42As required
Allied TradeRadar Opt40-42As required
Allied TradesAir Traffic Controls40-42As required

Eligibility :
Matriculation or equivalent with good understanding of Physics, Mathematics and English is considered essential for the abovementioned courses. Special English Language Classes can also be arranged for the foreign trainees.

Training at SOE:

Training at SOE is a blend of academic subjects, specialty trade subjects and General Services Training. Academic subject which contribute 8% of total training include English, Mathematics and Science. Trade subject constituting 81% of total training include specialist trade theory, precision measuring equipment, digital techniques, computer fundamentals, basic and applied electronics, hands on training on phased out equipment, PABX, subjects like flight and ground safety, QC/QA, supply and logistics, PCB fabrication, maint and organization, management etc.

General Service Training continues throughout training and helps in inculcating military traits like discipline, character building and devotion to duty. Public speaking is encouraged through ADLAS. (After Dinner Literary Activities).

Examination System:

Examination system at SOE is designed to evaluate the conceptual understanding of the trainees. They are examined through surprise quizzes, mid semester and end semester examinations. To ensure highest standards, second and final semester examinations are conducted by an independent PAF organization known as Central Trade Test Board (CTTB).

Instructional Methodology:

Method of instructions include class room lectures followed by extensive practical training in laboratories. SOE campus has extensive training facilities including classrooms, laboratories, workshops, model rooms, library, conference rooms and computer aids. Modern audio visual aids like multimedia presentations, video projections and practical demonstrations are part of training at SOE.


SOE maintains a large faculty of full time instructors, many of whom have obtained their graduate and post graduate degrees from eminent institutions of Pakistan and abroad. All of instructional staff has sufficient field experience in their own specialties.

Educational Facilities:
  • Library:SOE possesses a well established library, which is equipped with sufficient number of books/periodicals on related subjects besides central library of the base and technical and reference libraries located in the near vicinity.

  • Workshops:
  • SOE has General Engg, Soldering and Maintenance workshops equipped with latest equipment.

  • Laboratories:
  • SOE has number of latest laboratories namely basic electronics lab, applied electronics lab, digital communications lab, physics lab, computer lab, morse code lab, radar simulator lab and audio visual lab.

  • Demonstration Rooms:
  • Demonstration Rooms include Radar Operations Model Room, ATC Model Room and Aircraft recognition Model Room.
    Computer Room: SOE has well equipped computer room to ensure that trainees keep pace with the latest trends. Internet facility is also available to the students.

Health of its trainees is of great concern at SOE. In order to inculcate discipline, sportsmanship, spirit of competition and self-control, variety of sports are conducted regularly. Apart from daily sports, which involve each trainee, selected teams represent SOE in a number of school, Base, Air Force and National level competitions. Lush green fields, custom built arenas, natural sea front and exquisite equipment together form a sports paradise to nurture the sportsman spirit of our trainees.

Sports like hockey, cricket, basketball, volleyball, football, squash, tennis, bodybuilding, tug-of-war, badminton, boxing, kabaddi, swimming, table tennis, cross-country and athletics are the available options. The establishment excels exclusively in sea sports by virtue of cleanest shores and modern sea sport equipment. Trainees enjoy the sea sports facilities of PAF Yacht Club, which is also located at PAF Base Korangi Creek. This club hosts diversified water sports activities with speciality in wind surfing and sailing.

Medical Facilities:
Proper medical cover is provided to the trainees. Medical inspection Room is available at the Base. However when required trainees are referred to upgraded hospitals.

Hobbies Clubs:
To ensure indulging in healting activities, all trainees are encouraged to join hobbies clubs which include electronics, Television and Video, aeros-modelling clubs etc.

Accommodation and Messing:
SOE provides boarding, lodging and messing facilities to all its trainees in a comfortable environment. The camp has eight buildings to accommodate over one thousand trainees at a time. Hygienic food and potable water is available in the calm ambience of its dining halls and domestic camp. Foreign trainees are provided separate accommodation and menus prepared to their tastes and cultures.

SOE is located at about forty minutes drive from Quaid-i-Azam International Airport Karachi. The busy railroad station of Karachi Cantt is accessable through ample public transport and is within fifteen minutes reach. The city centre with abundance of shopping malls is also at fifteen minutes drive, approachable by both; public transport and a special transport, arranged for the trainees on weekends.

Selection Procedure for Foreign Trainees:
Friendly countries can contact Air Headquarters Training Branch, Pakistan Air Force for queries about induction of their trainees.​

Institute Of Air Safety
Located at Maripur, Karachi, at a five minutes distance from the beach, the institute maintains conducive environment for training.

History and Role:

Institute of Air Safety was established in 1984 to conduct formal training of Pakistan Armed Forces personnel and members of friendly countries, in all aspects of aviation safety.
Till to date the institute has graduated representatives from various national and international agencies. Over the years, the Institute has rightfully acquired the status of regional centre of excellence for flight safety related training.

Courses Offered:

Title of courseDuration (Weeks)Pre-Requisite / ExperienceFrequency per courseMajor Subject Covered
Flight Safety Officers’ Course
11Flt Lt/Sqn Ldr with 6-14 years of service02 Per yearSafety Programme Management, Aircraft Accident Investigation, Aviation Psychology, Wreckage Diagramming, Flight Safety Campaign, Field Survey Exercise, Group Research Exercise and Educational visits etc.
Aircraft Accident Investigation Course
05Wg Cdr/Sqn Ldr with 12-18 years of service01 per yearOps System Investigations, Tech System Investigations, Material Factors, Aviation Psychology, Wreckage Diagramming, Case Studies, visit etc.
Ground Safety Officers’ Course
02Flt Lt/Sqn Ldr with 6-14 years of service01 Per yearSafety Programme Management, Ground Safety, Psychology Communication Skills and Physiology etc
Technical Investigation Course
02Officers of Engineering Specialty02 Per YearTechnical Investigation, Material Factors, Systems Investigation, visits etc.
Quality Assurance Course
02Flt Lt/Sqn Ldr with 8-14 years of service02 Per YearQuality Assurance Problems, QA management etc.
Safety Management Course
01Gp Capt/Wg Cdr with 14-18 years of service01 Per yearSafety Programme Management, Engg Aspects in Flight Safety, Aviation Psychology, Communication Skills, Aviation Physiology.

Training at IAS:

Training of safety and investigation related courses is a comprehensive blend of academics, field survey exercises, wreckage diagramming exercises, safety campaign exercises, group research exercises, educational visits and debriefs etc.

Instruction Methodology:
The training objectives at IAS are achieved through class room lectures, practical exercises, group research exercise and educational visits.

Institutional staff at IAS comprises of highly experienced and well trained officers who themselves have undergone extensive training in safety related fields.

Educational Facilities:
  • Library:The students of IAS have ready access to the Base Library besides number of periodicals, which are regularly subscribed.

  • Computers: Students at IAS are provided with internet access and can use the latest computers provided in the computer room.

All the students can use the indoor and outdoor sports facilities which includes tennis courts, squash courts, swimming Pool, hockey, football, cricket fields etc. They can also participate in Inter Base competitions with are regularly held.

Medical Facilities:
Proper medical cover is provided to the trainees at the Medical Inspection Room of the Base. However, when required students are referred to upgraded hospitals also.

Accommodation and Messing:
IAS accommodates its students in PAF Officers Mess Masroor in case of officers and PAF airmen Mess in case of airmen/SNCOs. These messes are one of the old and traditional messes and are known for their hospitality and excellent construction. Special menus are made for foreigners.

IAS is 45 minutes drive from city centre and 70 minutes drive from airport. Plenty of public transport runs between the Institution and city major attractions. Railway station is at a distance of only 20 minutes drive.

Selection Procedure for Foreign Trainees:
Friendly countries can contact Air Headquarters Training Branch, Pakistan Air Force for queries about induction of their trainees.​

College of Flying Training (CFT)

College of Flying Training (CFT), established to equip cadets with basic flying skills alongwith sound academic/professional back ground is an integral part of PAF Academy Risalpur.

The history of CFT dates back to independence of Pakistan when realizing the need for a national system of pilot training, a Flying Training School was set up in September, 1947. This institute was raised to the level of Academy by Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan, the then President of Pakistan. With the shifting of College of Aeronautical Engineering, organization of the Academy underwent a major change and CFT became a constituent part of Academy.

Courses Offered:

Name of courseFrequencyPre-RequisitesMajor Subjects Covered
Basic GD(P) Course02 Per YearF.Sc or EquivalentAcademic Trg, Flying Trg, General Service Trg

Training at CFT:

In CFT, cadets go through flying and academic training for 3 years, which eventually leads to the award of B.Sc degrees. For flying training, the college has two types of trainer aircraft i.e. Mushak and T-37. Recently another jet trainer K-8 has also been added to the training fleet of the collage. Directorate of Studies (DOS) looks after the academic side of cadets.

The directorate has four main departments namely Department of Aero Sciences, Department of Humanities, Department of Aviation Sciences and Department of Administration and Air Space Management.

Examination System:

Semester system of assessment is followed for measuring the aviation cadets' academic and professional competence in which they are continuously assessed throughout each semester. To achieve this objective, the students are given periodic (announced or unannounced) quizzes, open book or closed book tests, and home assignments in each semester.

Compulsory library periods, group discussions and public speaking activities are arranged in the afternoon, twice or thrice a week. At the end of each semester, the students are also given a final comprehensive examination. The weightage of classroom tests, quizzes etc (term work) is 40% and counts towards the overall performance of a cadet.

Instruction Methodology:
  • Academics: Method of instruction is based on classroom lectures, which are delivered with the help of training aids like flip charts, OHPs, computers etc. Use of mock-ups, actual components and laboratories help in enhancing practical experience. Hands on Training on phased out aircraft and visits to operational Bases are organized. Computers are used at almost all level of training.
Flying Faculty:

The college has a blend of permanent and rotating faculty to meet the requirements of continuation of policies and practical experience respectively. A considerable number of faculty members have acquired post-graduate qualifications.

Instructor Pilots:

Instructional staff at CFT is a selected lot who are chosen among the PAF Pilots. They are very experienced and are specially trained in the instructional techniques.

Educational Facilities:
  • Reference and Technical Library:The facilities of a well-equipped Reference and Technical Library established at the Academy which can be utilized by instructors as well as cadets for the preparation of routine work and special assignments like ADLA, classroom lectures, group discussions, writing of articles and participation in other extra-curricular activities.

  • Language Laboratory:Two Language Laboratories each equipped with twenty student booths fitted with separate tape records and a double-play master console have been established for language learning and speech training at the Academy. The laboratory is also used by individual preparing to speak before an audience.
The PAF Academy has a small offset press of its own. Normally, it prints its own study material. In addition, it publishes brochures on special events and prints library bulletin.

Extra-Curricular Activities:
In accordance with modern educational practices, the Academy provides a wide variety of extra-curricular activities to train the cadet to spend their leisure time profitable.

The following activities are organized :-

After Dinner Literary Activity:

The activity is held regularly on alternate weeks and each cadet is required to take part in it, once in each semester. It includes declamation, debates, recitations and programmes related to important national and international occasions.
Dramatics: The Academy has an active Dramatics Club with well equipped stage. The club stages at least one play at the end of every semester, generally on the eve of graduation.

Education Visits:

Educational visit to places of historical interest, musemums, factories, etc are organized regularly for all courses. The visits serve to stimulate interest in history, culture, economy and military affairs of the country and provide a first hand knowledge of the important developments taking place in the country. They also enlarge the observation and provide ideas for oral and written exercises. They also give the accompanying instructors a chance to get to know them intimately.

Extra-mural Lectures:

The Academy runs a programme of extra-mural lectures. Eminent personalities are invited to address the Academy staff and students on topics of national and international significance. These lectures provide cross-fertilization of ideas, an important feature of any sound scheme of education. A cadet presides over the function and introduces the guest speaker.

Aero-modelling Club:

The Academy has a well equipped Aero-modelling club which is run under the guidance of an instructor.
Electronics Club:
Electronics club is run under the supervision of an instructor in electronics. It provides first-hand experience of assembling radio sets and transmitters and of applying the theoretical knowledge acquired in electronics classes.

Student Counselling:
A tutor is appointed from the Faculty for each Aviation Cadet of CFT. He is the local guardian and academic counselor of the cadet. He meets the cadet frequently to discuss his academic performance as well as help solve his personal difficulties and problems.

The cadets are provided with adequate facilities to pursue games and sports of their choice.

Officers and trained instructors supervise the cadets’ sports activities. Bi-annual inter-squadron competitions are held in different games. Cadets show great zeal and fervour to win trophies for the prestige of their respective squadrons.
The squadron excelling in games and sports is awarded the championship trophy. An Academic Trophy is also awarded to the squadron achieving best academic results. All such activities are aimed to engender healthy competition and instill esprit de corps among squadron members.

Medical Facilities:
Proper medical cover is provided to the trainees at the Medical Inspection Room of the Base. However, when required trainees are referred to upgraded hospitals also.

Accommodation and Messing:

Cadets’ Mess is the living accommodation of all the cadets of PAF Academy. It is grand complex which is designed to provide facilities of messing, accommodation, recreation and social activities.

When a cadet reports at the College, he is provided a dormitory which he shares with three of his course mates. As he progresses and becomes senior, he moves to a twin bedded/independent room where he stays for the remaining period of his training. All possible measures are taken to provide a balanced diet to the cadets so that they maintain good health during their training period. The affairs of the cadets mess are entirely managed and controlled by the officers of the Cadets’ Wing. Foreign cadets are given option of separate menus according to their tastes.

Risalpur is within easy approach. It is one hour drive from Peshawar. International Airport and two hour drive from Islamabad International Airport. Facility of Road/Rail transportation is available.

Selection Procedure:

PAF Trainees:

PAF trainees are selected on open merit by PAF Information and Selection Centers ( I & S Center) all over the country. Further details can be obtained from any PAF I & S Center.

Foreign Trainees:
Friendly countries can contact Air Headquarters Training Branch, Pakistan Air Force for queries about induction of their trainees.​
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Provost Training School is located at PAF Base Chaklala. Prior to the establishment of the school, there was no formal training for APMs / Security Officers in any PAF training Institution. Officers used to discharge duties in the field of security without any security related background. They remained handicapped to subordinate staff.

PAF personnel were dependent on the training institutions of sister agencies like MP School Dera Ismail Khan, Police College Sihala and other such institutions run by civil and military security forces setups. PAF provost was not in line with the civil police and other sister security forces. Besides, in the rapidly changing socio-political environment, the criminal investigation demanded scientific approach on modern lines.

Therefore, the provost personnel also needed specialized training to keep up with the required pace especially in the prevailing volatile security scenario.

Aim of Training

Provost Training School PAF, has been delegated with the responsibility to impart professional knowledge on physical security aspects & investigation techniques on modern lines to PAF Provost Personnel. Accordingly, the Role and Task of the School is to imparting training on Physical Security Aspects & Investigation techniques. It also conducts Security Indoctrination of PAF Personnel and professional knowledge / practical police work on modern lines in the field of physical security / VVIP Protection to PAF Personnel deployed in Provost Set up.

Training Methodology

The following methodology is being adopted during the course of conduct of various courses held at Provost Training School:-

Multimedia LecturesGroup Discussions
Guest SpeakersEducational Visits
Practical Police WorkScenario Testing
Critiques / FeedbackIndividual Research Presentations (Officers’ Courses)

Academic Facilities

Provost Training School is established with a Forensic Lab containing Investigation Kits and various other modern security equipment. The facility is used to conduct and manage the crime investigation and crime scene processing on modern lines by using scientific methods. In this regard students are tested on practical case scenarios of simulated crime scenes of different nature. Besides, a high-speed internet DSL facility has also been provided in the library for the research work by the course participants.

Investigation Kits

Finger / Foot Print KitsAudio / Video Monitoring System
Suspect Postal Bomb ContainerHandheld Metal Detector
Taser GunUnder Vehicle Searching Mirror
Marshalling TorchUltraviolet Light
Multi Media Projection SystemIED Dummy Models
Dummy WeaponsPosters & Charts
Interrogation RoomMannequins
Audio Video Aids

Training Equipment / Aids

The equipment being used at the School for training purposes include:-

Polygraph InstrumentsWalkthrough Gates
Investigation KitsFinger / Foot Print Kits
Audio / Video Monitoring SystemSuspect Postal Bomb Container
Handheld Metal DetectorTaser Gun
Under Vehicle Searching MirrorMarshalling Torch
Ultraviolet LightStethoscope
BoroscopeMulti Media Projection System
IED Dummy ModelsDummy Weapons
Posters & Charts Interrogation Room
MannequinsAudio Video Aids

Educational Visits

Educational visits to various high-profile sister security forces setups and institutions are arranged during courses to broaden the horizon of students. These include:-

National Police AcademyPunjab Police College Sihala
FIA AcademyPolice Headquarters Islamabad
Rescue 15 IslamabadForensic Science Lab, Islamabad
Anti Narcotics Force HQs RawalpindiP&S Units
Canine Services IslamabadMilitary & Naval Police Units
Special Investigation Branch (SIB), GHQMotorway / Highway Police
SSW Kalar KaharEOD Cell Chaklala
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Explosive Ordnance School is situated at PAF Base, Malir Karachi and housed within the premises of No 105 Air Engineering Depot, PAF. The unit has two training blocks and two administration blocks. The EOD School is proud custodian of large inventory of modern and latest EOD/IED equipment inducted in the PAF. The EOD School was established on 29 June 2005. EOD training also came in focus and PAF EOD School was formally established in June 2005. The school is progressing with the passage of time and the EOD setup in PAF is undergoing a drastic improvement in equipment modernization and its operational applications

Mission of the School

The mission of PAF EOD School is to provide specialized Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD) training to Officers and Airmen in the best possible ways with optimum efficiency. In general, the training covers methods and procedures for the detection, identification, recovery, evaluation and disposal of explosive ordnance. The School is equipped with latest training and associated equipment/facilities provided by the service.

Training Objectives

To train PAF personnel on disposal of air delivered unexploded munitions, to provide training on disposal of IEDs and life expired friendly weapons and to conduct research in new EOD and IEDD techniques and equipment.

Training Courses

Basic EOD/IEDD Course
Advanced EOD/IEDD Course
Counter Terrorism & IED Search Technique
Special Course
Officers' FAM Course









School of Accounts & Finance is located at Air Headquarters unit Peshawar. School of Accts & Finance was established in Feb, 07 at AHQ Peshawar. The purpose was to provide a formal place of education and to conduct Professional Phase Training of Accounts' Cadets, Trainees & in-service course for Officers, JCOs / Airmen & Civilians of Accts branch.

Aim of Training

The purpose of SAF is to provide effective and efficient manpower to PAF for financial management and maintenance of accounts through quality professional training, in conformity with the service accounting standards. The task is to conduct initial training of Accts Cadets & Trainees as well as in-service course for Accts personnel.

Training Structure

Computer Based Training is imparted in line with modern teaching techniques and as per Automated Financial Management System (AFMS) requirements.

Academic Facilities

SAF has well equipped computer lab having internet / intranet facility and a library to facilitate the undergoing courses of Officers/Airmen and Civilians at SAF.



Information Technology School (ITS) is located in PAF Camp Badaber AHQ Peshawar. In 1976 Directorate of Data Automation was established at PAF Camp Badaber, AHQ Peshawar to meet all computerization needs of the PAF. In January, 1998 Computer Training Centre was established in Directorate of Data Automation for training of Data Processing Assistants. In 1998, after the shifting of Directorate of Data Automation to Air Headquarters, Islamabad Computer Training Centre was named as Computer Training School. Directorate of Data Automation was renamed as Directorate of Information Technology in the year 2001. Later on CTS was re-named as ITS (Information Technology School) in July, 2005.

Aim Of Training

IT School is responsible to conduct IT Professional courses for newly inducted IT Officers, impart computer literacy to foreign officers and all branches of PAF other than IT Officers. The School also conducts extensive basic and advance training for IT Aero Apprentices on regular basis. Special/advance courses for IT Professionals are being carried out to provide advance training. Besides, IT School is responsible to train all technical and non technical trades (including Airmen and Civilians). IT School designs special courses for Airmen proceeding on posting abroad and deputation as and when required.

Training Structure

IT School has well furnished, air-conditioned classrooms. The classrooms have facilities of Multimedia and sound system through which lessons and lectures are being delivered with modern instructional techniques. Panaboard has been added to classroom environment so that instructional methods could be redefined. IT School conducts examinations in a secure environment using e-Testing system.

Academic Facilities

A computer lab is established which is equipped with latest computers having LCDs with multimedia support to conduct on-line exams and practical training. IT School has a vast and well organized Library with a variety of books for its students. A Computer Maintenance Cell (CMC) is also established for maintenance of computers as well as to conduct Maintenance Course. Internet with 2MB stream is available to facilitate the trainees and staff to enhance their knowledge and instructional capabilities



Courses Offered

IT School offers following different Computer Courses for Officers, Airmen and Civilians from familiarization to advance level.

Officers CoursesInformation Technology School
Computer Professional Programme (IT Officers)
Database Adm1nistration Course (Foreign Officers)
Computer Familiarization Programme (Non IT Officers)
Aero Apprentices CoursesComputer Professional Programme
Airmen Courses (IT Asstt)JCO (Trade Portion)
Skill Enhancement Programme
Advanced Skill Enhancement Program
Computer Maintenance Course
Airmen Courses (Non IT)Computer Literacy Progamme
Computer Literacy Programme (Posting Abroad + Deputation)
Civilians CoursesComputer Literacy Programme
Mirage-IIIEA "Combat Commander School".

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.”

"Combat Briefings"


Combat Pre-Strike Briefings are fairly detailed, Briefings began with a weather brief, followed by target(s) and target area, threats (both airborne & surface), recent intel, friendly locations, operations by other groups that are going on at the same time, locations of search and rescue forces, status / location of air refueling tracks, downed aircraft locations, and the takeoff lineup covering the strike period.

Training briefings are a small subset of the above, even small formations like a 2 ship will have a pre-flight briefing. Aircraft deployment briefings cover route of flight, refueling points, emergency landing points or areas, call signs and flight surgeon's comments.

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