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Pakistan Air Force to recieve Spada 2000 System


Jan 20, 2006
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As per a reliable Pakdef source, PAF has placed orders for SPADA 2000 system.

Army Technology - Spada 2000 - Advanced Air Defence System

Confirmation at JDW:

Pakistan orders MBDA air defence batteries
Pakistan has placed an order for a number of MBDA Aspide/Spada 2000 low- to medium-altitude air defence batteries, according to Jane's sources. The value ...
Wasnt there a need for a long range air defence system more rather low to medium range. Pakistan already has a significant air defence system for low and medium range air defence requirement. The system seems impressive but isnt they goona be vulnerable to an air attack since they have a fixed launcher.
Pak chooses Italian Spada 2000 air defence system
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has ordered a number of Italian made MBDA Spada 2000 air defence system to meet its requirement of low to medium air defence.

The new system will be replacing the old French Crotale air defence systems. BDA Spada 2000 was evaluated by the PAF officials in 2006 and was selected for acquisition beating Raytheon SL-AMRAAM and German Diehl BGT IRIS-t SL air defence systems.

The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, air defence system which has quick reaction time and requires very few operators to man the system. The system can engage up to 4 targets simultaneously, and has the track range of 60KM while it can intercept a target at 25KM accurately. (ANI)

Poor websites, Defence Talk, Web India 123, copying word to word from Pakistan Defence.
some pic of Spada 2000



Spada 2000 coming with full ToT, thats great news. :) Defence ties with Italy have grown over the past few years, there's a range of weapons and avionics we'll be receiving from Italy.
thanks for the pics, wilco
another feather in the cap of our defence planners.
diversify, diversify, diversify and self sufficency.
I always seem to have a problem seeing the pics. I cant see the first pic, if anyone can paste the actual link to it.
The Spada 2000 is a great system and will perfectly meet the role the two services have set out for it. The other two known systems also for evaluation are the SL-AMRAAM / CLAWS) and strong rumours about the SAMP T also from MBDA. I’d personally settle for the SAMP T to take care of medium to high altitude threats considering we operate French batteries already and we have just ordered from the same consortium.
The Aspide 2000 missile is an upgraded version of the Aspide surface-to-air missile. The missile is capable of engaging hostile attack aircraft before the aircraft can release airborne standoff weapons. The Aspide 2000 is also capable of intercepting air-launched missiles once launched. The upgraded missile uses an enhanced single-stage rocket motor which provides increased missile speed, higher lateral acceleration and effective range.

They still use the old sparrow missile.


No it does not use the "Sparrrow Missiles" do some research before you speak.

The Aspide is derived from the AIM-7E Sparrow but the ASPIDE 2000 is significantly improved missile that has a bigger warhead (35kg fragmentation instead of 25kg continuous rod type), a more powerful engine (mach 4 instead of mach 3) more manoeuvrability i.e. it have independent fins and not in pairs like the sparrow and more accurate internal radar (it uses Monopulse radar which is an adaptation of conical scanning radar. The radar is also highly resistant to jamming which explains MBDA’s selling point of the system being able to operate in dense ECM environments. Other improvements have been made to increase the engagement range of the missile as well as interception capability, particularly of highly manoeuvrable targets at low level. The missile also has one of the best reliability rates in the world for any given air defence system.

Providing a overage of 2000km, target detection range at 60 km, interception at 25km and the ability to track 100 targets and engage four at a time with missiles the system is lethal to say the least.
Well Mr.waz, how lethal is the weapon when it comes to the MKI's of the indian airforce since it the longrange bomber aircraft in the IAF inventory, i have read pakistan airdefence's concern regarding the MKI's that they fly with a range more then 25 kms.
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