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Featured Pakistan Air Force: Punching Above Its Weight

Pakistan Air Force: Punching Above Its Weight


Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah on a visit to the flying school of then RPAF located at Risalpur on 13 April 1948 said,

“A country without a strong Air Force is at the mercy of any aggressor. Pakistan must build up her Air Force as quickly as possible. It must be an efficient Air Force, Second To None.”

Pakistan Air Force has always kept its standard high to meet the challenges of aerial warfare, especially in this 21st century. Better engineering technologies, better tactics, and better training have brought new opportunities to take advantage of for the defense of airspace. PAF is not new to the usage of flying simulators for more efficient and cost-effective training of pilots or to the threat of Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missiles (BVRAAM). It perhaps scored the only recent example of such a hit in the world on 27th February 2019, by taking down an Indian SU-30 MKI Air-Superiority fighter aircraft belonging to No. 221 of IAF; from PAF’s American made F-16 Block 20 MLUed with Serial No. 84606 flown in No. 11 Squadron by Squadron Leader Hasan Mahmood Siddiqui.


PAF has also equipped itself with a jointly produced aircraft, Joint-Fighter (JF) 17 Thunder, and is currently introducing the 3rd iteration of its single-seater version. There are 50 Block I variants (upgraded to Block II standard), 62 Block II variants, and 26 dual seater or Block B variants produced by CAC & PAC. Flight tests for Block III variants are ongoing and 12 of them are expected to be operationalized by PAF’s No. 17 ‘Tigers’ Squadron soon. Some salient features of the latest block include KLJ-7A AESA radar, one additional hardpoint (7+1) under its fuselage, improved MAWs, more composites to improve load capacity, PL-12 and PL-15 AAMs for BVR combat, RD-93 which later will be replaced by RD-93MA, improved EW capability (Pajnad), in-flight refueling (IFR), ASELPOD, better HUD, 3-axis digital fly-by-wire (FBW) control system and a new HMD/S. The light fighter aircraft costs between 18-35 million dollars depending upon the configuration and is expecting sales to multiple developing countries.


PAF is also inducting Chinese J-10 C multirole aircraft as the threat from its Eastern neighbor is ever increasing. J-10 C houses a more powerful radar, 11 hardpoints, and is a different class from JF 17 being a medium role fighter jet. Pakistan currently flies around 378 fighter aircraft including 18 F-16 Blk 52+, 43 F-16 MLU, 13 F-16 ADA, 134 JF 17 Block II standard, 69 Mirage V, 56 Mirage III, and 45 F-7PG. The addition of JF 17 Block III and J-10C 4++ generation fighter jets will augment the air power of PAF.


Pakistan Air Force has also invested in net-centric capabilities including building its datalink called Link-17, C4ISR framework, AWACs, EW aircraft, and fuel tankers to boost its strength. Fighter aircraft with their pinpoint accuracy especially using sniper pods have successfully targeted terrorists and dismantled their infrastructure from the ground. As air battles evolve, PAF is continuously evolving itself too to keep up with new tactics, strategies, and equipment.
console.log("Hello world!")
20th March 2023 :

" The Pakistan Air force has finally revealed its Pair of Light - Heavy 4.5 Generation Multi roles during 23rd March 2023 Parade Aerial Show rehearsals going on in capital city of Islamabad. The hungry cameras of Aviation journalists raced to capture the much awaited clearest images todate of PAF's prized Assets inside their lenses.

The much awaited induction of MR Squadron 16 Black Panthers for JF-17C Thunders Block-3 , along with Omni role Canard Delta J-10CP [both in original PAF colours as well as Tactical attack livery] meant

'A dawn of new era for Pakistan Air force'.

Based on Airframes captured by aviation spotters & leaked pictures, there are 12 Jf-17C Block 3s inducted and 26 J-10Cps fully deployed in the PAF Fleet. The total number of Jf-17s inclusive of Bravo Twin Seaters have reached around 140 - 145 units ,

  • JF-17A Block-I - 50 units
  • JF-17A Block-II - 57 units
  • JF-17B Block-II - 26 units
  • JF-17C Block-III - 12 units

while the envisaged number of J-10CPs is estimated from minimum 60 to 110 based on historical induction plans of Pakistan Air force.

The Chengdu plant in China has recently diverted its resources towards manufacturing of J-20s. Considering historical relations between Pakistan & China, its not completely out of question to see PAC establishing an assembly line for J-10C with Chinese assistance as was done with Jf-17s.

The inclusion of WS-10 Power plant in fleet signals PAF has bestowed its full confidence in the level of performance of current day Chinese Aviation industry as a well rounded substitute to Western technology. The reports and statistics posted by Chinese media for WS-10B After-burning turbofan engines claim 89.17 kN (20,050 lbf) thrust dry or 142 kN (32,000 lbf) with afterburner..!

While remaining on the subject of engine - The recent Block 3 Jf-17 images clearly indicate that Russian RD-93 engine has remained the engine of choice for PAF as for now.

The future development of WS-19E engine from China or improving relations with Russia could pave way for RD-93MA in future when PAF fleet wide engines would have reached the end of thier useful service life.

True - The haunting of sanctions and non availability of Spares in case of conflict and non availability of F-16 Block 70s pushed PAF towards this option - Yet the performance of J-10Cs during Shaheen exercises with Chinese PLAAF , where it was difficult for PAF assets to locate J-10c made the decision much more easy

The expression : " J-10C is a Ghost in the sky"sums it up.

Experienced PAF F-16 Pilots have shared the opinions while interviewed in Second to None magazine.

"There was an unbelievable amount of thrust when I opened up the afterburner for the first time. The J-10C can produce 29,000 lb thrust, which is 10,000 lbs excess thrust than the JF-17 produces, and as much power as two and a half Mirages put together. A single Mirage produces 14,000 lb thrust." -Squadron Leader Jibran Rashid.

The induction process somehow overshadows the efforts to modernise available assets. The conversion of Jf-17 Block IIs to Block -3 standard [AESA Radar capable] would mean that almost entire PAF CAP / Offensive Fleet including the work horse assets would be AESA - BVR Capable.

The efforts to locally assemble AESA Radars & BVR missiles, augmented with the steady integration of various Range Extension kits, Stand off Weapons, Air to Ground PGMs, Anti Ship Missiles , Jamming & Targeting Pods, Helmet mounted Display / Cueing Systems & Within visual range / Beyond visual range missiles continues which exhibits Capability enhancement while leveraging the Platforms available.

With the social media buzzing with pictures of Thunder Jf-17 Block-2 pictures of modified Ra'ad-I ALCM with turbojet engine boasting 500 - 600 km range stand off capability, the fruits of PAF leadership of last 2 decades vision & efforts are now seen blooming.

Considering the era when during Kargil conflict how PAF fighter jets back then had to deal with Indian Air assets while maintaining a distance , to Swift retort time & now to current time when the number of High-tech Assets with latest tools / gadgets to boast such as AESA Radar of PAF with Long shot capability soaring above their arch rivals , its a commendable effort.

When one adds up the induction of UAVs such as TB-2 in the mix , with HALE Akinci AESA laden A2A Missile , SOM-J firing capable to be inducted - considering the budgetary constraints ,

Pakistan Air force is surely Second to none & Punching above its Weight."





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20th March 2023 :

" The Pakistan Air force has finally revealed its Pair of Light - Heavy 4.5 Generation Multi roles during 23rd March 2023 Parade Aerial Show rehearsals going on in capital city of Islamabad. The hungry cameras of Aviation journalists catching clearest images of PAF's prized Assets in their lenses.

The much awaited induction of MR Squadron 16 Black Panthers for JF-17C Thunders Block-3 , along with Omni role Canard Delta J-10CP [both in original PAF colours as well as Tactical attack livery] meant

'A dawn of new era for Pakistan Air force'.

With the social media buzzing with pictures of Thunder Jf-17 Block-2 pictures of modified Ra'ad-I ALCM with turbojet engine boasting 500 - 600 km range stand off capability, the fruits of PAF leadership of last 2 decades vision & efforts are now seen blooming.

Considering the era when during Kargil conflict how PAF fighter jets back then had to deal with Indian Air assets while maintaining a distance , to Swift retort time & now to current time when the number of High-tech Assets with latest tools / gadgets to boast such as AESA Radar of PAF with Long shot capability soaring above their arch rivals , its a commendable effort.

When one adds up the induction of UAVs such as TB-2 in the mix , with HALE Akinci AESA laden A2A Missile , SOM-J firing capable to be inducted - considering the budgetary constraints ,

Pakistan Air force is surely Punching above its Weight."



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Now if only we had the budget we could quickly induct the planned for 50 Block 3 JF-17s, upgrade the 134 Block 2 JF-17s to the Block 3 standard over the remainder of the decade and move on to purchasing a total of 120 J-10CPs so the PAF can finally retire the Mirages and F-7PGs. Then once the T-FX Becomes mature and the needs of the TuAF are met, we could replace our 74 F-16s with at least 90 T-FX. Creating a throughly modern (all 21st century standard) 22 Squadron (manned) Fighter force, with systems in place to induct squadrons of unmanned fighters to complement our manned fighters.
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With all due respect, where were all these jets when drones were murdering our citizens between 2007 to 2017?
With all due respect, where were all these jets when drones were murdering our citizens between 2007 to 2017?
not so much to do with the AF, rather its to do with politics.
not so much to do with the AF, rather its to do with politics.

You mean the politics your GHQ controls?
You mean the politics your GHQ controls?
My GHQ? Wow, i never knew I have ownership over GHQ.
My GHQ? Wow, i never knew I have ownership over GHQ.
Deflect all you want soulja boy. Won't change the questions the average Pakistani is asking.
console.log("Hello world!")


This is a bot.

Looks like one of the PDF government moderation bots has revealed themselves??
Deflect all you want soulja boy. Won't change the questions the average Pakistani is asking.
I support the soldiers in the army. Not the generals at the top.

Have a good day
Deflect all you want soulja boy. Won't change the questions the average Pakistani is asking.
how'd an average Canadian pajeet know?

I support the soldiers in the army. Not the generals at the top.

Have a good day
so who should lead "the soldiers in the army" the PDEffers or the retard e ahzam should be installed as the permanent supreme leader and sipah-salar should either be imported from iran or one of his tali-buddies?
so who should lead "the soldiers in the army" the PDEffers or the retard e ahzam should be installed as the permanent supreme leader and sipah-salar should either be imported from iran or one of his tali-buddies?
who do you think?
who do you think?
yes, we will move the control of the army to PDF GHQ. after some devine entity restores the truest of all the a'immah ( أئمة ) namely the retard hazrat imam taliban khan sahib to the throne of Pakistan as the supreme leader
Now if only we had the budget we could quickly induct the planned for 50 Block 3 JF-17s, upgrade the 134 Block 2 JF-17s to the Block 3 standard over the remainder of the decade and move on to purchasing a total of 120 J-10CPs so the PAF can finally retire the Mirages and F-7PGs. Then once the T-FX Becomes mature and the needs of the TuAF are met, we could replace our 74 F-16s with at least 90 T-FX. Creating a throughly modern (all 21st century standard) 22 Squadron (manned) Fighter force, with systems in place to induct squadrons of unmanned fighters to complement our manned fighters.

It would be interesting to see if the JF17 Block II's can be upgraded to the Block II variant or not. The cooling requirements of the AESA had a structural impact on the design - so unless they went for the aircooled variant of the AESA for Block II upgrades, they may have to either keep their existing radars, or possibly do some structural modifications( or put a new nose on the Block II's ? ) ?

Lets see - time will tell. Having the actual factory that makes the jets means you can consider more deeper changes to upgrade them than you could consider with other imported planes.
yes, we will move the control of the army to PDF GHQ. after some devine entity restores the truest of all the a'immah ( أئمة ) namely the retard hazrat imam taliban khan sahib to the throne of Pakistan as the supreme leader

Delusional uber taxi driver giving lectures 😂
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