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At this time strategically it would/be a bad move. I would ve patient. Let the Talibans take over and the power tussle finish and then negotiate with them. Interfering in Afghanistan will make us more enemies and redirect attention from the Taliban taking over to us which is not required. Once Afghanistan settles all nonstate actors/will either exit or be exterminated. I think it is/imperative as Talibans also realize they have no other/way out but to negotiate peace with Pakistan.
Fully agreed. In fact, as Taliban kick out the puppet regime of Ashraf Ghani and get the power in Afghanistan, they'll eliminate all those anti-Pakistan terrorists currently active in Afghanistan. You wouldn't have to use these drones for that purpose.
Talibans supported TTP against pakistan more then 60 thousands people have been killed, even in waziristan there's a power struggle going on thats why we here so mang people, aid workers getting killed, abducted in waziristan. ...

Absolute nonsensical gibberish. Don't spend too much time reading Indian media.
Air surveillance against your own people is always a challenging task. Insurgents dont look different form civilians when viewed from top by UAV.
Remember, how many civilians killed by drone attacks by US in Afghanistan ?

It's easy to detect a terrorist from a civilian when they are trying to cross the border with ak47s and trying to cut down the fence which Pakistan put up.

As for civillian areas, IBos are conducted. Drones can survey the area for possible Ambushes. It's not necessary for a drone to always carry munitions or always carry a strike when they detect an enemy force.
At this time strategically it would/be a bad move. I would ve patient. Let the Talibans take over and the power tussle finish and then negotiate with them. Interfering in Afghanistan will make us more enemies and redirect attention from the Taliban taking over to us which is not required. Once Afghanistan settles all nonstate actors/will either exit or be exterminated. I think it is/imperative as Talibans also realize they have no other/way out but to negotiate peace with Pakistan.

A part of me wonders whether we stand to benefit from providing air support to a Taliban takeover? Could it buy is political mileage with them, and also would it help prevent a long civil war full of refugees? Maybe we could do it under the guise of anti terror opps initially.
It will be the MALE not HALE, correct your information sir
It’s HALE. PAC is making 2 MALE and 1 HALE UAV.
One of the MALE UAVs has already been inducted, Shahpar 2, was shown on the parade.
The MALE UCAV is almost finished, has been seen in prototypes at PAC.
The HALE UCAV is still under development.
It’s HALE. PAC is making 2 MALE and 1 HALE UAV.
One of the MALE UAVs has already been inducted, Shahpar 2, was shown on the parade.
The MALE UCAV is almost finished, has been seen in prototypes at PAC.
The HALE UCAV is still under development.
I would ask for a source for all of that. And I ask that because Shahpar 2 has nothing to do with PAC or Azm so your information is suspect. I have not seen a mention of a HALE program but I would be very happy to be proven wrong (who doesn't like a HALE?)
I would ask for a source for all of that. And I ask that because Shahpar 2 has nothing to do with PAC or Azm so your information is suspect. I have not seen a mention of a HALE program but I would be very happy to be proven wrong (who doesn't like a HALE?)
Actually, you’re correct about the company , shahpar 2 is a MALE UAV but it’s from GIDS, my bad on that one.
We’ve already seen the PAC MALE UCAV and its specifications.

As for the HALE, some people were claiming it’s that ZF-1 viper thing from some other company that was floating about because they saw a poster about it and then compared it to a “render” that was in a documentary about AZM by PAF (was being shown on a computer screen) because they both looked the same, However I don’t think either of those are good indications that such a UAV is in development, but AZM does involves a bigger UAV project after their current one based on “next gen technology” (I assume they mean “stealth” and turbofans)
I’m not sure if anything will ever become of it because it’s as ambitious as the FGFA program (which we expect to be rolled into Another program like TFX/J-31)

Photo included just because I mentioned it, I have no idea what this is but it’s not from AZM.
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Actually, you’re correct about the company , shahpar 2 is a MALE UAV but it’s from GIDS, my bad on that one.
We’ve already seen the PAC MALE UCAV and its specifications.

As for the HALE, some people were claiming it’s that ZF-1 viper thing from some other company that was floating about because they saw a poster about it and then compared it to a “render” that was in a documentary about AZM by PAF (was being shown on a computer screen) because they both looked the same, However I don’t think either of those are good indications that such a UAV is in development,
GIDS is just a marketing company that markets products made by several state owned military complexes.

ZF-1 was a render by a private company that imports and sells quadcopters that has since moved on to other projects so that's nothing.

but AZM does involves a bigger UAV project after their current one based on “next gen technology” (I assume they mean “stealth”)
Who or what are you quoting there? I haven't seen such a reference to a UAV project.

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