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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

Indeed one can say that, but it would be nice addition to the Naval support role....Navy needs long range, heavy aircraft that can penetrate the EW environment.
I know a twin engine, that too Russian jet doesn't make sense for Pakistan, but it will do wonders even if only one squadron is procured.
Maybe it is possible that Pakistan might have shown interest in SU35 because if we recall our memory minister for defence production did mention that Pakistan is interested in Russian aircraft and Gunship..however now Indian has shown some interest in SU35 and an even an advance form of SU35.
So it is wishful thinking other wise I personally think SU35 can be the best option Pakistan can have..
I have doubts abt Pak defence minister, he is perhaps not a credible source, have no knowledge abt defense.:o:
What's prototype 31002 ???
I read somewhere that Saudis want thunder with westren engine not russian and that engine is euro fighter one so they have no issue in engine but it's big IF .?but for PAF it opens the door for possible westren engine and rolls Royce have no issue so in this logic it's win for BAE if they sell theior plane and engine to pak And saudia win win for every body .
If this is true then PAF would likely jump to Turkish Fighter X project.

Personally I wish the Paf had enough resources and budget to replace all mirages with the likes of j 10b or c, With heavier payload the j10 can easily take over the strike role etc, Mirages should have been replaced by now but we are still feeling the affects of the 90s s lost a decade for Paf.

The thing is that PAF has spent a lot on these aircraft and it is a very cost effective aircraft. You might be aware that most Airforce's of the world do continue to maintain their old aircraft for some time even if they have been removed from active service so that they can be used for any emergency. PAF is continuing with these Mirages because PAF knows that even if they replace them today with a new type they would have to maintain these for some more time (lets say till 2019-2020) then why not fly them till that time. These can be then replaced by 5th Gen aircraft as well as the JF-17 Blocks would also have been upgraded to a very potent aircraft.

No need for another platform, prototype 31002 is under construction as per the reports. The PAF will be able to see first hand what it can & can't do. That should give us a reasonable assessment to throw the hat in the ring or not.

What is the news on Stealth variant of JF-17.
Any possibility PAF might be entering the TFX or KFX projects. The TFX has a single engine design as well which could be good addition.
Hey while we are going to buy everything under the sun, might as well go for this


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Dont tell me, did he convert to Islam later in his life? A fact buried by conspiracy.. little did we know that Leonardo da Vinci was actually Al Hajj Leonardi bin Vinci

You deserve a ban Haji Oscar al Karachiite al kundi. :sarcastic:
Dont tell me, did he convert to Islam later in his life? A fact buried by conspiracy.. little did we know that Leonardo da Vinci was actually Al Hajj Leonardi bin Vinci

I am sure there are some Arabic scriptures indicating the same, somewhere in the Levant region.

You deserve a ban Haji Oscar al Karachiite al kundi. :sarcastic:
.....extending it to bin Rashed bin Al Maktum bin al Gagash.
You deserve a ban Haji Oscar al Karachiite al kundi. :sarcastic:
Sheikh Oscar roams around with his shalwar below the ankles and at Salah says Ameen loudly and does not do Rafa e yadain. He is a wahabi. Burn him!!!!! Sorry Oscar there can only be one sheikh in this community and Iam it!!! You can not be allowed to prosper. Either do bayat and tow the line or suffer the consequences. We can both share the tonne of halwa puri that I get daily as nazar once you join te team.
HaHa Ha.
Araz Mullah Fasaadi (aka) budha baba Araz.
I think Russian aircraft might be an expensive option for PAF.
Chines new Project j-31 seems perfect according to our needs.
I would go for the Iranian F-313 a fifth gen platform, hopefully as the relations between Pak and Iran are improving I don not see why we can not procure these remarkable pieces of tech.

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