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Pakistan Air Force has an edge over Indian Air Force: Indian Parliamentary panel

Just excuses to get more budget for more weapons, the money they can then put in their pockets.
So whats all this fuss, or may be its a tactic to force that be in control to push for money . Its like we are going to war tomorrow
It might be a prelude to huge budget increase for IAF in coming years. They are preparing mindset of public and politicians.

However PAF does enjoy some specific advantages. F16 are outnumbered but are superior to anything they have at the moment. PAF also has been able to complete some projects earlier than them like JF17, AEW induction, and network integration. Some other projects are also progressing well so there is some truth in the statement that PAF has edge in some areas and they know it!
What about Bangladesh?? Bhutan?? Nepal?? Burma??
What about China?? They are far more capable than us!!
The way things are going, India should start comparing itself with Burkina Faso! :sick:

Trying to squeez out money for IAF... Everyone knows that PAF never had any edge over IAF...(Apart from Training which i think indians have closed the gap)
Exactly! Ringing alarm bells is the only way to get these turds to start moving their fat useless asses.

I hope it works!! ;)
However PAF does enjoy some specific advantages. F16 are outnumbered but are superior to anything they have at the moment. PAF also has been able to complete some projects earlier than them like JF17, AEW induction, and network integration. Some other projects are also progressing well so there is some truth in the statement that PAF has edge in some areas and they know it!
Paksanity LOL. More like insanity

F16 are outnumbered but are superior to anything they have at the moment
Simply no words
AEW induction
Ever heard of Phalcon AWACS? DRDO AEW&CS? Google it up son.
like JF17
JF-17? earlier than what? LCA? LOL For your 1 JF-17, we have 4 Sukhoi, 1 Fulcrum, 1 Mirage, 3 Flogger, 2 Jaguar, 3 Fishbed.
and network integration
IAF network goes live | StratPost
September 14, 2010
Better luck next time.
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We have no intention of direct military action against you. We have our own problems to solve.

Neither India will make an unprovoked attacked, we too have our own problems to solve, but its all about being prepared.


Damn that Indian education must have really sucked.

Thanks for pointing out the mistake.
we can say a legitimate excuse for increased budget allocation

For them this was the legitimate excuses.A revelation like this will grab some attention from necessary quarters and they will loosen purse string.
Total PAF Sqdn is ~26 including training, transport etc. Indian Combat Sqdn is ~26 if you include support then its more then double. So just a sensational news and like some one said asking for more $$$
I am amazed!

1. I don't know whether this was IAF deliberately playing with statistics to present what is essentially a bald faced lie to the Parliamentary Panel.

2. Or whether Dassault and Reliance influenced the Parliamentary Panel members directly(bypassing IAF) to do statistical jugglery to force MoD to speed up negotiations.

3. Whether it was collusion between IAF and Dassault and Reliance on this.

But it is impressive the lengths they are going to. Most impressive.

No, the report is fallacious and essentially only to rabble rouse over funds.
I am amazed!

1. I don't know whether this was IAF deliberately playing with statistics to present what is essentially a bald faced lie to the Parliamentary Panel.

2. Or whether Dassault and Reliance influenced the Parliamentary Panel members directly(bypassing IAF) to do statistical jugglery to force MoD to speed up negotiations.

3. Whether it was collusion between IAF and Dassault and Reliance on this.

But it is impressive the lengths they are going to. Most impressive.

All three have very strong motivation.
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