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Yupe PAF Loves F-Sola they will buy it even if it's third hand Plane
I totally disagree with cost cutting to the quality of jets and next gen technologies in mass scale. If they want to cut cost they must stop corruption and use that money. Here they may a billion usd on a cheap platform with inferior tech but it is less than a weeks corruption cost Pakistan.
I have complete confidence in the ACM's strategy. Fact check:

1. Even after the Uri attack, the Indians didn't dare mess with the PAF. On the other hand, the PAF took on a belligerent posture with blatant exercise in the skies of Islamabad. The news was featured on Indian news channels where Indian analysts were calling this a threatening posture. This in itself vindicates PAF's strategy and calls to question the efficacy of the 'SU-30s', M2Ks and what nots. The ACM is saying he has himself flown the SU-30s and it is not about the aircraft, it is about the strategy.

2. People in the US are actually talking about retiring the F-15s in favour of the F-16. Rather than being junk, the F-16 is now sitting at Block-70 and these new aircraft are more than a match for any 4.5+ gen aircraft out there, especially if the decision is made to keep on upgrading them.

3. It is easy to undervalue the potency of the JF-17 and what it can become in the future. Aircraft can be upgraded or even completely overhauled if you have the numbers. PAF's strategy seems to be getting the numbers onboard, and as new technologies become available, they can simply keep making them better.

4. One point that was not raised during the interview is sale to third parties of JF-17 and the revenue raised from that. Given the unprecedented demand, they will need to significantly increase production capacity, which means more aircraft for PAF if there are no external orders.
So what will happen once transfer lines go to India and they start manufacturing F-16s? Would we than buy from India or ACM plan will fall flat on its face and than we would be rushing to find an alternative for a medium role fighter?
JF-17 no matter how advanced it gets, is still a light weigh fighter and rather short legged. There is a reason air force around the world invest in multiple platforms suitable for different roles. Ours are stuck with F-16s that we cant get and JF-17 who's prime purpose was to be a defensive low cost fighter replacing the old Junk that PAF still flies.
@MastanKhan Sir wanna shed some light on air chief set expectations? I for one find them very mediocre to be honest.
Jesus Christ!

Translation: No J10, J11, J16 or Used typhoons, no SU-35. Just perhaps J31 and alluding to another 5th generation at some point. In short, it appears as though the backbone of the PAF will entail: F-16+ JF17+J31. Plus another 5th generation in the future.

Personally I'm off the opinion that procuring more F16's are a mistake, given how unreliable the Americans are, with the world moving on to F35's, Rafales and the works.. Pakistan is still stuck with the F16 mindset- the folks across the border must be experiencing euphoria. If I were a citizen of Pakistan I'd be hella pissed at this meekly approach at keeping arch rivals India at bay; no other words to slice this cake, what a pathetic strategy.

P.S As repeated like a mantra on this forum by various sane members- Pakistan urgently requires a new (heavier) platform before the arrival of a 5th gen, instead their intent appears to be dilly-dallying around with the JF-17 for the foreseeable future, as if it's a match for the Rafales. Lack of funds they say, total hogwash.

come do you seriously believe that india who operates su 30 will not be able to control russia
buying su 35 will be a blunder of unproporotional magnitude
besides that whats happening with su 30 in india, the availability rate is lowest and spare parts are missing and Russians are milking them to the worst.
su35 will be far more unreliable than f-16

now should we acquire j-11/j-16 yes but can we?
even if we can remeber apart from a stronger radar and range with payload the weapon system it carries will be no different than thunder. there will be high cost of operation, I respect both point of views that the cost is worth it and its not.

I think its not bad idea to acquire 36 for strike and strategic role but if PAF thinks a twin engine fifth gen can take over that role and that finances are limited/will not be available despite begging the federal govt than that is more smarter way

getting a fifth gen and thunders rolling is more important. J-11 will NOT cost less than a new f-16.
and despite all its love for F-Sola, PAF cannot afford a new f-16, so why would it buy j-11?

people tend to forget the most of thunders we have were built as loan package from china. Talk about inducting foreign platforms when you cant cough up money for thunders is stupidity
So what will happen once transfer lines go to India and they start manufacturing F-16s? Would we than buy from India or ACM plan will fall flat on its face and than we would be rushing to find an alternative for a medium role fighter?
JF-17 no matter how advanced it gets, is still a light weigh fighter and rather short legged. There is a reason air force around the world invest in multiple platforms suitable for different roles. Ours are stuck with F-16s that we cant get and JF-17 who's prime purpose was to be a defensive low cost fighter replacing the old Junk that PAF still flies.
@MastanKhan Sir wanna shed some light on air chief set expectations? I for one find them very mediocre to be honest.

Let us wait and watch for the production line to move to India. It hasn't happened yet, and if the ACM is still pursuing F-16s, I doubt it will shift in any meaningful way to impact Pakistan.
. . . .
Getting su35 if you have money to buy is not or will not be a problem in terms
Of spare parts as china will be the guarantor in this deal as they have already
Bought su35 and they are increasing the numbers decently so the spare parts
Will not be a problem alas we can or we want to buy su35
Getting su35 if you have money to buy is not or will not be a problem in terms
Of spare parts as china will be the guarantor in this deal as they have already
Bought su35 and they are increasing the numbers decently so the spare parts
Will not be a problem alas we can or we want to buy su35

I don't have much confidence in Russian aircraft given their failure rates in India. China has the budget to buy a large number of aircraft, just to inspect them if it likes. The SU-30 isn't the mainstay of their airforce. We, on the other hand, cannot afford 30-40 aircraft that have a high failure rate. Let's wait to see which 5th generation aircraft the ACM is talking about.
I don't have much confidence in Russian aircraft given their failure rates in India. China has the budget to buy a large number of aircraft, just to inspect them if it likes. The SU-30 isn't the mainstay of their airforce. We, on the other hand, cannot afford 30-40 aircraft that have a high failure rate. Let's wait to see which 5th generation aircraft the ACM is talking about.
Well my friend I'm not only talking about su35 if Pakistan likes to china will
Definetly think over to give us j series twin engine jets and I don't have their
Availability figures but those are much much better then Indian su30 availability
As china is putting maximum number of their own engines on j series beside that
They have a huge stick of surplus engines with the Russian lines to cope any
Future problems
. .
Rather than sitting put, I think this article shows the PAF leadership is taking an intelligent approach to the future.
Apparently they are pleased enough with the JF-17, to envision the Block 3 as the core of the PAF going forward. Although there is some apprehension in trying to obtain more F-16s, either new or used, there obviously is a familiarity with the platform and is also the most cost effective acquisition. Plus, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of potential aircraft that are potentially available for the PAF to acquire and upgrade such as in the example of the ROSE Mirages. These steps will hopefully keep up present and near term capabilities.

Most importantly, PAF leadership is showing they are serious about indigenization efforts which is the MOST important thing. Calling a 5th generation of the shelf buy a stop gap measure says volumes of the direction PAF wants to go. The success of Kamra Aviation City is more important for the future than any Russian, European, or American fighter that can be bought today.

Thank you at-least someone like me agrees and understands PAF clear map ahead !!
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