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Why would we expel anyone when the government and arm-chair extremists like you do the job of expelling Ahmadi Muslim students so well? LOL... you lot are funny and incompetent at the same time. :-)

Ask the Ahmadi school who expelled her? Stop hiding the dirt and face the facts you pleb
As Ahmadi Muslims we are not obliged to declare anything to the Saudis, so your above question is irrelevant. Also, there is no Saudi law declaring Ahmadis non-Muslim.

Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia 56 expatriate Ahmadis, mostly from India and Pakistan, have been rounded up by the government and many were deported, including infants and young children. Saudi Arabia banned Ahmadis visiting Mecca in 1975 and when General Pervez Musharraf attempted to remove the religion column on Pakistan’s passports in 2005, he was forced to back down by the Saudi government, who didn’t want the more esoteric sects of Islam to undertake Hajj

Saudi Arabia « The Lahori – Dispatches from Pakistan

The Muslim World League held its annual conference at Mecca, Saudi Arabia from 14th to 18th of Rabiul Awwal 1394 H (April 1974) in which 140 delegations of Muslim countries and organizations from all over the world participated. At the conference, the League issued the following declaration:

"Qadianism or Ahmadiyyat: It is a subversive movement against Islam and the Muslim world, which falsely and deceitfully claims to be an Islamic sect; who under the guise of Islam and for the sake of mundane interests contrives and plans to damage the very foundations of Islam

A clever reply to hide the truth. If shias declare they are shia, they are not deported from saudia but why only ahmedis?
Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia 56 expatriate Ahmadis, mostly from India and Pakistan, have been rounded up by the government and many were deported, including infants and young children. Saudi Arabia banned Ahmadis visiting Mecca in 1975 and when General Pervez Musharraf attempted to remove the religion column on Pakistan’s passports in 2005, he was forced to back down by the Saudi government, who didn’t want the more esoteric sects of Islam to undertake Hajj

Saudi Arabia « The Lahori – Dispatches from Pakistan

I will say it again, there is no Saudi law declaring Ahmadis as non-Muslim, only Pakistan and Bangladesh have it. On another note the Saudis days are numbered , they are the worst examples of Muslims, in control of the holiest Islamic sites, all under the control of the US overlords. The US says jump, they say how high. We are establishing ourselves all over the west, where the real control of the world is. Oh and as we are on completely irrelevant questions and facts please , watch the next clip, a Muslim leading the prayers at PA House of Representatives and don't choke:

Ahmadiyya Muslim Imam Leads Prayer at PA House of Representatives - YouTube

A clever reply to hide the truth. If shias declare they are shia, they are not deported from saudia but why only ahmedis?

I don't recognize Saudis as the guardians of Islam, I don't have to declare anything to them, several of my family members are going for Umrah soon, nobody will turn them back because the stupid Saudis won't know they are Ahmadis.
I will say it again, there is no Saudi law declaring Ahmadis as non-Muslim, only Pakistan and Bangladesh have it. On another note the Saudis days are numbered , they are the worst examples of Muslims, in control of the holiest Islamic sites, all under the control of the US overlords. The US says jump, they say how high. We are establishing ourselves all over the west, where the real control of the world is. Oh and as we are on completely irrelevant questions and facts please , watch the next clip, a Muslim leading the prayers at PA House of Representatives and don't choke:

Ahmadiyya Muslim Imam Leads Prayer at PA House of Representatives - YouTube

I don't recognize Saudis as the guardians of Islam, I don't have to declare anything to them, several of my family members are going for Umrah soon, nobody will turn them back because the stupid Saudis won't know they are Ahmadis.

Instead of blabbering and sharing irrelevant videos here. The bolded lines is the crux of subject. Thank you for saying the "REAL TRUTH". No matter if Saudis have laws or not, They will still deport the person if he is established he is Ahmediya and they don't need laws for that, because it is written in Quran, No Non-muslims will be allowed in Makkah or Madina.

And, I didn't choked instead i was laughing out loudly that It was not a Prayer that Ahmediya priest was leading and second It was the gathering of non-muslims so...... going out the title of video, Ahmediya leading the prayer of non-muslims. What a great coincidence. Non-muslim leading Non muslims. Great!
Instead of blabbering and sharing irrelevant videos here. The bolded lines is the crux of subject. Thank you for saying the "REAL TRUTH".

LOL... this thread is about a little girl passing her O-levels and you are berating me for blabbering and sharing irrelevant videos when you are talking irrelevant rubbish about Saudi laws on Ahmadis.. :-) And whats that about the "REAL TRUTH"?

No matter if Saudis have laws or not, They will still deport the person if he is established he is Ahmediya and they don't need laws for that, because it is written in Quran, No Non-muslims will be allowed in Makkah or Madina.

Wrong again, there is nothing written in the Qur'an about non-Muslims not being allowed into Makkah/Medina, your lack of knowledge about Islam is showing. Did you learn that from your local mullah?

And, I didn't choked instead i was laughing out loudly that It was not a Prayer that Ahmediya priest was leading and second It was the gathering of non-muslims so...... going out the title of video, Ahmediya leading the prayer of non-muslims. What a great coincidence. Non-muslim leading Non muslims. Great!

LOL... you did not chocked??? As far as the world is concerned a Muslim Imam was leading the prayers, if you somehow think that a gathering of non-Muslims was joining him, it just shows how shallow your views are and how I shouldn't be wasting my time talking to a jahil like you. :-) And I still reckon you choked when he was declared a MUSLIM IMAM!!

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Indonesia too, no?

Me personally, i think it's not a necessary law. Let God judge only.

Indonesia is still deciding if it wants to go down the same route as Pakistan or Bangladesh.. and yeh you are right, only God can judge not a stupid powerhungry priest that calls himself a Muslim.
a great and inspiring post....thanks for sharing!

I agree bro. We need more of our shining budding einsteins to come forward. My nephew has just gained a scholarship into one of the toughest schools in the UK and has got in a year early which is an achievement not done before at the grammar school he will be attending. This girl is about 5 years ahead of her age group which is truly an incredible achievement. Bless her and lets hope she is a shining beacon for all our juniors to follow and copy. Bet her family are proud.

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