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Pakistan Aeronautical Complex to joint-manufacture 48 Wing Loong II UCAV

Well, that's a shame. And adds no credibility at all.
I give a dam about How people consider credibility. The pictures of Armed K-8 and several other pictures which came out and on which QUWA wrote articles came from same guy.
I give a dam about How people consider credibility. The pictures of Armed K-8 and several other pictures which came out and on which QUWA wrote articles came from same guy.

First rule of credibility. Proof by coincidence, correlation, or association does not constitute credibility.
I give a dam about How people consider credibility. The pictures of Armed K-8 and several other pictures which came out and on which QUWA wrote articles came from same guy.
Yaar kiyoon bilaa wajah kii behes ker raha hai?
Let people believe what they want..
These people wont believe even if Air Chief himself tells them.
People here have doubts about Project Azm and many things the Air Cheif himself revealed...
Tum aur hum kis baagh kii moulee hain...
No wonder this nation is so demoralized.. You tell them a positive news and their negative mentality will give them swear indigestion...
Yaar kiyoon bilaa wajah kii behes ker raha hai?
Let people believe what they want..
These people wont believe even if Air Chief himself tells them.
People here have doubts about Project Azm and many things the Air Cheif himself revelaed...
Tum aur hum kis baagh kii moulee hain...
No wonder this nation is so demoralized.. You tell them a positive news and their negative mentality will give them swear indigestion...

It's not about negative mentality, it's about ensuring rigorousness in our national discourse. As a nation, we are too caught up with wild theories. We need to change our character and shape our national discourse on logic and rationality, rather than conspiracy theories. You may provide 3 correct news items and 7 incorrect ones. Who holds you accountable?
It's not about negative mentality, it's about ensuring rigorousness in our national discourse. As a nation, we are too caught up with wild theories. We need to change our character and shape our national discourse on logic and rationality, rather than conspiracy theories. You may provide 3 correct news items and 7 incorrect ones. Who holds you accountable?
Just another point ... if this news is true, then shouldn't work go into discrediting it? Do we want the world to know how many MALE UAVs the PAF plans to operate? Isn't that supposed to be a state secret?
I said it was a rumour.

If folks want to believe the rumour, then that's fine.

I am appalled that rumors should form the basis of our discussions.

Just another point ... if this news is true, then shouldn't work go into discrediting it? Do we want the world to know how many MALE UAVs the PAF plans to operate? Isn't that supposed to be a state secret?

If that is the case, then an example needs to be made out of the person behind the leak. In any case, for me, the news is a rumor until confirmed from authentic sources.
It's not about negative mentality, it's about ensuring rigorousness in our national discourse. As a nation, we are too caught up with wild theories. We need to change our character and shape our national discourse on logic and rationality, rather than conspiracy theories. You may provide 3 correct news items and 7 incorrect ones. Who holds you accountable?
Oh shut up man..
Indians have been destroying all our air bases with hoards of Rafale for the last 10 years and Rafale still has to touch Indian soil.
Myself on the other hand did my own little work and found a simple thing, that Shaheen-2 Re-Entry speed is Mach 13 . Posted on FB and got bullied for writing the article. People raised similar concerns.. Where is official statement? No military source said that and all that rubbish.
Its hard to make Pakistani crowd believe any good news about Pakistan, even with evidence.. While Indians will believe just about any positive thing about their country without any evidence.
Thats why Indians are confident about their military prowess and in high Morale..
We are shitt scared and de-Moralized.

Just another point ... if this news is true, then shouldn't work go into discrediting it? Do we want the world to know how many MALE UAVs the PAF plans to operate? Isn't that supposed to be a state secret?
Well yes we do...
Thats called Deterrence...
If you dont show your fangs, nobody knows you got them...
The Military top brass in Pkaistan Sucks arse on advertising,hyping and showing off our weapons, hence losing much deterrence value.
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Oh shut up man..
Indians have been destroying all our air bases with hoards of Rafale for the last 10 years and Rafale still has to touch Indian soil.
Myself on the other hand did my own little work and found a simple thing, that Shaheen-2 Re-Entry speed is Mach 13 . Posted on FB and got bullied for writing the article. People raised similar concerns.. Where is official statement? No military source said that and all that rubbish.
Thats why Indians are confident about their military prowess and in high Morale..
We are shitt scared and de-Moralized.

Mind your words and tone, you aren't talking at home with your elders.

Irrational people will obviously get demoralized in the face of hard facts. They need to organize their thoughts and realize that hiding behind sweet dreams will not make the situation better. Scientific, logical analysis of problems can change the situation though.
Oh shut up man..
Indians have been destroying all our air bases with hoards of Rafale for the last 10 years and Rafale still has to touch Indian soil.
Myself on the other hand did my own little work and found a simple thing, that Shaheen-2 Re-Entry speed is Mach 13 . Posted on FB and got bullied for writing the article. People raised similar concerns.. Where is official statement? No military source said that and all that rubbish.
Thats why Indians are confident about their military prowess and in high Morale..
We are shitt scared and de-Moralized.
Bro part of the demoralization on our end is because we don't give enough credit to what we already have...

If it was an Indian project, the JF-17 would've been called "a Gripen, but affordable" and then we'd hear it about India has "100+ Gripen-class fighters with mature BVR and cutting-edge data-linking and network warfare...".

It's boastful, but it can technically be proven. But our people don't do that.

Our people don't do enough research and thinking. It's always, "when are we getting X, why aren't we buying Y..." and not, "how do we use JF-17 to stop threats?" or "is Project Azm going to be world class?" We literally have folks forgetting that the F-16s have 500 AIM-120C5 AMRAAM!

We don't need FB rumours to fuel hope, but critical thinking and rational optimism. We need to stop expecting Typhoons or Su-35s and think in terms of what we have in the works -- i.e. Azm. For us, Azm should be a 'one of a kind world class fighter; Pakistan's ticket to real independence and a competitive edge on the future fighter market ... a 5th gen fighter built to withstand sanctions.'
Mind your words and tone, you aren't talking at home with your elders.

Irrational people will obviously get demoralized in the face of hard facts. They need to organize their thoughts and realize that hiding behind sweet dreams will not make the situation better. Scientific, logical analysis of problems can change the situation though.
Shove your facts where the sun doesn't shine..
Your definition of "Facts" is very crooked one... Now go waste someone else's time .
China Rainbow-5 reconnaissance and assault integrated UAV, China Western Plateau test flight scenario exposure
2018-10-14 08:23




















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