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Pakistan advice on attack: 'Hit Israel'


Dec 6, 2005
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Pakistan advice on attack: 'Hit Israel'

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan's former army chief says Iranian officials came to him for advice on heading off an attack on their nuclear facilities, and he in effect advised them to take a hostage -- Israel.

Retired Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg said he suggested their government ''make it clear that if anything happens to Iran, if anyone attacks it -- it doesn't matter who it is or how it is attacked -- that Iran's answer will be to hit Israel; the only target will be Israel.''

Since Beg spoke in an interview with the Associated Press, echoes of his thinking have been heard in Iran, although whether they result directly from his advice isn't known.

Mohammad Ebrahim Dehghani, an Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander, was quoted last week as saying that if ''America does make any mischief, the first place we target will be Israel.'' The threat was disavowed the next day by Brig. Gen. Alireza Afshar, deputy to the chief of Iran's military staff.
I too read this,

I didnt quite understand the logic..Like how can Iran retaliate on Israel if its been attacked by america....?
will it jus keep on attaking Israel even without any provocation from israeli side, since it cant hit america..?
Then Iran will completely lose its moral highground which it presently has over US, and even risks abandonment by its thickest friends.If it does so then what ever might be the outcome , it will like ...become a pariah in the eyes of the international community for atleast 20-30 yrs.
Pak nukes meant only for India

WASHINGTON: It doesn't matter who attempts to take out Pakistan's nuclear assets the US, Israel or any other country Pakistan will attack India in retaliation. This bizarre, hair-trigger nuclear stance is central to Pakistan's deterrence theory and was conveyed to New Delhi by Islamabad when it suspected India and Israel of collaborating to take out its nuclear assets, a top retired Pakistani general has revealed.

General Mirza Aslam Beg, Pakistan's former army chief, recalled Islamabad's India-centric nuclear policy to the Associated Press' Kathy Gannon while relating how he had given similar advice to Iran in dealing with US pressure on its nuclear programme no matter who attacks, aim for Israel.

"We told India frankly that this is the threat we perceive and this is the action we are taking and the action we will take. It was a real deterrent," Gannon quoted Beg as telling the Iranians about the time when Pakistan was paranoid about an India-Israel nexus. Beg said he suggested the Iranian government "make it clear that if anything happens to Iran, if anyone attacks it it doesn't matter who it is or how it is attacked that Iran's answer will be to hit Israel, the only target will be Israel".

While Pakistan's hair-trigger nuclear posture has long been known to Indian planners, the latest revelations about targeting India for any misfortune to hit its nuclear assets will doubtless force a reassessment in India's own no-first-use nuclear stance. For instance, what happens if the US decides to take out Pakistan's nukes, as has been speculated in the US media? Can India stand by and be a fall guy?

General Mirza Aslam Beg, Pakistan's former army chief, had advised Iran to "attempt to degrade the defence systems of Israel", harass it through the Hamas government of the Palestinian Authority and the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, broadly the same policy Pakistan adopted towards India in Kashmir through terrorist groups and the extremist factions of the Hurriyat.

He revealed this in an interview to Kathy Gannon, a Canadian journalist who had been AP correspondent in Pakistan and Afghanistan for 18 years before she was moved to Teheran earlier this year. She said the interview took place "several weeks" before the recent threatening exchanges between Iran and Israel.

Gannon recently released her first book, I is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror, an account of her years in the region, and the Beg interview appears to be a result of the many close contacts she developed over the years.

Beg, however, denied to her that Pakistan had helped Iran with its nuclear programme although he said former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto once told him the Iranians offered more than $4 billion for the technology.

"They didn't want the technology. They asked, ‘Can we have a bomb?' My answer was: By all means you can have it but you must make it yourself. Nobody gave it to us," Gannon quotes Beg as saying about a visit he made to Teheran when he was the army chief in 1990.

While Pakistan may not have given Iran the nuclear bomb, it now transpires that it gave Teheran centrifuge equipment and a blueprint, a supply chain that its current military ruler Gen Pervez Musharraf has blamed on a lone rogue operator A Q Khan an explanation which the western powers have credulously accepted in public. But in a related development, it now turns out that Pakistan peddled nuclear know-how even to Syria, the latest to join the list of countries proliferated by A Q Khan.

According to an annual Congressional report disclosed in Washington, Pakistani investigators have confirmed reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency that the Khan network "offered nuclear technology and hardware to Syria". It is the first time Syria has entered Khan's proliferation ring that so far had North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Libya among the recipients.

Meanwhile, according to reports from Pakistan, Khan himself is now in virtual seclusion, and possibly dying. Even his daughter is forbidden from seeing him. Pakistani opposition leaders are also saying he is gravely ill and are planning protests to ensure that he is adequately attended to.

The Dawn newspaper reported that Ayesha, Khan's daughter, has been barred from meeting her ailing father because of what the authorities said were security reasons. Khan, who turned 71 on April 1, is said to be suffering from high blood pressure, cervical spondylosis, hernia, dental ailments and heart problems.

The US authorities are still keen on questioning him but have been kept at bay by Gen Musharraf on the pretext that such a move would strengthen the hand of the Islamicists.


Lilo said:
I too read this,

I didnt quite understand the logic..Like how can Iran retaliate on Israel if its been attacked by america....?
will it jus keep on attaking Israel even without any provocation from israeli side, since it cant hit america..?
Then Iran will completely lose its moral highground which it presently has over US, and even risks abandonment by its thickest friends.If it does so then what ever might be the outcome , it will like ...become a pariah in the eyes of the international community for atleast 20-30 yrs.

Irans simple logic is that America is controlled by Israel and America is a good supporter of Isreal. It makes sense that America shouldnt have any problem with Iran having nuclear weapons, the only threat if Iran gets the nuclear weapons is the threat to Isreal.

If America attacks Iran, and Iran has nuclear weapons, their goal would be to bomb Isreal.

Any how Isreal will have a big hand in attacking Iran in the future, directly or indirectly, it has to be seen.
There's nothing new in the article. Pakistan's nuclear weapons have always been India specific. And US has NO plans of taking out Pakistan's nuclear weapons as propagated by some wishful thinkers in their respective papers and exaggerated by Indian news media.
Sid said:
There's nothing new in the article. Pakistan's nuclear weapons have always been India specific. And US has NO plans of taking out Pakistan's nuclear weapons as propagated by some wishful thinkers in their respective papers and exaggerated by Indian news media.

The US may not have have any plans to "take out" Pakistan's nuclear weapons but one wonders what Dr Rice, in the Congressional Testimony, stated about US having the same under its wings.

While the US has total confidence in the Musharraf govt, but the fact that they are worried that it may fall into the hands of "inimical forces" cannot be wished away.
Salim said:
While the US has total confidence in the Musharraf govt, but the fact that they are worried that it may fall into the hands of "inimical forces" cannot be wished away.

This is very unfortunate that in this era of media war the western r for that matter the entire world is just obssese with terrorism and in that context everyone from Western counrties is beating the drum what will happen if our nukes fell in the hands of this and that force, i had been recieving such comments from my Indian friends and had been making them understand that without understanding the security set up of our counrty regarding the nukes they should not blow it out of propostion.
Tell me do u think that a nuclear power any nuclear power is that fool that it wud has not any security for its nukes and every tom dic and harry can have these???
i dont think so any country whthr Pakistan or India or any other is that much weak.
No as far as urs is concern i tell u guys here the Islamists are not that stronge as the Media had projected them.
They dont even have the guts to make to the centeral government nor they have access to our nukes.
Infact not even the head of the country has the access to these. We have a very sound system of security regarding nukes so with Musharraf or without Musharraf these are secure and safe no one has to worry about it.
Jana said:
This is very unfortunate that in this era of media war the western r for that matter the entire world is just obssese with terrorism and in that context everyone from Western counrties is beating the drum what will happen if our nukes fell in the hands of this and that force, i had been recieving such comments from my Indian friends and had been making them understand that without understanding the security set up of our counrty regarding the nukes they should not blow it out of propostion.
Tell me do u think that a nuclear power any nuclear power is that fool that it wud has not any security for its nukes and every tom dic and harry can have these???
i dont think so any country whthr Pakistan or India or any other is that much weak.
No as far as urs is concern i tell u guys here the Islamists are not that stronge as the Media had projected them.
They dont even have the guts to make to the centeral government nor they have access to our nukes.
Infact not even the head of the country has the access to these. We have a very sound system of security regarding nukes so with Musharraf or without Musharraf these are secure and safe no one has to worry about it.

If everything si so secure,may i ask how could khan proliferate?? that too withouit the knowldge of GoP and mushraff.
Jana said:
Infact not even the head of the country has the access to these. We have a very sound system of security regarding nukes so with Musharraf or without Musharraf these are secure and safe no one has to worry about it.

Out of all the nuclear weapons holders, Pakistan is the weakest when it comes to security. I recommend you do a google on Stuart Slade. As far as I know, the only former nuclear weapons targeteer to post on the net. From him, we learn that India has recently bought an American style Football system (nuclear release authority). Pakistan bought cell phones for their commanders.
I dont know what technology your talking about, but the that technology what i believe is dependent on mathametics, and if i am not wrong Stuart Slade rated the security toughness based on the number of methametic technicians in the country, so basically India gets the highest rating in no time.

BTW: I am reffering to the snipers post, located here on WAB.

Think you have things confused. That WAB post refers to the ability of a country to minaturize nukes to a "suitcase" size; not the security and release authority (ie, who can and who cannot allow the use of nukes) aspects that I'm discussing here.
Officer of Engineers said:
Out of all the nuclear weapons holders, Pakistan is the weakest when it comes to security. I recommend you do a google on Stuart Slade. As far as I know, the only former nuclear weapons targeteer to post on the net. From him, we learn that India has recently bought an American style Football system (nuclear release authority). Pakistan bought cell phones for their commanders.
I know how the football system works but whats with the cell phones? How does it work?
As in cellular telephones. Not as crude as the civilian version but military ones with its own encrypted systems but still, the authentication protocals is extremely lacking.
Officer of Engineers said:
As in cellular telephones. Not as crude as the civilian version but military ones with its own encrypted systems but still, the authentication protocals is extremely lacking.
Is there any other country with similar system or protocals? Why does Pakistan opt to use the system if the protocal is corrupt?
Btw, does China have a footbal system?
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