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Pakistan advances into Afghan territory in border violation: Afghan MP

And what could be that natural border which is defendable? River indus?

haha in your dreams , the adjustment Im talking about is only a few kilomters in an out from current postions , most of the areas in the frontier regions are with Pakistan so indus river thing is just baloney

In South Wazristan we need to draw up the defences up to Wana , we have a Cantonment there, anything ahead of that can be let go, in North Waziristan again we let go of anything ahead of Miranshah

and further up we'll have to take over some places in Kunar which should help in stopping militants fleeing into these areas and finding shelter, the straightening of the border will reduce the stretch that we have to defend as well

50 km is lot of distance. Pakistan shouldnt act like mast elephant, what could be the purpose of this infilteration?

I bet you do not even understand what advancing 50 km's inside a country means but just because this paints Pakistan in an ugly picture , you would go head over heels to prove it true and use it to troll . Had it been the case , there would have been massive reporting by the International media , not only by the Afghan minister ( ironically that of law ) .
Afghanistan Govt. is completely Anti Pakistan, till date I haven’t heard anything good for Pakistan from this massively corrupt dog puppet Govt.

If this has happened then it is most probably because of all the rented terrorists who come into Pakistan from Afghanistan to spread terror & chaos, so Pakistan Army did the right thing by chasing the terrorists back in Afghanistan. When this dog Afghan Govt. stops supporting these rented terrorists against Pakistan then Pakistan will not even bother entering Afghanistan.

The truth is there are rented terrorists in Afghanistan whom corrupt dog Afghan Govt., India, US & NATO fully support. Pakistan knows it & they act accordingly.
O.K there is a reason why Afghanistan always raise border issue along Mohammad agency with Pakistan.....Mohamand was theonly area not demarcated in Durandline agreement 1893.
Afghan king amir abdul rehman refused to receive only a portion of mohamand area, he want whole mohmand belt but British refused....so the border along mohmand agency was not demarcated

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