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Pakistan 4 Turkish Milgem Corvettes

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May 21, 2006
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MÝLGEM'e Kardeþ Ortak
Pakistan, savaþ gemisi üretimi için Türkiye ile iþbirliðine hazýr.

Tasarým ve entegrasyonu ile tamamen milli kaynaklarla hayata geçirilen milli gemi projesi MÝLGEM, kardeþ ülke Pakistan'ýn gündeminde.
Kendi gemisini üretmek isteyen Pakistan, bu alanda Türkiye ile iþbirliðine hazýrlanýyor.

Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri, dünyadaki güçlü donanmalar arasýnda ilk sýralarda yer alýyor ancak envanterdeki savaþ gemileri milli üretim deðil.

MÝLGEM projesi ise Türk Donanmasý'na, tamamýyla milli, üstelik sýnýfýnýn en geliþmiþ savaþ gemilerini kazandýracak.

Proje, Birleþik Arap Emirlikleri'nin Baþkenti Abu-Dhabi'de düzenlenen IDEX-2007 Savunma Sanayii Fuarý'nda ilgi odaðý oldu.

Kardeþ ülke Pakistan da, Türkiye'nin Milli Gemi projesiyle yakýndan ilgileniyor.

En az 4 savaþ gemisi üretmek isteyen Pakistan, ilk gemiyi Türkiye'de, diðerlerini ise Karaçi'de inþa etmeyi hedefliyor.

Türkiye Pakistan'a tasarým ve malzeme konusunda destek olacak.

Türkiye'nin bu ay içinde Pakistan'a bir teklif sunmasý, Pakistanlý yetkililerin ise Nisan ayýnda Türkiye'ye gelerek temaslarda bulunmasý bekleniyor.

Translation: Milgem recieves interest from a Brother country...

Pakistan is ready to join the Milgem( Milli Gemi= National Ship ) project.

The design and development of Milgem has been funded by SSM and has been developed by Turkish Engineers under respected national companies. Pakistan has been wanting to desing it's own ships for sometime now and is seeking co-peration with Turkiye on this issue.

Milgem has drawn alot of attention on IDEX-2007 in UAE and Pakistan has been following Milgem real close.

Pakistan has a requirement for 4 corvettes and wants the first ship to be built in Turkiye while the rest in Karachi Ship Yards.

Turkiye would help Pakistan on designs and components of the ships. Turkiye is yet to summit her offer to Pakistan this month and Pakistan'i officials should be visiting Turkiye shortly after in the upcoming months...

Pakistan already has ordered 4 Mrtp-33 with Harpoons and has Mrtp-15 armed with MG

A JV with Turkey? :)
When did that happen?

Is there any info on technical data and delivery schedule?
Good News for pN, and very much needed for them
Technical specifications of Milgem

Main systems used on MilgemDisplacement: 2,000 t

Dimensions: 99.00 m x 14.40 m x 3.75 m

Propulsion: 1 gas turbine, 2 diesels, 2 shafts, 30,000 kW

Economic speed: 15 knots

Maximum speed: 29+ knots

Range: 3,500 nautical miles @ 15 knots

Endurance: 21 days with logistic support, 10 days autonomous

Sensors: 3D search radar, X-Band radar, fire control radar, navigation radar, LPI radar, sonar

Electronic warfare: EW radar, Laser/RF systems, ASW jammers, DG

Navigation and communication systems: Electronic Navigation, SatCom, ECDIS/WECDIS, GPS, LAN

Fire control: G-MSYS (Genesis Milgem Savaş Yönetim Sistemi)

Navigation and ship control: EPKİS (Entegre Platform Kontrol ve İzleme Sistemi)

Cannons: 1 x 76 mm (guidance by fire control radar and electro-optical systems), 2 x 12.7 mm (guidance by Laser/IR/TV and electro-optical systems, automatic and manual modes)

Missiles: 8 x Harpoon Missile, 21 x RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) PDMS

Torpedoes: 2 x 324 mm Mk.32 triple launchers for Mk.46 torpedoes

Aviation: Hangar and platform for S-70-B2 SeaHawk ASW helicopters and/or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), with the capability of storing armaments, 20 tons of JP-5 aircraft fuel, aerial refueling (HIRF) systems and maintenance systems

Crew: 93 including aviation officers (with accommodation for 104)

Seems like a big corvette to me, 99.00 m x 14.40 m x 3.75 m is huge!
I wonder if Babur will be integrated into its weapon system.
Seems like a big corvette to me, 99.00 m x 14.40 m x 3.75 m is huge!
I wonder if Babur will be integrated into its weapon system.

Its not huge its still smaller than some of the other frigates with nearby navies.

Is this news confirmed Neo.
Babur hasnt attained operational status on its land based system yet. It will take a long time for that
Its not huge its still smaller than some of the other frigates with nearby navies.
Excuse my ignorance but whats the difference between a corvette and a frigate?
Milgem is referred to as a corvette, not a frigate.

Is this news confirmed Neo.
No, not from the official side although its being discussed or several defence fora.
Btw, This is a report from last year:
That was the first time I heard about the Milgem:

A total of at least 12 frigates will be bought and/or procured by the end of the Navy's modernization program. The frigate fleet may be augmented by a fleet of at least 4 large multi-role corvettes; thus expanding the navy's roles, range and potency.

Corvettes & Missile Boats

In a recent interview with the Pakistan Naval Chief of Staff, Admiral Tahir, the Pakistan Navy is considering the purchase of at least four new corvettes; expected displacement range is 1,500 tons to 2000+ tons. According to the Admiral these would also be built in Pakistan alongside the F-22P frigate and new SSK attack submarine in the Karachi Shipyard. The Pakistan Navy may be considering the German MEKO A-100 or the Turkish MILGEM Class corvettes.

In November 2006 the Pakistan Navy ordered two MRTP-33 missile boats from Turkey - the first MRTP-33 will be delivered in 2008. The Pakistan Navy has an overall requirement of eight MRTP-33 missile boats.

Future Naval Fleet

4 Large Multirole Guided Missile Frigates (e.g, MEKO D, Type 054)
4 S-Class Multirole Guided Missile Frigates
4 F-22P Class Multirole Guided Missile Light Frigates
4 Corvettes with displacement of 1500~2000 tons (e.g, MEKO A-100, MILGEM)
3~6 New Generation SSK attack submarines (e.g, Marlin, U-214)
3 Agosta-90B SSK attack submarines w/MESMA AIP
8 MRTP-33 Guided Missile Patrol Boats

A high ranked defence delegation visited Turkey last year, this deal could have been discussed.
I believe the news is correct.
Excuse my ignorance but whats the difference between a corvette and a frigate?
Milgem is referred to as a corvette, not a frigate..

Corvette is suppose to be smaller than a frigate and are mainly used closer to the coast than the frigates and the destroyers.
Corvette is suppose to be smaller than a frigate and are mainly used closer to the coast than the frigates and the destroyers.

Thats what I though hence my comment regarding the demensions that it seems huge. :tup:
its huge navel build up....
Doesn't matter what the current state of Babur's naval version might be, these corvettes and the Chinse P-22 figates have to be built yet.
We'll have the missile ready when the platform is there. :tup:

Don't forget how Babur popped up from nowhere. ;)
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