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Pakistan 4 Turkish Milgem Corvettes

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Where is the regiment Webby!!!!!!
When that is assigned, it means operational and has a doctrine

Your repeating the same things over again for 2 pages,. you expect Pakistan to disclose everything? Tell me has China disclosed everything?

We given you proof it entered serial production, above (webby). If it's in production and given to the army of course they going to train and equip them! Remember the plan is still going on until 2019 but then we can get a more detailed analysis of things. So stop ranting on about the same thing, just cause India said theirs a regiment doesn't mean Pakistan has to say it the same day, etc.

But just to cool you down... read below.

Babur's Flight

BY Prasun K. Sengupta

The maiden test-flight of Pakistan's Hatf VII subsonic cruise missile, also called Babur, on August 11 in a 200km-long overland flight trajectory over Pakistan's south-western Balochistan province signalled the culmination of a year-long effort by China's state-owned China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp (CPMIEC) to transfer the Babur's licenced-assembly technology to Pakistan's state-owned National Development Complex (NDC), located at Fatehgunj, 40km west of Islamabad. And contrary to popular speculation, present plans call for this cruise missile to be armed with only conventional high-explosive and blast-fragmentation warheads.

According to an August 2004 agreement inked between Beijing and Islamabad, one regiment of Babur (comprising 18 road-mobile autonomous launchers each carrying four canister-mounted cruise missiles), Battery and Regimental Command Posts, and missile reload vehicles (each carrying six rounds) are to be inducted by the Pakistan Army between this year and 2008. There are also plans to induct a naval, ship-launched variant of Babur in limited numbers by 2008. This variant will be mounted on twin-inclined quad launchers, thus enabling a principal surface combatant like the four F-22P guided-missile frigates (ordered last year by the Pakistan Navy from the China State Shipbuilding & Trading Corp) to carry eight Baburs.

CPMIEC as prime contractor is supplying all components of the land-based regiment as well as the naval missile variant and its quad launchers in semi-knocked-down condition, with the NDC undertaking their licensed assembly in a phased manner.

Apart from CPMIEC, three other state-owned Chinese companies — missile propellant provider China Great Wall Industry Corp (CGWIC), C3I systems provider China National Electronics Import and Export Corp (CEIEC) and wheeled armoured vehicles provider China North Industries Corp (NORINCO) — are involved with Pakistan's guided-missile licensed-production effort. These companies' military-industrial activities are coordinated by the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry (COSTIND), the weapons import-export arm of the General Armament Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Pakistani companies involved in cooperating with CPMIEC, CGWIC, CEIEC and NORINCO include East West Infiniti Pvt Ltd, Heavy Mechanical Complex-3, and the NDC and Integrated Defence Systems, both of which are subsidiaries of the state-owned National Engineering and Scientific Commission of Pakistan (NESCOM), headed by its Chairman Dr Samar Mubarakmand.
Well whteva BABUR is made of still it is INDEGENIOUS and it is going to be more advanced as the time will pass by. Not like so called BRHAMOS which is what INDIA and RUSSIA have developed jointly. Whteva BABUR is our own and will get more advanced at our own technoligies and its more than enough to kick any bad assssssss who will question that cruise missile in future you will see the results I dont need to give any proofs. Lets wrap it up and go start some nice this disscussion some where else.

I will not respond to you in the language you used, Trust meI can start abusing very well, This is an internet forum nothing is going to happen to both of us. I know you abused my religion by adding "ganga". as well as calling me a bastard child, I also read that you like to ride my ***, I am sorry I am not gay, but i hope you are happy with some who is. Again if you are young and dont know much I repeat " shut up" and learn.
I never asked wether it will make to regiment, I know it will, But it hasnt yet has it. Operationally it is not avaible for war at the present moment. Now Force Magazine is known as Farce magazine as well as FART magazine for a reason, Sengupta has been caught plagazrising from a lot of international defence articles. And also according to the article BABUR sounds chinese, While you claim it is indegenous, Rajat Pandit and Sengupta are no use idiots
Any Missile test in Pakistan, wil be notified to India, according to CBM treaty, It will be picked up by Indian Radars and satallites anyways. You havent shown me even piece of Information which says otherwise.You havent even provided me with any proofs. I told you there are operational procedures. OOE is a military professional I rather take his help than just fart. Babur as of now is Military project not a Miltary asset. Induction is not rounding up 10 people and saying you press this button to fire the missile. I hope you understand

Actually cruise missiles don't come under that treaty.Pakistan or India don't have to notify each others for cruise missiles test.:army:

And dragon please no need for name calling.thats not like you.
does anybody now which vehicles will carry the road mobile version of the baber.
i think babur is also going to be fitted with the new fletcher class frigate that we are buying from the US
Actually cruise missiles don't come under that treaty.Pakistan or India don't have to notify each others for cruise missiles test.:army:

And dragon please no need for name calling.thats not like you.


Thank you
I respect and apperciate that
NEo has already corrected me regarding that,
You still didn't answer my question.

Webby, there has been only one test that was conducted, a missile cannot enter production phase just after the first test or can it?
Has any cruise missile been inducted in a similar fashion anywhere?

The article posted by dragon answers it. It might have been tested by China and probably passed on to Pakistan.
Did you read the thread? Pakistan tested it two times. Both times it when it was reported to the media, it was successful.

China probably tested for Pakistan? Why? Pakistan can't test by itself or you too are one of the BR readers?
2 times is wayy too low webby, it should be ATLEAST 10 or 12.
Did you read the thread? Pakistan tested it two times. Both times it when it was reported to the media, it was successful.

Ok agreed. I did read it.

China probably tested for Pakistan? Why? Pakistan can't test by itself or you too are one of the BR readers?

Why do you take it as a insult? What matters is whether you have it in your arsenal or not?
I am not taking it as an insult. I dont like this place to be like BR or the old PDF. You have no proof that it is a chinese missile, and you cannot prove it. How about you keep those statements for WAB, BR, and old PDF like places and not here.

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