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pakistan-15 killed in anti-Islam film protests

There are reports a church was burnt down in Mardan and shops of Ahmedi community were attacked.

Every govt sponsored direct action day results in the same result.
Our country comes in the league of Egypt and Libya. And if no one knows the condition of those counties then they should read up on it.
This is what they wanted to achieve. Causing violence and creating chaos. People are indirectly helping US and making West's case stronger regarding other matters especially about security situation.
Its really sad to have such idiots among us who bring destruction for their own people and country with such violent protests against others. Understand the message of this guy and he is saying the same thing what krait said above

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What an ignorant uncivilized society. Destroying their own shops, homes and killing each other for a video that they should have ignored. Running out of their homes ill-informed and being extremely uneducated having no common sense to realize that this film was not made nor endorsed by U.S. Government but rather by made by a rogue Egyptian individual. Pakistanis are nothing but uncivilized animals who bring nothing but embarassment and shame to their own country and religion. These people only use Islam to acheive their own personal agenda. Pakistan needs a brutal dictator like Zia to control them. Democracy does not work in Pakistan. Everywhere else it does but not in Pakistan.
What an ignorant uncivilized society. Destroying their own shops, homes and killing each other for a video that they should have ignored. Running out of their homes ill-informed and being extremely uneducated having no common sense to realize that this film was not made nor endorsed by U.S. Government but rather by made by a rogue Egyptian individual. Pakistanis are nothing but uncivilized animals who bring nothing but embarassment and shame to their own country and religion. These people only use Islam to acheive their own personal agenda. Pakistan needs a brutal dictator like Zia to control them. Democracy does not work in Pakistan. Everywhere else it does but not in Pakistan.

I cannot comment on the rest of the post for I feel it is an internal affair / opinion. Should a non Pakistani agree to them it may be taken amiss.

As regards taking a Dictator instead of a democracy , I feel in this situation a dictator too wouldnt have helped- unless he declared war on the nation where the film came from. There exist totalitarian regimes in the Middle east which are akin or worse than a dictatorship.

Has it helped them to contain the reaction to the film ? No.

@ the subject, some clot somewhere makes a silly film & puts it on line. People a world away burn down themselves in protest.

I find this silly.
I'm referring to general law and order. If previous dictatorship was in place before releasing of this film most would think twice before acting like fools---domino's effect on behavior. See General Zia.
The protesters were demanding tolerance and respect

MARDAN, Sept 21: A mob protesting against the anti-Islam film in the city on Friday set a church on fire and ransacked public and private property.

Armed with clubs and sticks, the angry protesters torched the building of the Sarhadi Lutheran Church.

They ransacked furniture and equipment in the offices of mobile phone companies, a courier firm and the Mardan postgraduate college.

Awami National Party MNA Himayatullah Mayar said police were responsible for the loss. He said no proper security arrangements had been made to prevent the protesters from damaging the property.DIG Abdullah Khan said police had made adequate security arrangements and deployed a large number of personnel to protect sensitive places in the city.

“We have arrested 50 suspects after the church was torched,” the DIG said, adding FIRs would be registered against those found behind violent incidents after investigation

Church torched in Mardan | DAWN.COM
I'm referring to general law and order. If previous dictatorship was in place before releasing of this film most would think twice before acting like fools---domino's effect on behavior. See General Zia.

During Zia's time there was no internet - not the way it is now.

Next , those who posted the silly film did not have Pak in mind .

Lastly, Zia could have done nothing either as the dictators in Middle East cannot.
What an ignorant uncivilized society. Destroying their own shops, homes and killing each other for a video that they should have ignored. Running out of their homes ill-informed and being extremely uneducated having no common sense to realize that this film was not made nor endorsed by U.S. Government but rather by made by a rogue Egyptian individual. Pakistanis are nothing but uncivilized animals who bring nothing but embarassment and shame to their own country and religion. These people only use Islam to acheive their own personal agenda. Pakistan needs a brutal dictator like Zia to control them. Democracy does not work in Pakistan. Everywhere else it does but not in Pakistan.

You can't blame public on this occasion, Everyone is well aware that 11 to 15 peoples get killed in karachi on daily basis which reflects the worst situations and how effectively it have been administrated by current administration . Just few months ago Lyari operation exposes the capability of our police, No Mafia can patrol in any town without their permision, they have just became a political tool. Corruption has eaten almost all of our administrative organisations, I remember the debates and haterd that (fire on Textile industry and heavy casualities) have caused in public. Yup ! thats all frustration had caused the riots yesterday . Not just that movie, just sharing my point of view.
keep all other things aside, see the unity of muslims on the name of their beloved PROPHET.... millions of muslims joined the protest without any proper leadership....I agree that it is wrong to kill our own people. but If we put ourselves in harm then we will go to any extent for our PROPHET...

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