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Pakistan – The Quiet Nuclear Threat

Ohh, I heard you dawg.. your Islam is bashed all over the world as terror sponsor religion, so I get it, you want to vent out your frustration somewhere.. So run away inside your cave before TTP shoots you or American drone strikes.. Shoo

A$$ Hole, bash Israelis who created this thread and not India and by the way, the Israelis are right in creating this thread..your post shows that you are a Cultureless, shameless inbred who got nothing better to do other than bashing India..
So what the hell you are doing here ?????? Waiting for cow to pee ????? If you have nothing to do with this thread then fug off
One thing is for sure, israel is endangering its own existence by making others its own enemy. A country with Israel's size and threats shouldnt have such an attitude, if it is sincere about its own existence.

inkay lyay to aik 2 nasr b kaafi hay :lol: ...................... just trolling :coffee:

I rated your post #80 negative so that you could not edit it and asked for a moderator to
review your participation in his thread.

Content is gone but now found in Al-Qassam Brigade's post 80 that replaced yours
and I saved it for further review by management.

If you cannot write a single post without an insult, there is something wrong with you.
I do understand however that there were other improper calls by your "opponents"
and for that reason, would like @waz to review or have it reviewed by one of his guys.

Thanks for checking this out ( re-read yourself? ) and reacting correctly to management
when they fix it. If you find this or subsequent actions unfair, here is the complaint thread :
Review ratings-II | Page 26

Please calm/tone down for your own sake, Tay.

Here are the rules that warranted my action :
A)Negative marking:

Members are adviced/requested to use this feature when post consist of:
1)Personal attacks/slangs
2)One linear trolls
3)Abusing someone's nationality
4)Statements such as:
-Pakistan is a failed state
-India is a rapist country or 'salay Indian rapiests'
5)Post consists of 'harassing material'
6)Celebrating someone's death unless he is TTP terrorists.

Rules number 1. 3. 4. & 5 were all broken by you.
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I rated your post #80 negative so that you could not edit it and asked for a moderator to
review your participation in his thread.

Content is gone and now found in Al-Qassam Brigade's post 80 that replaced yours
but I said it for further review by management.

If you cannot write a single post without an insult, there is something wrong with you.
I do understand however that there were other improper calls by your "opponents"
and for that reason, would like @waz to review or have it reviewed by one of his guys.

Thanks for checking this out ( re-read yourself? ) and reacting correctly to management
when they fix it. If you find this or subsequent actions unfair, here is the complaint thread :
Review ratings-II | Page 26

Please calm/tone down for your own sake, Tay.
You will not see insult from Pakistani members, you'll find it only from Indians, right? whatever dude, what else we can expect in a Pakistani forum..? Are these rules only for Indians?? Anyways, thanks for the rating.. I'm outta here..
All this article is written as if Pakistan is some down n out state and Israel is some superpower, who can do anything.:rofl:
There is a universal saying in the world that if enemy is in yr range do know that yr also in his range.

And in Israel vs Pakistan, :lol: there is no comparison. Pakistan is just too big n powerful fish to fry for israel.But same is not true for Pakistan vs Israel Just like israel we also r ideological state and see the threats same way how they do. And just like them we also believe in Sampson option, So israel may attack us, but im sure their jets wont have a home called israel when they will return back if ever. Unlike iran, Pakistan is a nuke state with ready to launch system deployed at every time, and the existence of others r just push of a button away.

It is best for Israel to come out of its delusional thinking And stop getting parity with Muslim Countries specially Pakistan, if its sincere with its own existence, threat or no threat.
Apart from some delusional liberals entire Pakistan considers Israel the enemy and rightly so and also Israel considers Pakistan the enemy. In fact Pakistan is biggest obstacle in Israel's way of creating greater Israel. So no matter what but sooner or later Pakistan and Israel will face each other in war.
You will not see insult from Pakistani members, you'll find it only from Indians, right? whatever dude, what else we can expect in a Pakistani forum..? Are these rules only for Indians?? Anyways, thanks for the rating.. I'm outta here..
A)Negative marking:

Members are adviced/requested to use this feature when post consist of:
1)Personal attacks/slangs
2)One linear trolls
3)Abusing someone's nationality
4)Statements such as:
-Pakistan is a failed state
-India is a rapist country or 'salay Indian rapiests'
5)Post consists of 'harassing material'
6)Celebrating someone's death unless he is TTP terrorists.

Rules number 1. 3. 4. & 5 were all broken by you.
Agreed, and I have deleted my posts which were harsh and irrelevant.. Now will I get to see similar gesture from fellow Pakistani mates, just to keep the thread clean..??
Agreed, and I have deleted my posts which were harsh and irrelevant.. Now will I get to see similar gesture from fellow Pakistani mates, just to keep the thread clean..??

It would be a good idea indeed. Let's hope that it is heard.

Thank you for the sane attitude, Tay.
Of course Pakistan wants NSG and Civil nuke deal, which country wouldn't? You are making claims like its so strange to seek NSG, etc!!.

Either You are a Convict or you are an Innocent. NOT BOTH.
Proliferation <> NSG Period.

The content of the article is all political rhetoric and cheesy fame seeking.....

Did you know the Benazir Bhutto Has Accepted ALL of the Above Contents ( related to Dirty Work by AQ and Musharrafs Involement ) ON RECORD ? Plus, Its not a Tom Dick making suck Claims. PM of Pakistan, PM of Netherlands, Cheif of CIA and President of US .. to name a few.

India supplied advanced ballistic missile engines to Iran, an act requiring sanctions by itself. But what happened? Every one turned their heads away. .

Proof ?
and Besides, Rocket Technology has NO relation with Nuclear Proliferation in the first place.

So moral of the story is, the US will continue to turn her head away from Pakistan too, due to her importance in the region The Past is the Past. .

The Above is an Israeli Source and an Israeli Article.

And Pakistan has made strides in bringing about security and oversight into securing her nukes, even the US leadership agrees to it and I've heard it many times. .

Pakistani Nukes are Safe.... Well, Your Nuclear Scientists have a close Link with Al Quaeda. Former ISI DG, was a patron of Taliban.. That really brings Nukes close very close to the Bad Guys.

And everyone wants to make the money, when there is a hot item, everyone jumps on it. Scare tactics work the best and scare tactics, and sex, are the two most selling items. Hell, even I want to write a book on AQ Khan and Modi's extremist activities in their respective countries. Let's make some $$$$!!

You can Write Books about Nawaz , Zardari and even Imran Khan As well.
But AQ Khan is a League of its own. Dont compare Kohinoor with Sand Stones found across the globe. ( Even Trump is American Modi lol )

Dude David Sling, there is a reason why the Israeli government never calls out Pakistan as a "threat" to them. There are constant open communication between the two and Israel knows (tested over time) that Pakistan poses no harm to them and vis-a-vis.

Were PAF Pilots in Arab Israeli War there to Deliver Gift Items ?

In fact Israel is hoping to be accepted diplomatically by the Pakistani government. The Israeli's have previously sold weapons to Pakistan, and have repeatedly offered advanced weapons.

Source and Details Plz.

if Pakistan could accept her legally and can do ongoing business. The author, however is a little paranoid and wants quick attention and "ratings" from the readers it seems like. A lot of stuff is misrepresented slightly.

I could say the same for you. So what ? Btw, lets see the Reality :





@GURU DUTT , @gslv mk3
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Apart from some delusional liberals entire Pakistan considers Israel the enemy and rightly so and also Israel considers Pakistan the enemy. In fact Pakistan is biggest obstacle in Israel's way of creating greater Israel. So no matter what but sooner or later Pakistan and Israel will face each other in war.
Against with this larger Israel no-sense, Israel don't want larger Israel, some religious right wing jews believe in it but can't do shit about it, mere propaganda against Israel and Israelies. and for view of Pakistan in Israel - we don't talk about u and we don't care about u,only rarely there are articles about Pakistanies in the Israeli media and it's nothing important.
Article is very misleading, in recent years we have been very cautious as far as this matter is concerned. We are not a threat to Israel, we have directly conveyed this message to Israel too. Our Nuclear program is solely based on defense of our motherland, we were forced to started it. As far as our nuclear security is concerned, doesn't even make an sense; our nukes are safe...
To be honest, Pakistan has 2 Programs in parallel, the Talented Group headed by Dr. Munir Ahmed ( The Real father of Pakista'ns Bomb ) Never got the Credit while the Dr. Khan Simply did all the Dirty things and Spread the Nuclear Disease Across the Globe.

Had it been only Munir , and No AQ , Pakistan's Program would have been a Real Achievement. It Still is, but It will never be understood. The Culprits are Pakistani Establishment.
Welcome to Pakistan where Heroes are presented as villains and villains as heroes. It's a shame people do not even know about Munir Ahmed and his role.
and for view of Pakistan in Israel - we don't talk about u and we don't care about u,only rarely there are articles about Pakistanies in the Israeli media and it's nothing important.
Pakistan poses no threat to Israel, deep down people just want normal relations; unfortunate to make an enemy out of nothing; or present someone to be an 'enemy'.
Read the OP:
Could Israel and Pakistan become friends?

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