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Pak worried about Saudi Arabia-India's growing anti-terror cooperation?

this is one of the most fact-devoid and mis-leading articles posted in some time...no surprise of course that its posted by some indian --- and the source is some unknown indian tabloid (whose title the poster also altered -- which is against forum rules :police:)

setting aside my passion of making fools out of the bhartis who litter this forum, i'll simply say that it was a Saudi decision - and one that i support. Saudi Arabia is already up to its eye-balls trying to contain what it perceives as a ****** threat within its region (al qaeda in Arabian peninsula; even moderate factions of the MB in Egypt & UAE with whom it has some ideological strains)

Saudi has little to gain from having an indian terrorist on its homeland; and the guy probably has too much baggage to be an effective floor sweeper at the local airport (which is what a lot of indian labourers do when they go for work in that country)

actually, i dont believe any of these guys deported even had links with Pakistan and no amount of indian propaganda can change my opinion - of course unless these day-dreaming bhartis actually muster SOME courage and actually share the evidence....until then :pop:
One of many But ya important.

Saudi Arabia is trying hard to make economic sanctions on Iran a success and since India is the second largest importer of Iran's oil, they know their priorities.
SA is only developing ties with India to make India drift away from Iran. Literally everything the Saudis do nowadays is directed towards isolating the Iranians. Their obsessions is enormous and both India and Pakistan can use this to their advantage to get whatever they want from the Saudis until Iran is either invaded or the regime toppled by US/Israel because then Saudis will calm down and be less forthcoming.

They had a similar obsession with defeating the infidels (soviets) back in the 80's. And we all know what is the outcome. It would be a rather safe bet to stay away from trying to exploit this obsession because it could lead to some crazy situation. Iran is not Iraq, people over their actually have brains. Read some accounts of Iraq-Iran war and how Saddam did epic failures despite being assisted by the combined millitary genious of Jordan, KSA, USA and Kuwait.

Secondly we share cultural and historical ties with Iran which supersede all religion and sects. To go against nature will further fracture our identity crisis. I know the government in Tehran is not one of the most Pakistan friendly but it is better keep neutrality instead of poking your nose.
Indian media wet dreaming again. This was a IM operative, an "Incredible Indigenous Indian" terror outfit and has nothing to do with Pakistan.

That way , Dawood Ibrahim is Indian. He obviously has nothing to do with Pakistan apart from the fact that he lives there in a palatial bungalow protected by the state.Indian Mujahideen may consist of Indians but they take orders and funding from across the border.
this is one of the most fact-devoid and mis-leading articles posted in some time...no surprise of course that its posted by some indian --- and the source is some unknown indian tabloid (whose title the poster also altered -- which is against forum rules :police:)

setting aside my passion of making fools out of the bhartis who litter this forum, i'll simply say that it was a Saudi decision - and one that i support. Saudi Arabia is already up to its eye-balls trying to contain what it perceives as a ****** threat within its region (al qaeda in Arabian peninsula; even moderate factions of the MB in Egypt & UAE with whom it has some ideological strains)

Saudi has little to gain from having an indian terrorist on its homeland; and the guy probably has too much baggage to be an effective floor sweeper at the local airport (which is what a lot of indian labourers do when they go for work in that country)

actually, i dont believe any of these guys deported even had links with Pakistan and no amount of indian propaganda can change my opinion - of course unless these day-dreaming bhartis actually muster SOME courage and actually share the evidence....until then :pop:

evidence evidence blah blah. According to you people , there was no "evidence" that Osama was hiding in Pakistan. I can easily bet that 90% of the most wanted islamic terrorists in the world are living in palatial houses in Pakistan. There's no point in giving you people evidence. The only reply will be "not enough evidence". US knew that very well and thus carried out the Osama operation without informing you people. After he was dead , instead of feeling happy, you people were whining that your sovereignty had been violated and what not.
I believe other reason is to counter Iran.

Absolutely right mate

Pressuring Pakistan not to build gas pipe line ,if they do their energy and gas problem will be solve and they will be independent of saudi and iran will make good money.

and cosing with india to lure us to buy their gas not iranian ,if they convince us of not buying iranian gas this will hurt iran so hard.but it will be strategic mistake if we did it.
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