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Pak wants 50 Indian engines, Rlys says no

If India gives its Railway engines to Pakistan then in turn they will give it to China for studying its mechanism and its durability. Chinese are good in reverse engineering. And possibility India could loose its core competency. First ask Pakistan to catch hold of all those terrorist. And also to hand over those non state actors like Dawood etc. Then possibly India could think in this option. Till then no business no charity.
The Indian Railways has 4,214 electric and 6,000 diesel engines. Two hundred engines roll out of each of its two public sector manufacturing units every year. It is massively short of its Vision 2020 target of 1,200 engines annually.

But despite this, tenders for the supply of engines to Bangladesh and Myanmar are currently being processed.

Looks like it depends on all who-you-know in the power corridors of South Block and is also an indicator of the strategic priorities of Indian Policy makers. Better to concentrate on building a business partnership with Bangladesh , Myanmar etc rather than Pakistan .

They will not reciprocate . Will sound a little harsh to all Pakistani posters but they have nothing to reciprocate with. There is nothing they have that we need.
The production estimates of the Indian Railways is already way off the predicted numbers.To entertain foreign tenders would mean a sound trashing from the media and not to mention opposition parties.Even the Indian Railways doesn't pull that kind of weight,no pun intended.

Engines to Bangladesh and Myanmar are prioritized at the behest of the Indian government,nothing more.I'm pretty sure the same preferential treatment will be afforded to Pakistan if the Indian government endorses it's case regardless of production capacity estimates.
When our own demands are not getting full-filled then how can we lease to others?

Simple logic!

while i agree with your statement . i also believe that the railways are seeing Pakistan past performance with regards to payment . its just a matter of being cautious and not about enmity.

---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------

If India gives its Railway engines to Pakistan then in turn they will give it to China for studying its mechanism and its durability. Chinese are good in reverse engineering. And possibility India could loose its core competency. First ask Pakistan to catch hold of all those terrorist. And also to hand over those non state actors like Dawood etc. Then possibly India could think in this option. Till then no business no charity.

lets not go off topic in this matter mate. one has nothing to do with the other.
lets not go off topic in this matter mate. one has nothing to do with the other.

It has very much to do with it Brother. I cant forget the innocent people who got killed in Mumbai attack, Delhi Attack, Parliament attack, Mumbai train bomb blast, 1993 serial mumbai bomb blast and many more. But still nothing can be done. Are those people who got killed and got crippled have no value for life. Is their life so cheap and worthless. Where they not having dreams and ambitions in life. What about all that. So one start forgetting and start doing trade ? Indians have never gone for any war with Pakistan. Indians always thought for to get its people the basis needs. And for that every Indian struggles for his family. And one day some cowards plant bombs in taxis, public places and kill thousands of innocent people. How can i forget those innocent people who might be the only bread owners for their family got killed with out seeing much in their life and leaving their family and loved ones. How can i forget those family who might have suffered immensely due to some ones evil plan. How can i forget those people who got disabled and cant never live the same life they had before. How can i forget those children who lost their parents and cant never see them again. And this was not started now. Its is from many years. This cowardly attack is imposed on us from many years. If some country shows its disability to act against its non state actors on its soil then let them say to us. We will go and crush those elements. But if on the one side they talk peace and other side implement and impose attacks and only think about harm then whats the use of helping that country. It will only give pain and agony.
It has very much to do with it Brother. I cant forget the innocent people who got killed in Mumbai attack, Delhi Attack, Parliament attack, Mumbai train bomb blast, 1993 serial mumbai bomb blast and many more. But still nothing can be done. Are those people who got killed and got crippled have no value for life. Is their life so cheap and worthless. Where they not having dreams and ambitions in life. What about all that. So one start forgetting and start doing trade ? Indians have never gone for any war with Pakistan. Indians always thought for to get its people the basis needs. And for that every Indian struggles for his family. And one day some cowards plant bombs in taxis, public places and kill thousands of innocent people. How can i forget those innocent people who might be the only bread owners for their family got killed with out seeing much in their life and leaving their family and loved ones. How can i forget those family who might have suffered immensely due to some ones evil plan. How can i forget those people who got disabled and cant never live the same life they had before. How can i forget those children who lost their parents and cant never see them again. And this was not started now. Its is from many years. This cowardly attack is imposed on us from many years. If some country shows its disability to act against its non state actors on its soil then let them say to us. We will go and crush those elements. But if on the one side they talk peace and other side implement and impose attacks and only think about harm then whats the use of helping that country. It will only give pain and agony.

while i agree with your sentiments ,( i am from Mumbai and got pissed when 26/11 happened) but diplomacy and business relations have no place for emotions in them .
Stop going ahead of yourself. China is 30 years ahead of us in rail technology

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

@observer 7: Stop going ahead of yourself. China is 30 years ahead of us in rail technology
Stop going ahead of yourself. China is 30 years ahead of us in rail technology

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

@observer 7: Stop going ahead of yourself. China is 30 years ahead of us in rail technology
exactally and on top of that why is Pakistany minister so eager to get indian engines when they have a all wether freind like CHINA no pun intended
India genuinely has shortage in railway Engines themselves , it wouldn't be logical to send 50 pak , if and when India has excess i wouldnt mind leasing or selling them to Pak
Originally Posted by DelhiDareDevil:
WHy did Pakistan want India rail engines ahead of China?
Pakistan had ordred around 90 Railway engines from china in 2007 I guess, around 70 engins have broke down due to poor quality. Chinese quality after all. Now the pakistanis want Indian engines.

The collapse of Pakistan Railways – The Express Tribune

Originally Posted by :
They imported from China ‘Group 1’ locomotives with axle load of 23 Tons per axle, although the limitation was 22 tons per axle. Similarly, orders were placed for ‘Group 3’ locomotives with loads of 19.3 tons – while the limitation was 17.5 tons per axle.
A special dispensation was issued by the Railways allowing their operation on sections where it could prove dangerous and this is still in force. This has led to numerous accidents and loss of precious lives.
Trials conducted on Chinese Group 3 locomotives revealed that while their fuel consumption was higher the hauling power was much less than the specifications listed jointly by the manufacturers. Their performance was worse than the existing 30 to 40 year old locomotives.

The 64 Chinese locomotives, based on vintage Russian technology, had an additional impact for spare parts procurement valued at $15 million annually, making them the most expensive locomotives ever procured by Railways. Earlier, the annual allocation for maintenance and repair would never exceed $10 million for the total fleet of 530 locomotives.
More recently, in 2009-2010, an additional order for 75 brand new locomotives has been placed with the same Chinese middleman Dong Feng Trading House (DFTH) and Mishan Locomotives Works, the manufacturer. LD.

As if this was not enough, 200 passenger carriages at an exorbitant cost are also being procured, although the same could be manufactured by the factory in Islamabad with imported raw material.
Yet another major source of pilferage is the sub-standard manufacturing outsourced to local contractors – most of these firms owned by front men of senior officers. The Chemist and Metallurgical Centre, responsible for testing and analysing raw materials and spares, boasts obsolete equipment

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4.5 million is too much a price for a chinese quality..
All the best,
Pakistan Defence Forum

I guess this time infraction will also break down. A lot dont like downplaying , no matter what.

I guess this time infraction will also break down. A lot dont like downplaying , no matter what.

it will be better for the indian members if the mods and administeraters would make it a rule on it..
let it be staight , so no confussion arises..
Madam Lila, you seem to be a cute lady :smitten:

Now tell me why would anyone want to cater milk to a snake, so that the snake comes back one day to bite the feeding hands? And this is answer to your query.

In an event of war, pakistan army cannot bring its logistics in the war zone due to its logistical inferiority viz-a-viz railways. Why would India lose out this startegic advantage? Besides you dont know pakistanis and their mentality and inflated ego.

They will happily travel 2000 miles on back of a camel rather than travelling by Kuffar evil Indian railway engine. Also some radical mullahs will issue fatwa against tarvelling on Indian trains. Some will see it as a conspiracy by RAW-Mossad-CIA nexus to humiliate pakitan and having other nefarious motives.

In commercial aspects, pakistan is a defaulter of all the loans it has taken. It takes more loan to pay old loans, who will give free stuffs to a unthanful and hostile neighbour, who is ready to use nuclear weapons at slightest of provocation.

Too many reasons, I tell you. :lol:

Could have just written, "Ban me please". Disappointing to see such rhetoric "Thanked" by seemingly better mannered Indian individuals.

As far as logistics in the time of war is concerned, perhaps an education would do you good

The Hindu : Gen. Padmanabhan mulls over lessons of Operation Parakram

NEW DELHI, FEB. 5. Problems with India's military doctrine, and a lack of clarity within the Union Cabinet and on its war objectives may have undermined Operation Parakram at the very outset.

In an exclusive interview to The Hindu , the former Chief of the Army Staff, General S. Padmanabhan, has thrown new light on the reasons for the failure of Operation Parakram, the massive build-up ordered in the wake of the December 13, 2001, terrorist attack on Parliament House. He was responding to criticism that a slow mobilisation of the troops "gifted" Pakistan time to prepare its defences — and eventually meant that the Operation had to be called off.

Pakistan made its decision to mobilize troops much later and did a better job at it than India which lost 387 soldiers in just the standoff.
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