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Pak US; Tranactional Relationship

Tiki Tam Tam

May 15, 2006
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Axis of evil

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Dr Farrukh Saleem

At 9:15 p.m. on 29 January 2002, President Bush delivered the State of the Union Address. The president named Iraq, Iran and North Korea as states that "constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world." On 20 March 2003, American-led forces --'axis of the willing'-- occupied Iraq, overthrew the Baath Party government and later executed Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti. On 3 October 2007, North Korea agreed to "declare and disable its nuclear facilities in exchange for aid and economic concessions from the members of a six-party forum&#8230;." that includes South Korea, China, Russia, Japan and the U.S. On Iran, America's most recent National Intelligence Estimate has "concluded that Iran shelved its nuclear weapons program four years ago."

In a nutshell, things are more settled in Iraq than they were, say, a year ago. Iran is not as urgent as it was a year ago, and North Korea has decided to cash in its nuclear hyperbole.

In January 2005, Condoleezza Rice coined a new term, 'outposts of tyranny'. In a written statement to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Rice named Belarus, Myanmar, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Zimbabwe as the "most dangerous" and the most "anti-American" countries.

Fast forward to 2007. Newsweek magazine declared: "The most dangerous nation in the world isn't Iraq. It's Pakistan." Fast forward to 2008. Hillary Clinton asserted that she would "propose a joint US-British team to oversee the security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal if she is elected President." The Economist then classified Pakistan as the "world's most dangerous place."

To be certain, this is the presidential primaries season and its going to be a foreign policy election. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Cuba and Zimbabwe are all off the hook and Pakistan is on every political radar in America. Every presidential hopeful --Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, Joe Biden, Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Ron Paul, Duncan Hunter, Rudy Giuliani and Alan Keyes -- is on the campaign trail out to outdo the other trying to demonstrate to American voters that he or she is the only one who knows Pakistan the best.

Here's my take on Washington: One, presidential hopefuls are saying what they are saying not to get Pakistan but to get American votes. Two, America is a country with multiple centres of powers, like the White House, the congress, the media, the intelligentsia and the think tanks. Three, the White House prefers status quo. Four, the congress is looking at a fundamental revision of American policy on Pakistan. Five, the foundation of American foreign policy is realism; devoid of ethics and morality it's all about American national interest. In effect, Pakistan-US relationship has been transactional in nature; they come here for a particular transaction, transact and then take off. Look at history: Pakistan joined the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) because President Eisenhower wanted to block communist expansion in Southeast Asia. Pakistan singed up for the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) because America wanted to "contain the Soviet Union by having a line of states along the USSR's south-western frontier." Tricky Dick Nixon dinned with General Muhammad Yahya Khan because Pakistan agreed to 'ping pong diplomacy' (the exchange of ping pong players of China and the US marking the thaw in diplomatic relations). Reagan 'The Gipper' befriended General Zia-ul-Haq because Pakistan agreed to become part of the Reagan Doctrine (to bring the Soviet Union to her knees). Currently, there are two pending transactions: 'loose nukes and Al-Qaeda'.

Why has Pakistan-U.S. relationship been transactional? As a matter of cold-blooded economic calculus, we need America more than America needs us. Why do we need America more than America needs us? Here's why: One, America buys nearly 30 percent of all our exports. For America, imports from Pakistan represent a mere 0.269 percent of America's total imports. Two, some 15 million Pakistani workers get their monthly wages because American consumers are buying our textiles. No American worker, on the other hand, is going to loose his or her job if Pakistani consumers decide to boycott American products. Three, America is the only major country with which we have a trade surplus. Four, American investors account for nearly 30 percent of our Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Five, America is now the single largest source of workers remittances (28 percent of our global workers remittances come from the U.S).

Pakistan was neither in the 'axis of evil' nor an 'outpost of tyranny' but we are now under the American microscope. Iraq is not the most important country in the 'war on terror' neither is Afghanistan. It is Pakistan.

Why has Pakistan-US relationship been transactional? America would like it that way. It's in our national interest to change the nature of that relationship -- from transactional to interest driven. Yes, there are alternatives to the US. One, beg Saudi Arabia to buy 30 percent of all our exports (Saudi Arabia currently buys 1.8 percent of our exports). Two, beg China to invest $1 billion every five months into Pakistan (for July-November 2007 China invested $7.3 million and the U.S. $1 billion).

The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com
Capital suggestion

This is a article from JANG.

It indicates that the US relationship with Pakistan is not a "betrayal" as is generally perceived, but a transactional equation. And, in each of the transaction, it has been mutually beneficial.

Even currently, the US Pakistan equation has assisted in the return of Pakistan into the comity of nation from nearly being declared a failed state, and has boosted Pakistan&#8217;s economy to the fine state that it is of now, through the assistance of the World Bank and IMF. It has also seen the beefing up of Pakistan&#8217;s military and a sizeable amount has been used to shore up against the Indian military.

This also indicates that the US is not against Pakistan in either the &#8220;axis of evil&#8221; or the &#8220;outpost of tyranny&#8221; mode and it also puts paid to the idea (baloney for some) that the War on Terror is actually a guise for ulterior motives of religious domination, to put it euphemistically.

Pakistan cannot do with the US or even the West since the benefit that it accrues from trade with the US has been indicated rather tongue in cheek wherein he states that the transactional relationship can surely be change by either banking on the munificence of Saudi Arabia or expect a largess from China every five months (his choice of word &#8220;beg&#8221; is a trifle rude).

The alternative to US transactional relationship, the writer has left to only two options. One wonders if there are more.
The U.S. only keeps its interest in mind. When we were needed for U.S. interest they used us and when we were not needed we were left in the dark. The U.S. has done the same with many countries.
That is true, but then it is also true that we cannot do without them since they control the world economy.
the 911 commission has recommended that this policy of transactional relationship should be abandoned to a more normal and strategic policy vis-a-vie pakistan. any new govt in pakistan should insist on this.

What they recommend that is for public consumption.

In actuality, because they hold the world economy in their grip, most countries have no option.

India, amongst others, is relatively taken as having an independent attitude, but then I wonder if that is so!

And I am not a Communist.
There might be some positive movement in the offing on this.

The US has indicated support for initiating FTA negotiations with Pakistan after the presidential elections. Given the Democrats propensity to criticize military aid to Pakistan, and some of their leadership's declared intent to change the nature of US aid to Pakistan, geared towards the economy and social sector, that may have a good chance of gettin through in some form.

If the elections in Pakistan are considered largely "free and fair", in the US at least, and the situation in Pakistan does not deteriorate to any great degree, that holds promise. Even if military aid is cut, a long term economic relationship such as that would go a long way in changing the nature of the Pak-US relationship.

FTA talks with Pakistan by year-end
US offers transfer of power technology

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
By our correspondent

LAHORE: The US is ready to transfer technology to Pakistan to generate cheaper electricity by using hydel, coal and windmill methods instead of going for producing expensive power through nuclear technology.

US Consulate Principal Officer Bryan D Hunt stated that in a meeting with Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) President Muhammad Ali Mian and other office-bearers on Tuesday.

He said the US could help Pakistan in producing cheap electricity through coal, adding Washington was also ready to help Pakistan in construction of water reservoirs. He said the US had already given $500 million in aid to Pakistan and would extend further support, especially for the education and health sectors.

Hunt said Washington was ready to consider a Free Trade Agreement with Pakistan but the situation would be clear after US elections in November. Speaking on the occasion, LCCI President Mohammad Ali Mian said the US was a leading export market of Pakistan’s products accounting for about one quarter of total exports.

During 2007, he said, Pakistan’s exports to the US were worth US$3.9 billion, recording an increase of five per cent over 2006. Ninety per cent of the exports comprised textile and apparel products. Power-generating machinery was another notable item imported from the US.

He said US relations with other South Asian countries showed inequality in the region as the area of cooperation between the US and India was very wide compared to Pakistan. He said the US had entered into a number of projects with India and growing US-India cooperation in nuclear technology transfer was another important issue.

Though the US denied Pakistan a nuclear deal, Islamabad was promised that its energy needs would be adequately addressed, he said, adding Pakistan was facing acute power shortage with no support from Washington.

Mohammad Ali Mian mentioned that US Congress had okayed Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs) in FATA and earthquake-affected areas and the matter was pending for a final approval from the US president. He said Pakistan’s businessmen would like the US to add more textile category items to boost exports from these regions.

The LCCI president said Pakistan’s exporters had honoured commitments, irrespective of the circumstances in the country, as export orders were dispatched on time. However, on the other hand, “whenever any terrorist attack hits Pakistan, the exporters face cancellation of letters of credit and pressure from US buyers.”

He said “life is normal and the industries are running smoothly in Pakistan,” adding the US diplomat should send a message to the importers that there was no chance of any default from Pakistan’s exporters and they would continue to fulfill their business obligations.
FTA talks with Pakistan by year-end
That is true, but then it is also true that we cannot do without them since they control the world economy.

I agree with you that US economy controls and effects all the economies in the world.

As for, the article, I quote: " Currently, there are two pending transactions: 'loose nukes and Al-Qaeda'".

Its not a case of Simplicity as explained by the article. Its way to complicated and loosing the nukes in case of Pakistan is i think unrealistic. Authors of such articles forget that it is not a one time item Pakistan made and now US wants them to hand it over to them. I will say authors of such articles and news are ill informed and know nothing about Nuclear Establishment of Pakistan. Or may be its just for Propaganda purposes.

As for AQ, i think AQ in afghanistan and Tribal area is more a Menace for Pakistan at the moment then US. Doesnt matter what their objectives are and who is helping who in WOT and AQ being of CIA orgin and all those theories, One thing matters and that is, AQ dealt with in Tribal Areas is in the best Interest of Pakistan.
Mr. Salim Iraq and Iran both are on of the best friends of the Indians ?
Mr. Salim Iraq and Iran both are on of the best friends of the Indians ?

Why do you ask this question?

We are discussing geopolitics and geostrategy in general and not Indo Iran and Indo Iraq relationships, or are we?

To the best of my knowledge, I don't think that issue has arisen in the discussion, or has it?

Added later:

I have re-read the posts. I don't find any reference to India and its relationship with Iran or Iran.

The issue is US and Pakistan's transactional relationship.

Therefore, any other reasons than what meets the eye, prompts your question?
Even if military aid is cut, a long term economic relationship such as that would go a long way in changing the nature of the Pak-US relationship.[/url]

economic aid without a military relationship will not cut with us pakistanis! its a no go!
economic aid without a military relationship will not cut with us pakistanis! its a no go!

If the US does buy the "free and fair" argument, a military relationship will continue in some form or other. Even if direct military aid is discontinued (Officially only about 1.8 billion over 8 years, and it probably won't be discontinued as long as the US military sees PA ops in FATA as essential in the WoT) military training and military sales will probably continue - though I am skeptical that Pakistan will go for any major systems from the US in the future.
"...economic aid without a military relationship will not cut with us pakistanis! its a no go!"

A fascinating display of bravura arrogance. Stupifying. I can only hope for the sake of amicable U.S.-Pakistani relations that your attitude is not commonplace.
^^Totally agree S-2. The US does not owe Pakistan anything, economic or military. So far your posts have been rational and sane, something I havent seen from other Americans on here!
"...economic aid without a military relationship will not cut with us pakistanis! its a no go!"

A fascinating display of bravura arrogance. Stupifying. I can only hope for the sake of amicable U.S.-Pakistani relations that your attitude is not commonplace.

not really. just telling it like it is. the whole gamut of US-Pak relations is based on the military-to-military relationship. take that out, whats left.
"...the whole gamut of US-Pak relations is based on the military-to-military relationship. take that out, whats left."

Ummm...your single largest trading partner who absorbs 21&#37; of Pakistan's gross exports (CIA Factbook) while providing your largest source of FDI and remitted income, IIRC. This notion of "transactional" has an odd habit-forming quality, particularly the insidiously addictive quality of globally-networked trade/commerce. These types of "transactional relationships" are far more enduring, mutually beneficial, and generate ancillary benefits (taxes) to the public good.

Were I Pakistan, I'd jump at a dollar-for-dollar shift of military aid for economic and infrastructure developmental aid-especially a quality and public secular school system. Managed carefully and locally, it would offer returns across the board to all concerned.
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