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Pak to give India railway access to Central Asian states

India should not accept the offer even if it is free.

Looks like pakistan railway lines needs repair and wants us to do it. Pakistan does not have any money. No suprise in their offer.

If Pakistan's Federal Minister for the railway has gone on the record to announce the news, then there must be substance to this detail more over has India denied the claim.

Agreed.. I wanted to know if really India asked for it or not looking at kind of mistrust the two countries have. IMO though it sounds good but it will be a complete futile excercise.. But since the news is only in Pakistani Newpaper so I don't expect any Indian minister to accept or deny the claim.
I have never herd of any plans to put a pipeline under the ocean. This sounds like loony toon cartoon plan to me.

and secondly, land or sea. The pipeline will have to go through Pakistani territory. India was offered partnership for this pipeline but it opted out so now the pipeline is for Pakistan only and maybe China if it happens.

The plan is in its initial stages.The plan is to bring the pipe line upto Pakistan border and from there on bring it by the sea.
That is to save your funded terrorism movement in Balochistan because if anyone is blowing oil, gaslines there that is BLA terrorists and in case Indian oil, gas line is going through Balochistan, your friends from BLA will be feeling crippled to blow it. It means that would be an end to BLA low level terrorism.

One of the reasons why India walked out of the IPI pipeline project was the exceptionally high transit charge demanded by Pakistan.

Also with the rise in terror attacks in Pakistan India found no sense in taking a risk.
This is indeed good news both countires need to end the tension between each other and have this as a start to help each other in achiving peace and frienship through all means . :)

Evidently the talks between Pakistan and India do not work.
Friendship with India is unthinkable until Kashmir is liberated.

Sheet like Aman Ki Asha may be good for TV lounge but it's not good enough for the real tables.

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