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Pak 'terrorism accountability' bill introduced in US Congress

Why the peoples don't open their eyes and brains........they just follow what european media or CIA says............if someone has brain...he can think.....why US or NATO is here (For Al-Qiada) or for China and Pakistan............Why not US or NATO accept that they are failed even they are super power.....they are not accepting coz their ego hearts...............why they not say sorry by killing 26 Pakistani Soldiers..........they are not saying coz their ego hearts that they are suppower and they can do anything.......why they refused to call Pakistan in Shicago conference.....coz they don't want Pakistan to play role in Afghanistan Futrue.......because that will also cross their interest in this area.........i can continue to many pages.....but one who keeps brain can make anylsis and think deeply..........but just passing the words from Western Media.

Western media??? An Indian does not need western media to see pakistan's love affair with terrorism, we have been victims for decades. It was a clear cut tactic of pakistan after the russian withdrawal to use the same tactics against India, and now against a non compliant regime in Afghanistan. But its not all that logical at times, when SES terrorists hobnob with your ministers openly, the target of that terrorism is your own shias, this is where I completely stop understanding you guys. I understand as long as pakistan is protecting its perceived interests, but i don't think pakistanis can be stupid enough not to have heard of the term ''cost-benefit analysis''.

America was not in Afghanistan before 9-11, Pakistan was.
Must be the silly season in Capitol Hill.
I think this Dana Rohrabacher, is the same loser who introduced the resolution on Baluchistan .
What next, the scum bag will want the US to take back the F-16s. :lol:
What about Innocent Pakistanis killed by CIA drone strikes? Who will compensate them??
We should unilaterally declare that for every innocent Pakistani killed by drone strike..we will seize part of NATO cargo and auction it off to support the victim family..our price tag...$50,000 USD only!
Western media??? An Indian does not need western media to see pakistan's love affair with terrorism, we have been victims for decades. It was a clear cut tactic of pakistan after the russian withdrawal to use the same tactics against India, and now against a non compliant regime in Afghanistan. But its not all that logical at times, when SES terrorists hobnob with your ministers openly, the target of that terrorism is your own shias, this is where I completely stop understanding you guys. I understand as long as pakistan is protecting its perceived interests, but i don't think pakistanis can be stupid enough not to have heard of the term ''cost-benefit analysis''.

America was not in Afghanistan before 9-11, Pakistan was.

Let me be very clear on this issue:

1) Pakistan was sponsoring the Taliban in Afghanistan, however, India was also an ACTIVE SPONSOR of the Northern Alliance, there is no way you can lecture us about ethics when you were equally involved in the entire affair.
2) How have Indians been the target of Pakistani based terrorism? The only issues you have to your credit is the parliament attacks and 26/11, and there are serious questions being raised on whether the attackers ACTUALLY hailed from Pakistan as stated by India after the incident earlier this week, when LeT infiltrators who had entered Mumbai by sea actually turned out to be in Lahore.
3) India maintained a systematic campaign of training Indian Kashmiris in bomb technician courses and helping them cross the border to disrupt administrative control in Azad Kashmir by destroying infrastructure prior to 2003.
now lets calculate 700M $ how much US soldier we able to kill now "Officially" No blame for US side

you kill our soldier we will cut your aid hahhaha what - - a ***** of US Indirectly US allow us (US to Pakistan) "khul kar maar agay say nahne peechay say jitne maarni hey maar hamari"
Point to note is Dana Rohrabacher is doing damage to Pakistan more than even corrupt Zardari can do.

Why from being a pro-Pakistan he turned to become anti-Pakistan?

Did ISI trouble him or RAW funded him? or both?
Point to note is Dana Rohrabacher is doing damage to Pakistan more than even corrupt Zardari can do.

Why from being a pro-Pakistan he turned to become anti-Pakistan?

Did ISI trouble him or RAW funded him? or both?

He never was Pro-Pakistan, simple as that......
Plus, he's being a nuisance, not doing any damage in any sense of the word.
He never was Pro-Pakistan, simple as that......
Plus, he's being a nuisance, not doing any damage in any sense of the word.

Its written in newspapers that he was Pro-Pakistan (if they are wrong i don't know)

anyways, these days are of propaganda warfare and in that sense he is doing quite damage to Pakistan's image in front of American and western audience.
Its written in newspapers that he was Pro-Pakistan (if they are wrong i don't know)

anyways, these days are of propaganda warfare and in that sense he is doing quite damage to Pakistan's image in front of American and western audience.

He was Pro-Taliban when they first took over, then our interests were similar so he wasn't THIS anti-Pakistan, however, like I said before, he never voiced anything supportive for us through his entire life.
Secondly, Pakistan hardly enjoys much favour with the Western Audience anyway, what he does is just make them nod their head in agreement. We've gotten used to it, I no longer mind being called a sand nigger, a towel head or a terrorist, being made to wait in line for extended periods of time and being screened over and over and over again. That's just life for us, we're the new age 'Niggers'.
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