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Pak Taliban demand Rs400 million from oil firms, threatens attack

why TTP is asking for ransom if its MASTER financing TTP?

To bleed Pakistani economy.

Then who was attacking NATO supplies?

The powerpuff girls?:what:

TTP and NATO almost never attack each other; in fact, TTP finds refuge in Afghanistan under NATO.

The fight is between NATO and the Afghan Taliban.

Do try to keep up.
To bleed Pakistani economy.

TTP and NATO almost never attack each other; in fact, TTP finds refuge in Afghanistan under NATO.

The fight is between NATO and the Afghan Taliban.

Do try to keep up.

So as per you TTP is finding refuge under NATO and it is Afghan Taliban who are attacking NATO supplies in Pakistan....so doesn't that mean you are giving refuge to AT in Pakistan??

---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------

To bleed Pakistani economy.

TTP and NATO almost never attack each other; in fact, TTP finds refuge in Afghanistan under NATO.

The fight is between NATO and the Afghan Taliban.

Do try to keep up.

So as per you TTP is finding refuge under NATO and it is Afghan Taliban who are attacking NATO supplies in Pakistan....so doesn't that mean you are giving refuge to AT in Pakistan??
So as per you TTP is finding refuge under NATO and it is Afghan Taliban who are attacking NATO supplies in Pakistan....so doesn't that mean you are giving refuge to AT in Pakistan??

Afghan Taliban carry out attacks within Afghanistan also. Does that mean NATO is giving refuge to Afghan Taliban?
To bleed Pakistani economy.

TTP and NATO almost never attack each other; in fact, TTP finds refuge in Afghanistan under NATO.

The fight is between NATO and the Afghan Taliban.

Do try to keep up.

You didn't understood what i said, i mean that whats the need of ransom because its MASTER financing them(don't tell me that its MATSER is also bankcorrupt like pakistan)
Afghan Taliban carry out attacks within Afghanistan also. Does that mean NATO is giving refuge to Afghan Taliban?

But not against Pakistani forces.
Your premise was NATO and PT rarely attack each other so NATO is sheltering PT ...whereas AT does not attack you guys but only American targets in Pakistan ..so according to your logic you must sheltering AT.
But not against Pakistani forces.
Your premise was NATO and PT rarely attack each other so NATO is sheltering PT ...whereas AT does not attack you guys but only American targets in Pakistan ..so according to your logic you must sheltering AT.

No, I am saying NATO supports TTP because they abandon their border posts in Afghanistan when TTP is fleeing Pakistan. The fact that they rarely attack each other is only an observation. TTP came into existance only after NATO invaded Afghanistan.

Pakistan doesn't have the resources to plug the border but NATO, with all the resources of the world's major economies behind it, hasn't even made an effort to try and seal the border. Which means they have a motive to leave the border open so that certain operations within Pakistan can be facilitated.
As long as these conspiracy theories are alive Pakistani victory against TTP will remain a long shot . who cares here anyways.
No, I am saying NATO supports TTP because they abandon their border posts in Afghanistan when TTP is fleeing Pakistan. The fact that they rarely attack each other is only an observation. TTP came into existance only after NATO invaded Afghanistan.

Pakistan doesn't have the resources to plug the border but NATO, with all the resources of the world's major economies behind it, hasn't even made an effort to try and seal the border. Which means they have a motive to leave the border open so that certain operations within Pakistan can be facilitated.
Brother, it is easy to assume such things. However, we should focus on ground realities. ISAF in Afghanistan is not responsible for all EVIL in Pakistan. But somehow we have developed this silly habit to blame every wrong happening in our country on ISAF. This is not good practice.

You claim that TTP is serving the agenda of USA? Yet US forces killed Baitullah Mehsud - the greatest nemesis of Pakistan in WOT.

Read about TTP here (Official US based source on Terrorist groups around the world).

Some information being quoted below:

Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is an alliance of militant groups in Pakistan, formed in 2007 to prevent the military from dividing and conquering the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. TTP leaders also hope to impose a strict interpretation of Qur‘anic instruction throughout Pakistan and to expel Coalition troops from Afghanistan.

TTP is a product of our own misconceptions about people in NWFP and adjoining provinces. We know little about people living in these regions because we never attempted to bring these regions under federal rule. Some Tribes in these regions are fiercely independent and support Taliban ideologies. They also have links in Afghanistan. It won't be surprising to learn, if these Tribes provided safe havens to so many terrorists coming from Afghanistan and seeking shelter inside Pakistan.

Musharraf took action against these Tribes and the terrorists in these regions. He also handled US affairs with excellent proficiency and courage. However, we forced him out from power. Now we have Kayani who lacks the balls to act against these elements. This is why Pakistan-US relationship has deteriorated. ISAF needs our help to eradicate this menance once and for all. We have the opportunity now. Tomorrow, it will be too late.

We have this bad habit of not sticking to our principles and commitments for long term basis. We are the culprits. We are responsible for the EVIL inside Pakistan. We have no clear-cut policy for world affairs.

Let us hope that the short-sighted perceptions of our current leadership does not comes back to haunt us again, like before.
No, I am saying NATO supports TTP because they abandon their border posts in Afghanistan when TTP is fleeing Pakistan. The fact that they rarely attack each other is only an observation. TTP came into existance only after NATO invaded Afghanistan.

Pakistan doesn't have the resources to plug the border but NATO, with all the resources of the world's major economies behind it, hasn't even made an effort to try and seal the border. Which means they have a motive to leave the border open so that certain operations within Pakistan can be facilitated.

your friends in the past few posts called TTP an Indian product and that it was RAW that was making TTP attack NATO forces in Afghanistan . You thanked those posts means you agreed with them .post #7 by BATMAN.

Now here you are saying NATO supports TTP . You guys are not even clear in your conspiracy theories . :pakistan:
No, I am saying NATO supports TTP because they abandon their border posts in Afghanistan when TTP is fleeing Pakistan. The fact that they rarely attack each other is only an observation. TTP came into existance only after NATO invaded Afghanistan.

Pakistan doesn't have the resources to plug the border but NATO, with all the resources of the world's major economies behind it, hasn't even made an effort to try and seal the border. Which means they have a motive to leave the border open so that certain operations within Pakistan can be facilitated.

Your entire post based on wrong assumptions

1. NATO has vast resources deployed in Afghanistan ... sanctioned strength of NATO forces in Afghan region does not exceed hundred forty thousand whereas Pakistan has deployed hundred and fifty thousand on its western border alone...remeber you need men to man the post and guard the border..machines can not replace men..with all your deployed forces you are not able plug the gaps then how can you expect NATO to both guard the borders, fight in Afghanistan as well maintain order in Afghanistan?

2.TTP and Americans rarely target each other..infact most of the senior leadership of TTP have been taken out by Americans themselves and not by Pakistanis.

3. TTP came into existance only after American came Afghnistan.

Americans came to Afghanistan in 2001 whereas TTP came into existence in 2007..It came into existence after Pakistan started launching military ops in its tribal areas to flush out Al-Qaeda operatives..which was further catalyzed by siege of Lal Masjid in 2007.

Now as far the question pf Americans sheltering TTP is concerned(which is false btw)..the entire leadership of AT is Pakistan ..why hasn't Pakistan taken them out?
Yet US forces killed Baitullah Mehsud - the greatest nemesis of Pakistan in WOT.

Since you have been on this forum for a while, you know the full history of that operation. The US had refused to act on Pakistani intel about TTP operatives over and over again. BM was killed only after a rogue TTP operative blew himself up in Afghanistan.

TTP is a product of our own misconceptions about people in NWFP and adjoining provinces.

I am not denying for one second that the TTP is composed of Pakistanis with some beef against the government. Every country has disgruntled groups. The point was that foreign agencies are stoking and exploiting these feelings for their own agenda.

You thanked those posts means you agreed with them .post #7 by BATMAN.

Just because I thank a post doesn't mean I agree with everything in it. I agreed with the part that TTP is supported by India to create trouble in Pakistan.
India and US, have a common interest. It's to destabilize Pakistan.
Your entire post based on wrong assumptions

Actually, it is you who is factually incorrect.

1. NATO has vast resources deployed in Afghanistan ... sanctioned strength of NATO forces in Afghan region does not exceed hundred forty thousand whereas Pakistan has deployed hundred and fifty thousand on its western border alone...remeber you need men to man the post and guard the border..machines can not replace men..with all your deployed forces you are not able plug the gaps then how can you expect NATO to both guard the borders, fight in Afghanistan as well maintain order in Afghanistan?

It's about more than just manpower. NATO has the latest technology as well as finances. Pakistan has neither.
It is a FACT that NATO/ISAF abandon their posts whenever Pakistan conducts operations against TTP, and TTP safely runs away into Afghanistan.
It is also a FACT that the terrorist leader of the BLA was hiding in Kabul and, when Pakistan asked for his extradition, he was whisked off to Switzerland.

2.TTP and Americans rarely target each other..infact most of the senior leadership of TTP have been taken out by Americans themselves and not by Pakistanis.

Again, factually incorrect. Pakistan has complained numerous times that the Americans do not act upon Pakistani intel on TTP. NATO only killed TTP leaders on those rare occasions when they stepped out of line and targetted NATO.

3. TTP came into existance only after American came Afghnistan.

Americans came to Afghanistan in 2001 whereas TTP came into existence in 2007..It came into existence after Pakistan started launching military ops in its tribal areas to flush out Al-Qaeda operatives..which was further catalyzed by siege of Lal Masjid in 2007.

Yes, 2007 is after 2001.

The TTP is composed of extremist Pakistanis (and others) who are supported by foreign elements.

Now as far the question pf Americans sheltering TTP is concerned(which is false btw)..the entire leadership of AT is Pakistan ..why hasn't Pakistan taken them out?

Because the US is talking out of both sides of their mouth. On the one hand, they want Pakistan to target the AT, and on the other they are in negotiation with the AT for a coalition government. The Americans have a confused strategy but, for them, it's not a big deal. They will pack up and leave some day. Pakistan cannot afford to be a pawn in this muddled American strategy since we will be directly affected by the post-NATO Afghanistan.
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