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Pak Student refuses award by US Ambassador

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani student, Samad Khurram vociferously refused his Harvard University scholarship award presented to him by the American Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, which simply awed her into a terrible confusion.

The said student refused the award, which was presented in an event held by a private collage at the National Art Gallery, as a protest against the recently carried out American attacks on Mehmand Agency.

The American Ambassador greatly regretted these attacks, terming them as a "terrible misunderstanding", and stoutly refuted the notion that the student was refusing the award, maintaining that currently there were 5400 Pakistani students studying in America

The entire hall resounded with thunderous clapping for the student, who was later on restricted by management to talk to any media member.

In her speech the U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Anne W. Patterson, underscored the need for "people to people ties" to strengthen the relationship between Pakistan and the U.S. while speaking at the Annual Student Recognition Day of Roots College International at the National Art Gallery here today.

"There is a myth that American universities are hesitant to accept students from Pakistan," Ambassador Patterson told graduates of the Roots Schools system who have received private scholarships to study in the United States and other countries. "All together, 5,400 students from Pakistan studied at U.S. colleges and universities last year."

Congratulating the management of the Roots School System for "twenty years of outstanding service in educating young people in Pakistan," the Ambassador said she is impressed that Roots students have earned full scholarships to selective universities such as Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dartmouth.

"With your educational opportunities, you are the natural future leaders in whatever profession you may choose," Ambassador Patterson told the students. She urged them to "focus not only on getting top grades but also on broadening your vision and finding how you can best serve society after you obtain your degree."

Pakistani Student Sarmad Khurram snubbed US Ambassador in Islamabad and refused to accept his shield from him as protest over US bombing attacks.
Pakistani Student Sarmad Khurram snubbed US Ambassador in Islamabad and refused to accept his shield from him as protest over US bombing attacks.

Very nice. What else would pakistan want then pakistanies like him. All hats off to him.:tup:
Pakistani Student Sarmad Khurram snubbed US Ambassador in Islamabad and refused to accept his shield from him as protest over US bombing attacks.

I am sure the US Ambassador could not have cared less.

His concern would have been as to when the next air strike taking place and what he has to say to the Pakistani govt.

I am sure he would have xerxoed his reply since it has become commonplace for the US to do so and for the US ambassador to explain!
I am sure the US Ambassador could not have cared less.

His concern would have been as to when the next air strike taking place and what he has to say to the Pakistani govt.

I am sure he would have xerxoed his reply since it has become commonplace for the US to do so and for the US ambassador to explain!

The kid did his part. One has to commend him for telling the US ambassador to shove it! A very good representation of the public opinion about US strikes inside of Pakistan.
The kid did his part. One has to commend him for telling the US ambassador to shove it! A very good representation of the public opinion about US strikes inside of Pakistan.

Who are you telling to blain sir. The kid indeed did something what majority of pakistanies should have done it a long time, tell americans to shove it up their ***.
The kid did his part. One has to commend him for telling the US ambassador to shove it! A very good representation of the public opinion about US strikes inside of Pakistan.

While the kid was obviously a patriotic Pakistani and acted in rage against what the USA was doing, what was the USA ambassador doing at that time?

He was presenting a shield to the kid. I am not sure what it means but I assume it was some kind of scholarship or other honor. What would be the result of this action?

Will the Pakistanis also stop immigrating the the USA in protest? The ones already there would return back? Obviously no.

USA is not an enemy of Pakistan, but it does act in it's own interests as every country should do. USA has done and continues to do the most for Pakistan (much more in fact than the all weather friend). When the interests of the countries collide, the results are what they are now.

Had there been real hostility towards Pakistan or Pakistanis in USA, the conditions would be very different for Pakistan and Pakistani Americans.
A silent protest Vinod.

When Americans protest their governments policies, it does not mean they will renounce their citizenship.

It is merely a means to project ones displeasure, and it can take whatever form the individual chooses - some more drastic than others.

This individual chose a public setting and an act that would be in the limelight and get traction in the media. It doesn't seem that he spewed obscenities, or raged, but merely refused to accept an award. It was appropriate.

If others wish to not travel to the US or do business with it, that is their choice.
Proud of ya, Samad. Although I sincerely hope that it doesn't cost him, his scholarship. But that makes his bold move all the more patriotic. Doing it with something significant to lose.

The Pak government is just a spineless entity for not doing enough over intentional killing of Pakistani soldiers!
i salute this kid, he deserves to be our leader. he has more balls than any of our politicians and our generals, combined. if only there were more people like him out there...

To put a face to this lad!

Check it out, he's sitting back there alone. Since he's the only one who didn't accept the award.

This is amazing, its just the right way to protest. Show the US some consequences. He did his bit, now the writing on the wall is clear for what the government needs to do.
A silent protest Vinod.

When Americans protest their governments policies, it does not mean they will renounce their citizenship.

It is merely a means to project ones displeasure, and it can take whatever form the individual chooses - some more drastic than others.

This individual chose a public setting and an act that would be in the limelight and get traction in the media. It doesn't seem that he spewed obscenities, or raged, but merely refused to accept an award. It was appropriate.

If others wish to not travel to the US or do business with it, that is their choice.

A good kid.

Hope he carries forward with his education and doesn't miss out because of this act.
To put a face to this lad!

Check it out, he's sitting back there alone. Since he's the only one who didn't accept the award.

This is amazing, its just the right way to protest. Show the US some consequences. He did his bit, now the writing on the wall is clear for what the government needs to do.

Asim, while I appreciate the courage shown by the kid in putting his own future on the block, I did not get the highlighted part.

What exactly are the consequences for the USA if one kid out of the 100s doesn't accept the award at the function?
A big slap on the face of PPP government and President Busharraf. Hats off to this kid. Just because of kids like these in our society we are still surviving all the storms.
the us wont even notice this, but i hope the pakistanis do. this guy has shown more b@lls than the govt, who i personally feel are US lackeys
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