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Pak sits on India request to let trucks take its wheat to Afghanistan

Lol I don't trust one word from Indian media
Even if there's some truth to it, they'll add so much masala that it becomes unrecognizable
LOL I think after the 5th floor thing, I think even the Indians don't trust their media. However, if the news is true, its humanitarian aid and should be allowed.
Any passage through land routes should be using Pakistani transport ONLY. Make them unload at Wahga and load onto Pakistani Trucks etc for onward journey. Don't let them in through the borders with permission to drive from Wahga to Afghanistan, there is no way all cargo can be checked with 100% guarantee that Indians aren't trying any funny business.

And if they don't like it the they can always donate to UN.
While Islamabad has not yet said no to the proposal, officials in New Delhi are hoping for a quick response so that they can organise the movement of aid as soon as possible.


The Indian government sent a note verbale to Pakistan for allowing movement of trucks carrying 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan.

India reached out to Pakistan last month for sending food grains to Afghanistan via the land route.

While Islamabad has not yet said no to the proposal, officials in New Delhi are hoping for a quick response so that they can organise the movement of aid as soon as possible
On several occasions, India has expressed willingness to send humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan though it has cautioned the international community to think through the consequences of granting recognition to the Taliban regime.

The Indian government sent a note verbale to Pakistan for allowing movement of trucks carrying 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan.

With winter here, and a financial crisis crippling Afghanistan, food shortages are imminent. Some countries like China, Turkey have started distributing food to Afghans in the last few weeks.

India, which has a lot of goodwill among Afghan people, also wants to do its bit, sources said. So, it has proposed the land route since transporting such a large quantity via air is difficult.

Officials said the task of moving 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan would require sending 5,000 trucks via Pakistan.

Islamabad is looking at the proposal, but is said to have pointed out that the scale — in terms of trucks and roads — is something that it needs to figure out.

The logistics suggest that Indian trucks may have to be allowed, or else it would require the wheat to be unloaded and loaded again into Pakistani trucks at the Zero Point on the Wagah-Attari border. The complex process is one of the issues to be looked at,

But the Indian side is keen to send the consignment and is looking at it from the humanitarian point of view, and whether Pakistan is willing to let India help Afghans at this time of crisis.

Much will depend on Rawalpindi’s response to the Indian request, and the Taliban’s willingness to accept the aid.

The Taliban, in their conversations with Indian officials in Moscow and Doha, have indicated that they are amenable to receiving aid from India. But Pakistan remains the challenge in between the two countries.

This article is from Indian media, question is: Is it safe for Pakistan to allow these trucks to Afghanistan from Pakistani soil, there can not be weapons in some trucks for BLA, TTP in Pakistan or in Afghanistan?

Another trick to let indian terrorists in to Pakistan............ :disagree:
Oh Bhai, nearly all road is limited access motorway. Escort the trucks with Police.
Each and every inch of these trucks need to be checked
It’s better to unload and reload onto Pakistani trucks paid by Indians

security of country comes first

endia can use that Iranian port they always mention everywhere

Wheat bags can be unloaded and loaded, but who will open and check every bags of wheat, there are chances some bags may have weapons like hand grenade, rpg, suicide jackets if not in all but some bags.
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Nope no Indian trucks. If India wants afghans good will, and send them wheat, then transport it via Iran. We do we get out of it? I want to see if there is anyone with so e sense left in Pakistan. No more good wills for anyone, especially India
Good. If this is true, we should praise Indians. A real big country should know how to shoulder its responsibilities.
Plz remember, we are human first, then Chinese, Indians and Afghans.
In 2008, China's Wenchuan earthquake, the Japanese rescue team was the first foreign rescue team to arrive in Wenchuan, China. In 2011, the Japanese earthquake, China's rescue team is also the first foreign rescue team to reach Japan. In the face of the disaster, both Chinese netizen and Japanese netizen stopped attacking each other on the Internet and turned into mutual support and encouragement.
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Why sit on it, reject it straight away. Why does the Indian government want to trade with the terrorist Taliban now? Use chabahar port

While Islamabad has not yet said no to the proposal, officials in New Delhi are hoping for a quick response so that they can organise the movement of aid as soon as possible.


The Indian government sent a note verbale to Pakistan for allowing movement of trucks carrying 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan.

India reached out to Pakistan last month for sending food grains to Afghanistan via the land route.

While Islamabad has not yet said no to the proposal, officials in New Delhi are hoping for a quick response so that they can organise the movement of aid as soon as possible
On several occasions, India has expressed willingness to send humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan though it has cautioned the international community to think through the consequences of granting recognition to the Taliban regime.

The Indian government sent a note verbale to Pakistan for allowing movement of trucks carrying 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan.

With winter here, and a financial crisis crippling Afghanistan, food shortages are imminent. Some countries like China, Turkey have started distributing food to Afghans in the last few weeks.

India, which has a lot of goodwill among Afghan people, also wants to do its bit, sources said. So, it has proposed the land route since transporting such a large quantity via air is difficult.

Officials said the task of moving 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan would require sending 5,000 trucks via Pakistan.

Islamabad is looking at the proposal, but is said to have pointed out that the scale — in terms of trucks and roads — is something that it needs to figure out.

The logistics suggest that Indian trucks may have to be allowed, or else it would require the wheat to be unloaded and loaded again into Pakistani trucks at the Zero Point on the Wagah-Attari border. The complex process is one of the issues to be looked at,

But the Indian side is keen to send the consignment and is looking at it from the humanitarian point of view, and whether Pakistan is willing to let India help Afghans at this time of crisis.

Much will depend on Rawalpindi’s response to the Indian request, and the Taliban’s willingness to accept the aid.

The Taliban, in their conversations with Indian officials in Moscow and Doha, have indicated that they are amenable to receiving aid from India. But Pakistan remains the challenge in between the two countries.

This article is from Indian media, question is: Is it safe for Pakistan to allow these trucks to Afghanistan from Pakistani soil, there can not be weapons in some trucks for BLA, TTP in Pakistan or in Afghanistan?
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Is India sincere in helping Afghans? Is India actually sincere in helping Afghans? Then give wheat to UN, then though UN Afghan mission, the wheat can be distributed.

One more time... is India really sincere in helping Afghans?
Boss it's long term strategy of building good will...

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