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Pak should propose joint civil nuclear plants to India: Mazari

ISLAMABAD: Strategic and security experts found it “innovative and interesting” when Dr Shireen Mazari suggested that Pakistan should propose joint civil nuclear power plants to India along the border of the two countries as a security confidence building measure.
She said that this would not only help end energy crisis in the two countries but will also prove to be “the best deterrence” for the two nuclear powers. Those present in the meeting thought that it could have been an option but keeping in view the response and behaviour of India over the already-launched confidence building measures and its approach towards Pakistan, it was almost bound to get a cold Indian shoulder like other Pakistani suggestions for lasting peace in the region. It was also observed that confidence-building mechanisms, including trade, cannot work until real progress was made on the core issue of Kashmir. Dr Mazari was addressing a distinguished audience of security, strategy and foreign policy experts at the Institute of Policy Studies in a seminar on “Emerging Nuclear Scenario”, which was chaired by IPS Chairman Professor Khurshid Ahmad and moderated by IPS council member Air Commodore (r) Khalid Iqbal. Dr Mazari observed that the nuclear arms control and disarmament area has always been premised on two parallel tracks: one being the “US-favoured discriminatory approach” embodied earlier in non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and now taking shape of Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) and the other “non-discriminatory approach” manifested in international agreements like CTBT and certain IAEA initiatives. Referring to the most recent and third nuclear test by North Korea, she said that such actions could be taken almost with impunity because the most significant treaty in the current international setting with respect to nuclear power, NPT, is being undermined by its proponents. In this respect she highlighted and criticised Indo-US nuclear deal for which special waivers were sought by the US from the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in violation of all sets of existing international laws on the subject. Following the precedent set by the US, France and Britain too have signed such deals with India in contravention of their NPT obligations.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

she's finally gone crazy........
Let me write about the topic. I believe Mazari has given a brilliant suggestion that can help attenuate tensions. But there is too great a lack of distrust for this to happen. Its too big to happen even between allies let alone 2 nations led to believe since birth that the other is their enemy.
The man is not aware that Pakistan needs nuclear reactors to produce fissile material for nuclear weapons. For energy needs all they need is good policy makers.
ISLAMABAD: Strategic and security experts found it “innovative and interesting” when Dr Shireen Mazari suggested that Pakistan should propose joint civil nuclear power plants to India along the border of the two countries as a security confidence building measure.

This a totally impractical idea. No where in the world is there a jointly operated nuclear plant, even among allies, let alone traditional enemies like India and Pakistan.

There are easier ways to implement confidence building measures, such as withdrawing front line forces and demilitarizing the borders, but even such simple measures are nearly impossible in the current environment.
Yaar agar aise suggestion dainay say banda doctor ban jata hai tu main bhi yeh kaam start kar daita hon, aise suggestion don ga kah Nobel Award daina par jaay ga

give me a Doctorate, I have some good suggestion:
- Give control of our nukes to Indian Army chief
- should have joint parliament, heck why waste money on an extra parliament let Indian Parliament make laws for us.
- we should keep our food in India for safe keeping
- hindu muslim bhai bhai
A publicly traded company, traded internationally, with a built-in requirement that no govt official or politician in either management or Board of Directors -- This company, with international partners, will build and operate (for profit) nuclear power plants with IAEA inspections and save guards -- Sounds good, I like it. However, while Pakistan need power generation on a emergency basis (without wanting to pay for it), India are not under any such compulsion, they have access to the technology and capital, why would they want to involve Pakistan in their projects, after all, what is it that Pakistan bring to the table?
However, while Pakistan need power generation on a emergency basis (without wanting to pay for it), India are not under any such compulsion, they have access to the technology and capital, why would they want to involve Pakistan in their projects, after all, what is it that Pakistan bring to the table?

Exactly. She probably thinks that Pakistan can piggy back with India getting both the plants & the fuel (assuming that Pakistan can rustle up its share of the moolah) but what India gets from it is not clear. Unless she believes that India must do more such things simply to help Pakistan as a part of CBM's
1. Pakistan own nuclear technology is far behind India's in sub 1000 MW reactors. They have not achieved any significant capability in NPP. It would be unwise to allow Pakistan access to better technology that India has developed.

2. In the 4000MW nuclear reactors that India is buying from other countries, these said countries would not allow Pakistan access as Pakistan is not signatory to NPT and has not been given a pass by IAEA like India has.

3. What benefit does India get out of this? It would almost be certain that India would be doing the heavy lifting in such a project.
Let me write about the topic. I believe Mazari has given a brilliant suggestion that can help attenuate tensions. But there is too great a lack of distrust for this to happen. Its too big to happen even between allies let alone 2 nations led to believe since birth that the other is their enemy.

Other issues are also at play.

A publicly traded company, traded internationally, with a built-in requirement that no govt official or politician in either management or Board of Directors -- This company, with international partners, will build and operate (for profit) nuclear power plants with IAEA inspections and save guards -- Sounds good, I like it. However, while Pakistan need power generation on a emergency basis (without wanting to pay for it), India are not under any such compulsion, they have access to the technology and capital, why would they want to involve Pakistan in their projects, after all, what is it that Pakistan bring to the table?

Exactly my point.
what an idiot.. Its like installing a speed triggered bomb on you car to ensure that your dont overspeed :lol:

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