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Pak race for tactical nukes adds new poison to the mix

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Any armored thrust need some momentum and a specific amount of men+machine. Without this critical mass you can not achieve anything. If really IA has such tactics that they will try to push in with 4 tanks + Platoon, then surely Pakistan does not need a TNW. Such small formations will be an easy picking for PA. God bless you dear. You have made my day:cheers:

Possibly the person doesn't know about Pakistan Army order of battle , its calibre and equipment and the defences on the other side of the border ... :pakistan:
Someone please tell Pakistan that countries far more powerful than it toyed with and discarded tac nukes as options in the 70s and 80s.

Pakistan needs to behave itself. Too irresponsible and juvenile by far.

I thought US used tactical weapons on Iraq?!
And still you are going round and round in circles ! Is the IA's top brass willing to risk billions for some few IBG's / Armoured columns ? :azn:

Actually all fly from both direction ... You wont be alone ...

There's a question that comes before that.

Will the Pakistani Generals risk going nuclear knowing the promised response?

Conventional wars being fought under a nuclear overhang is not new. Its been done before.

Will Pakistan escalate?
It so happens that there is negligible population in the areas where tactical nukes are likely to be delivered ...

So you plan to make Lahore area negligible suppose we attack there, and it may well be a target given the history and the fact that hopefully Pakistan will consider not making one of its prime cities laid waste to stop some Indian tanks .
There's a question that comes before that.

Will the Pakistani Generals risk going nuclear knowing the promised response?

Conventional wars being fought under a nuclear overhang is not new. Its been done before.

Will Pakistan escalate?

Actually , no question comes before that ... Because once a threshold is crossed and Pakistan's existence is threatened , no one in SPD will hesitate using a tactical nuke to warn the enemy of impending strategic strike if it continues the adventure ... Every single weapon at our disposal will be used !

Promised response ? You still haven't answered my question :D

Yes , Islamabad will ... Because after all , every country developed nuclear weapons for the same purpose ...
Possibly the person doesn't know about Pakistan Army order of battle , its calibre and equipment and the defences on the other side of the border ... :pakistan:

And he also does not know about Bakter Shikan+Cobra gun ship+JF-17+artillery+others combined effect on an advancing armored column. Even Egypt use anti tank weapons against advancing Israelis with great success in 1973 war.
He also does not know what effect it has when 200+ wire guided Bakter Shikens are fired in a space of 5kms.

A fly cant pass through such concentrated fire power let alone armored corps.:cheers:
So you plan to make Lahore area negligible suppose we attack there, and it may well be a target given the history and the fact that hopefully Pakistan will consider not making one of its prime cities laid waste to stop some Indian tanks .

I think I said " negligible population " ... What part of it do you not understand to characterize " Lahore " as such ? :azn: ... An entire armoured column can be laid to waste in the deserts of Thar ... What with this new delusion of " a few Indian tanks " ? Care to elaborate ...
Awesome, we have managed to push Pakistanis back conventionally to such an extent they have to consider nuking their own territory !!!! :D

Dude a tactical nuke ain't gonna obliterate half of Lahore or half of Amritsar if detonated somewhere in the middle; it would have more or less (probably less) the blast radius of one of those thermobaric bombs that the US (I'm thinking of the BLU series one of which was dropped, from what I've heard, in Libya & blasted everything in a 1-2 mile radius).
I agree.

One of the important objectives will be to take and hold urban pockets.

The fanboys also need a lesson in nuclear targeting. Billions?

Are we talking about channe here?

Our urban population is what?

More than 80% of India lives in small towns and villages.

Not to mention you not getting enough saturation hits for more than a couple of cities at best.

We have nearly the same number of nukes.

We have many more, much larger, and more spread out targets than you.

When you talk about a turkey shoot, you should see what the map of Pakistan looks like to someone with 100 nukes and vastly superior delivery tech. Not to mention yields per unit.
All Pakistanis here are giving the viewpoint that they can't penetrate into India in the case of a war, instead India will deeply penetrate inside Pakistan. Very nice way of explaining the reality. :D
Thank you for making my Point, Genius.

Inspite of our shenanigans, India has not had balls to do anything about it.

From my vantage point, that is keeping India at bay, Genius.

How much more do we have to kick your BU** before you have any shame and retaliate.

Oh! So you want to use nukes to cover against any reprisals against your terrorist activities?
Brilliant tactic.

Well..we are shameless. You are quite right there. We cant retaliate when Pakistan itself does such a brilliant job in its own country!
They are resigned to penetration.

Deep penetration.

What is being discussed is their response when the pain reaches a certain threshold.
I agree.

The fanboys also need a lesson in nuclear targeting. Billions?

When you talk about a turkey shoot, you should see what the map of Pakistan looks like to someone with 100 nukes and vastly superior delivery tech. Not to mention yields per unit.

Yes billions , we have enough warheads and missiles to make it sure ... Possibly , you need to understand it too that Nuclear do not just affect the area they are dropped on ...

And the same delusion that somehow Indians will continue to live another day continue ! :azn: ...
There's a question that comes before that.

Will the Pakistani Generals risk going nuclear knowing the promised response?

Conventional wars being fought under a nuclear overhang is not new. Its been done before.

Will Pakistan escalate?

Oh meri jaaan this is precisely what a deterrent is ! For all the huffs & puffs of going full way you know as well as I that using a tactical nuke doesn't put a strategic nuke on the table; obliterating an advancing Indian column is one thing obliterating Delhi is something quite different. If India responds by blowing up Lahore...do you think we're going to sit back & watch ?

So the question truly is : Are we bluffing when we say that we'd use it on an advancing Indian column & whats the cost the Indian High Command is willing to bear to call our bluff...if it is indeed a bluff ? Because the possible casualties are through the roof for any such engagement by either side...we will not attack & nor will you. For all the BS about doing the decent thing or doing the right thing or showing restraint for the greater good we've seen the deterrent work during the previous stand-off & Mumbai ! Its too costly to even contemplate & the deterrent worked beautifully to make it so. At best we'd either have another stand-off at worst we'd exchange a couple of bullets on the LOC or have a skirmish or two over there.
IA Armoured Strike Groups encircle and annihilate 6th Armoured Division. N5 highway has been breached, Islamabad-Karachi axis has been cut off and IA Armoured Columns are advancing towards Islamabad. IA throws up bridges in the canals of Punjab and reinforcements are arriving quickly. PA Strategic Command fires Nasr tactical nuke on IA's Armoured Columns, warns them that the nuclear threshold has been reached and the next strike will be strategic one. An excellent insurance policy from the PA side if you ask me, definitely makes the victory very costly for IA.
Has been discussed a lot.
There is a whole range of options and actions that India can do in this case.
And India giving the statement that any nuclear weapons used on Indian forces anywhere will be considered a full scale nuclear attack on India muddies the waters for Pakistan as well.

So it only depends on how it plays out.

Nodoubt about that, Indian money and weapons have flushed the TTP and BLA. And no, Pakistan is not much involved in India anymore as Musharraf as a goodwill gesture pretty much deactivated all our espionage activities inside India.

Not really. Pakistan was forced to withdraw. It wasnt out of the goodness of heart that they had to reduce the tap.
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