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`Pak politicians want to resolve Kashmir - but military won't allow this'

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May 28, 2011
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Arif Jamal is a Pakistani journalist and South Asia expert based in America. His first book Shadow War analysed the Pakistan army's operations in Kashmir. Having researched the Lashkar-e-Taiba for his new book Call for Transnational Jihad, Jamal spoke with Aarti Tikoo Singh about challenges Pakistani politicians face in battling terror groups, dynamics between Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi, his view of the Pakistani military and why he's a harsh critic of Imran Khan:

After Nawaz Sharif became Pakistan's PM, there were hopes for stability. Yet, Pakistan's making news for terror strikes, blasphemy cases, persecuting journalists, etc why?

Well, i think Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif sincerely wants to create peace in Pakistan. However, he cannot achieve this goal without reining in the Pakistani military . While Islamist proteges of the Pakistani military kill their opponents, the military itself is involved in the indiscriminate murders of nationalists and secularists in Balochistan and Sindh as well as of journalists.

The Sharif government is helpless before the military . On the one hand, the Pakistani military has unleashed Islamist organisations like the Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) to turn Baloch and Sindhi nationalists and secularists into jihadists. On the other hand, they kidnap, tor torture and kill those they consider incorrigible.

Recently , the Pakistani military unleashed forces against the Geo group. One of the allegations against the group is that Geo revealed the Pakistani identity of Ajmal Kasab, one of the 10 terrorists arrested during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. Despite these strains, the first meeting between PM Sharif and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been termed positive.

Can the two make real progress on tough topics like Kashmir?

I think PM Sharif has a sincere desire for peace with India and inside Pakistan he understands this is the best thing that can happen to Pakistan. There is a tremendous desire among Pakistani politicians to resolve Kashmir and other conflicts with India Pakistani politicians understand that conflicts with India are bad for both Pakistan's democracy and economy .

However, the Pakistani military plays a disproportionate role in politics. The Pakistani military will never allow friendly relations with India because that means closing the jihad factory.

Now, i hope I'm proved wrong but it seems the Pakistani military would be eventually defeated by Muslim extremists. If that happens, it will spell disaster.

Given the limitations on Pakistani politicians, why are you such a harsh critic of Imran Khan and his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI)? Isn't this a strong political alternative?

I am a harsh critic of Imran Khan for several reasons including how he supports introducing Islamic punishments in Pakistan but does not want us to talk about his life.

Imran Khan can also do anything for personal or political gains. Imran Khan was the only Pakistani politician who criticised a ban on the JuD in 2008 in the wake of the Mumbai attacks. He's playing into the hands of the Pakistani military and jihadists just to be able to come to power. No wonder Imran Khan and Hafiz Saeed are leading the military's campaign against the Geo group.

It may come as a surprise that the political vocabulary , such as national ghariat and hameeyat, that Imran uses were terms introduced by Hafiz Saeed in the early 1990s the PTI is soft Taliban.


So there it is. Why should the Pakistan Army go after the LeT, JeM etc? According to the PA's doctrine, these terror groups would form the first line of defence against any future Indian attack. Secondly, they are the army's 'strategic assets' for their proxy wars against India and Afghanistan.

The main reason why the PA is loathe to solve the Kashmir issue is that if peace reigns and the issue is solved, of what use would the Pakistan Army be? Their stock would fall considerably. They would never want to be sidelined in Pakistani society. They need a raison d'etre not only for their very existence, but to remain the main power center in Pakistan permanently. And that means an unsolved Kashmir dispute! They need the Kashmir pot to keep boiling. Otherwise, why would Pakistan need an army of 600,000 and a huge nuke arsenal (which is nothing but a white elephant), and waste precious resources on maintaining them?

Hussain Haqqani, in his book Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military notes, "Moreover, the army had failed to fulfill its promises of fighting to the last man. The eastern command had laid down arms after losing only 1,300 men in battle. In West Pakistan 1,200 military deaths had accompanied lackluster military performance."

In his book The 1971 Indo-Pak War: A Soldier’s Narrative Pakistani Major General Hakeem Arshad Qureshi a veteran of this conflict noted,

"We must accept the fact that, as a people, we had also contributed to the bifurcation of our own country. It was not a Niazi, or a Yahya, even a Mujib, or a Bhutto, or their key assistants, who alone were the cause of our break-up, but a corrupted system and a flawed social order that our own apathy had allowed to remain in place for years. At the most critical moment in our history we failed to check the limitless ambitions of individuals with dubious antecedents and to thwart their selfish and irresponsible behaviour. It was our collective 'conduct' that had provided the enemy an opportunity to dismember us."

Hamoodur Rahman Commission
In aftermath of war Pakistan Government constituted the Hamoodur Rahman Commission headed by Justice Hamoodur Rahman in 1971 to investigate the political and military causes for defeat and the Bangladesh atrocities during the war. The commission's report was classified and its publication banned by Bhutto as it put the military in poor light, until some parts of the report surfaced in Indian media in 2000.

When it was declassified, it showed many failings from the strategic to the tactical levels. It confirmed the looting, rapes and the killings by the Pakistan Army and their local agents.It lay the blame squarely on Pakistani generals, accusing them of debauchery, smuggling, war crimes and neglect of duty.Though no actions were ever taken on commissions findings, the commission had recommended public trial of Pakistan Army generals on the charges that they had been responsible for the situation in the first place and that they had succumbed without a fight

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The above points are findings of the Pakistan people own; Pakistan was separated on bases of religion, but when their military personal acted like Third Grade cheap 'Dakus' do the rape, and kill the people, didnt that rape was on muslim. Does Quran or Islam permits to do the Rapes and Killing. Pakistan is seprated itself on bases of religion, and if they do not follow that Religion what is meaning for separation?

IN War I heard it from one colonel, That Pakistani Soldiars were Cruel, and have very strong "killing Instinct"; But I think Indian Militery have "Dying Instinct" when your militery personal going to die they start crying like babies. and when they are up show their brutality. Your Militery is still worried war front war and hence started terrorist attacks, Accept that your militery personal are yet having not that "Dying Instinct". they will come on battle field with praying god for save their lives, and Indian militery pray for Be Martyr for their Nation.

For the Pakistani People, I would like to say, The Person who made the Missiles and initiate programme, is none one but The Muslim Dr. Abdul Kalam, and in 1965 one soldiar named Salim took the anti tank mine run before tank put under it and destroy the tank, we have that Muslims living in the INDIA, and rest types are in your militery.

In 1971 when most of Rapist soldiars surrender to the Indian Militery at one place one personal, Namely "Suleman" sent a letter to do the surrender, he replied it by wrapping the paper on the Bulllet having message "If you have power fight the war instead sending this type of message, by hard luck Pakistan have less Bravos like this, and more are like that 93000 POW. The virtues make and create your moral high, the virtueless and criminal life on name of politics leads to them not to fight and to surrender.
IN War I heard it from one colonel, That Pakistani Soldiars were Cruel, and have very strong "killing Instinct"; But I think Indian Militery have "Dying Instinct" when your militery personal going to die they start crying like babies. and when they are up show their brutality. Your Militery is still worried war front war and hence started terrorist attacks, Accept that your militery personal are yet having not that "Dying Instinct". they will come on battle field with praying god for save their lives, and Indian militery pray for Be Martyr for their Nation.

if you want to talk about hearsay, I heard from a lieutenant Indian soldier pee in their pants when they see a Pakistani soldier
Ok, this thread ain't about whose dick is bigger and stronger. The central issue is about why the Kashmir dispute will never be solved.
But the tragedy is that the powers-that-be don't seem to be paying heed to the danger! :pop:
should they pay any heed, power-that-be will lose it's significance... & so will be those other interests connected to it! :coffee:
Nobel prize is assured to PMs of India-Pak whom at least are able to sort out Siachin issue.

Arif Jamal is a Pakistani journalist and South Asia expert based in America. His first book Shadow War analysed the Pakistan army's operations in Kashmir. Having researched the Lashkar-e-Taiba for his new book Call for Transnational Jihad, Jamal spoke with Aarti Tikoo Singh about challenges Pakistani politicians face in battling terror groups, dynamics between Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi, his view of the Pakistani military and why he's a harsh critic of Imran Khan:

After Nawaz Sharif became Pakistan's PM, there were hopes for stability. Yet, Pakistan's making news for terror strikes, blasphemy cases, persecuting journalists, etc why?

Well, i think Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif sincerely wants to create peace in Pakistan. However, he cannot achieve this goal without reining in the Pakistani military . While Islamist proteges of the Pakistani military kill their opponents, the military itself is involved in the indiscriminate murders of nationalists and secularists in Balochistan and Sindh as well as of journalists.

The Sharif government is helpless before the military . On the one hand, the Pakistani military has unleashed Islamist organisations like the Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) to turn Baloch and Sindhi nationalists and secularists into jihadists. On the other hand, they kidnap, tor torture and kill those they consider incorrigible.

Recently , the Pakistani military unleashed forces against the Geo group. One of the allegations against the group is that Geo revealed the Pakistani identity of Ajmal Kasab, one of the 10 terrorists arrested during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. Despite these strains, the first meeting between PM Sharif and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been termed positive.

Can the two make real progress on tough topics like Kashmir?

I think PM Sharif has a sincere desire for peace with India and inside Pakistan he understands this is the best thing that can happen to Pakistan. There is a tremendous desire among Pakistani politicians to resolve Kashmir and other conflicts with India Pakistani politicians understand that conflicts with India are bad for both Pakistan's democracy and economy .

However, the Pakistani military plays a disproportionate role in politics. The Pakistani military will never allow friendly relations with India because that means closing the jihad factory.

Now, i hope I'm proved wrong but it seems the Pakistani military would be eventually defeated by Muslim extremists. If that happens, it will spell disaster.

Given the limitations on Pakistani politicians, why are you such a harsh critic of Imran Khan and his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI)? Isn't this a strong political alternative?

I am a harsh critic of Imran Khan for several reasons including how he supports introducing Islamic punishments in Pakistan but does not want us to talk about his life.

Imran Khan can also do anything for personal or political gains. Imran Khan was the only Pakistani politician who criticised a ban on the JuD in 2008 in the wake of the Mumbai attacks. He's playing into the hands of the Pakistani military and jihadists just to be able to come to power. No wonder Imran Khan and Hafiz Saeed are leading the military's campaign against the Geo group.

It may come as a surprise that the political vocabulary , such as national ghariat and hameeyat, that Imran uses were terms introduced by Hafiz Saeed in the early 1990s the PTI is soft Taliban.


So there it is. Why should the Pakistan Army go after the LeT, JeM etc? According to the PA's doctrine, these terror groups would form the first line of defence against any future Indian attack. Secondly, they are the army's 'strategic assets' for their proxy wars against India and Afghanistan.

The main reason why the PA is loathe to solve the Kashmir issue is that if peace reigns and the issue is solved, of what use would the Pakistan Army be? Their stock would fall considerably. They would never want to be sidelined in Pakistani society. They need a raison d'etre not only for their very existence, but to remain the main power center in Pakistan permanently. And that means an unsolved Kashmir dispute! They need the Kashmir pot to keep boiling. Otherwise, why would Pakistan need an army of 600,000 and a huge nuke arsenal (which is nothing but a white elephant), and waste precious resources on maintaining them?

So the gist is
If army wins, there will be no peace and Jihadi factory will continue.
If the Jihadis win, there will be no peace and Jihadi factory will go overdrive.
In effect there will be no peace and Jihad will continue.
Faltoo itni ramkhata suna di , could have summarized it in three lines :lol::lol::lol:
Then I commend Pakistani military for doing this. :)
Why? You guys keep shouting from the rooftops at every available opportunity that India is not complying with the so called Resolutions on Kashmir (Which in any case are defunct) especially at international forums, including your Godfather, the great US of A.

Why are you guys playing this double game?
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