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Pak PM to raise Kashmir issue in UNGA, no Sharif-Modi meet in NY


Sep 20, 2014
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Islamabad: Contrary to speculations in media, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is expected to raise the Kashmir issue in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and not likely to meet his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi during their stay in the United States.

This was revealed on Monday by a Pakistan-based journalist Hamid Meer whose tweet said, “No meeting of PM Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi in New York this year. Nawaz Sharif will again raise voice for Kashmiris in UNGA.”

No meeting of PM Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi in New York this year Nawaz Sharif will again raise voice for Kashmiris in UNGA

— Hamid Mir (@HamidMirGEO) September 22, 2014
As per reports, Pakistan Prime Minister is expected to leave for the United States on September 24 to attend a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, which he will address on September 26.

The Pak Premier is expected to focus on cooperation-based relationship with neighbouring countries, India and Afghanistan, in his speech. He is also expected to highlight the Kashmir issue at the UNGA.

On the side-lines of the UN General Assembly session, Prime Minister Nawaz will participate in an energy conference to explore ways to acquire energy through non-conventional sources. The premiers of Norway and Denmark are also expected to attend the conference.

Along with the US Vice President and Japanese Prime Minister, Sharif will also co-chair a peace conference to review cooperation among international friends.

He will also participate in a meeting on reforms in the United Nations, where he is expected to underline the need for harmonising the UN Security Council with new global demands.

The premier will return to the country on September 27 along with his entourage of 14 people, including security personnel. In between, Sharif was earlier reported to hold a meeting with Narendra Modi, who will be in the United States at the invitation of President Barack Obama

Pak PM to raise Kashmir issue in UNGA, no Sharif-Modi meet in NY | Zee News
Let him. Nobody in UN bothers. Unless he takes Zaid Hameed along with him and makes him sit in the audience. He may get one clap :lol:
And the UN will give them the same statement like last time. Which is that they feel the issue should be resolved by India and Pakistan themselves.
So what's new? Happens every time a pakistani leader gets a mike and an international platform. The only thing that's constant is that Kashmir has slipped out of Pakistan's vector. At the most, the Sunnis of Kashmir will receive some additional autonomy.
It's an obsolete issue in UN files.. done and dusted. pakistan army should get new point to wage war (no they can't unless they wanna commit suicide) people of pakistan should revolt against its army just the way they did with that rehman malik for delaying flight, it's their army which is delaying their progress. why the hell theses pakistani suck up their army so much which has been a joke and nothing else. Kashmir will remain with us what that army of urs can do? seriously get a life and let us live peacefully. Please enough If this Kashmir thingy.
Pakistan would have had a 10× better chance of uniting the west for Kashmir cause if they had not resorted to insurgency and supporting terrorists to fight their war. But since they used insurgents from Afghanistan for this, even th UN, doesn't want to get involved since they know how great of a blunder that will be.
It's an obsolete issue in UN files.. done and dusted. pakistan army should get new point to wage war (no they can't unless they wanna commit suicide) people of pakistan should revolt against its army just the way they did with that rehman malik for delaying flight, it's their army which is delaying their progress. why the hell theses pakistani suck up their army so much which has been a joke and nothing else. Kashmir will remain with us what that army of urs can do? seriously get a life and let us live peacefully. Please enough If this Kashmir thingy.
Thanks for your insights,
More than 60 years they're raising , let see who cares???

So what's new? Happens every time a pakistani leader gets a mike and an international platform. The only thing that's constant is that Kashmir has slipped out of Pakistan's vector. At the most, the Sunnis of Kashmir will receive some additional autonomy.

Are you sure? Is that why India's military occupation has grown to 800,000 soldiers and the nuclear warnings are also being issued in Indian Occupied Muslim Kashmir?
Are you sure? Is that why India's military occupation has grown to 800,000 soldiers and the nuclear warnings are also being issued in Indian Occupied Muslim Kashmir?

Yeah I am very sure. As for the military presence - 80% sunni and bordering pakistan - what do you expect? .
Good, Pakistan occupied Kashmir's future has to be decided at some point, why not now. :)
Indian occupier terrorists should be exposed in UN. After defeating ISIS terrorists, International community can help Kashmiris in their fight against Indian occupier terrorists.
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