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Pak PM Nawaz Sharif is a billionaire

its his third term and still you guys wondering it ?
sab MC bhutto zardari khan vadeery shareefy syed is mulk ko loot loot ker kangaal ker chuky

call it kingdom of pakistan damn now wait for bilawala - mariyumaan and hamzy shareefy . next generation of looters getting ready to **** us more 30 years :tsk::tsk::tsk: we are disgrace to world
call it kingdom of pakistan damn now wait for bilawala - mariyumaan and hamzy shareefy . next generation of looters getting ready to **** us more 30 years :tsk::tsk::tsk: we are disgrace to world

Didn't you learn anything about Gentleman Jack's commitment to responsibility ? :D
Maulana sahab gathered billions via 'chanda' or 'zakat fitra'
@Secur @Oscar he is such a righteous fellow,he earned billions and 'parado' via 'halal rasta':D
On serious note,this is indeed very tragic to observe that how democratic system has degenerated into tyranny,because our civil regime consist of 'corrupted individuals' in majority.
Gentlemen,when your civil regime consists of corrupted political individuals,then obviously your economical infrastructure will not sustain,at this point I will say that your 'hope' for 'better Pakistan' is a 'fool's dream' or 'fantasy',because in order to take strong measures...we need politicians/rulers like Mr.Jinnah,Mr.Liaqat Ali Khan or Sardar Abdul rab Nishtar,and we don't have them,sadly
:O :O

Billionaire .. does not even start to describe what he and his family are worth.

Nawaz Sharif is more than a billionaire in just Pakistan, now consider UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Malaysia etc ..
Most Indians dont know he is from a big business family, ToI should have pointed that out.
Maulana sahab gathered billions via 'chanda' or 'zakat fitra'.
On serious note,this is indeed very tragic to observe that how democratic system has degenerated into tyranny,because our civil regime consist of 'corrupted individuals' in majority.
Gentlemen,when your civil regime consists of corrupted political individuals,then obviously your economical infrastructure will not sustain,at this point I will say that your 'hope' for 'better Pakistan' is a 'fool's dream' or 'fantasy',because in order to take strong measures...we need politicians/rulers like Mr.Jinnah,Mr.Liaqat Ali Khan or Sardar Abdul rab Nishtar,and we don't have them,sadly

When a government starts printing more money than actually earning more revenues through exports and other infrastructure and programs that means the government failed to deliver and has actually no plan A-B-C. People might not like it but I would again say the money is being printed because the government or individuals know they won't last 5 Year term, if they do that would be a miracle.

Take it as a logic or leave it people, by the way our aam awam is the reason these people rule 5 Years.
Think why they all have a back-up plan ready to leave the country on a moment's notice . Looking at the patterns , seriously , I find myself shivering with fear at times .

All of them have a back up plan. Anyone who can afford a back up plan in case Pakistan goes bust has a back up plan. Be it the Sharifs, Generals, Malik Riaz.. or Me. Its called looking out for yourself.

Maulana sahab gathered billions via 'chanda' or 'zakat fitra'
@Secur @Oscar he is such a righteous fellow,he earned billions and 'parado' via 'halal rasta':D
On serious note,this is indeed very tragic to observe that how democratic system has degenerated into tyranny,because our civil regime consist of 'corrupted individuals' in majority.
Gentlemen,when your civil regime consists of corrupted political individuals,then obviously your economical infrastructure will not sustain,at this point I will say that your 'hope' for 'better Pakistan' is a 'fool's dream' or 'fantasy',because in order to take strong measures...we need politicians/rulers like Mr.Jinnah,Mr.Liaqat Ali Khan or Sardar Abdul rab Nishtar,and we don't have them,sadly

Maulana sahab has his petrol pumps.

Everybody who is somebody in Pakistan is a crook. What differs is the percentage of their thievery and interest in the nation.
Every time Nawaz comes to power the country is on brink of bankruptcy he just accelerates every thing
Yeah, it has nothing to do with the Ittefaq Group. It's funny how many Pakistanis are clueless about his family business empire, or at least, chose to be. He may not be a saint, but he's not a Zardari either. People finally have electricity now, my friend.

I am ashamed of myself for hurting Nawaz Sharief's supporters here. I will observe a two minute silence when I go to sleep in the night for those hurtful comments.
Also, I know all about his Ittefaq Group and how it all started. DO you have any idea how it all suddenly began and in Zia-ul- Haq's time it flourished. Truly an example of hardly working and getting rich by knowing the right people at the right time.
But ofcourse, if you are supporting them then for you he must be the most perfect man in the world and any argument I give will only be a waste of time.

And how did he manage to provide electricity? Was it when he was the PM twice in the 1990s? Or now ?

Billionaire in PKR? that's not too bad, does not beat Sonia's $2 billion plus :P

Well not yet bro. But we all can be sure that he will hardly work at all and somehow magically reach up to that wealth in a few years. Sonia will have to hardly work some more to remain at the top.
He is also a Rs 3 billion loan defaulter since 1998. His case has been pending as he gets stay order.

Now how can you afford a PM who is a known thief? Ever wonder why Pakistan is where it is? You have thieves and swindlers holding top posts of the country.
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