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Pak Mi-17 Heli crashes

Army helicopter crash kills three officials
October 25, 2009

PESHAWAR: A military helicopter crashed in a tribal area bordering Afghanistan on Saturday, killing three army officials and wounding two others, officials said. The MI-17 helicopter was returning from a routine supply mission to the border areas of Bajaur tribal district when it crashed near Charmung village, a senior military official told AFP.

"Two pilots - a major and a captain - and a junior officer embraced martyrdom and two others were injured," the official said, adding that the aircraft was returning after dropping fuel and rations at a remote military post. Another senior military official said that the crash was caused by a "technical fault" and the chopper came down in an area controlled by security forces.

- brecorder

Stop lecturing us on how to maintain Mi-17’s and cough up some hard cash; after all we are fighting YOUR dirty war to protect YOUR rear end. We got No problem in Bajaur or anywhere except to create a sort of war on our soil to relieve pressure on you.

The US must place an immediate order for the White Tail Mi-17KF (Klimov TV3-117VM engines) currently at the Ulan Ude plant in Russia. Raise a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case just like the one raised for the Afghan Air Force G222 with Alenia. At least 15 choppers can be positioned in Pakistan to fight your war within weeks.

"Stop lecturing us on how to maintain Mi-17’s and cough up some hard cash..."

Yassah, boss. I'ze be ahoppin' right on it.:taz:

Got any color scheme in mind? Leather heated seating? Sixteen speaker 600 watt BOSE multi-disc player comes standard with an extended moonroof I think.

Heads Up Display is optional. So too the helmet-linked 23mm rotor cannon.

Just as soon as I finish my coffee...:coffee:

I think this is the second mi-17 u have lost in this campaign, continuous operations seem to be taking their toll, it's high time u get some new choppers. May the dead rest in peace.

Long Live Pak Army and salute to those martyrs of Pak Army.
Americans have also lost number of Apaches and Black Hawks in Iraq and Afghanistan. What I mean is that these types of losses do occur. But your point is valid Pak Army do need more high tech choppers.
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That’s like a good boy!

We are kinda frugal. Forget the leather seats and BOSE. HUD with Helmet sight + slaved 23 mm will do. Honeywell FMS and Collins panel will be great.

When are you writing the check?
We need new choppers and quick.... we cant afford to loose our officers at this pace.
May their souls rest in peace
:pakistan:May Allah rest the departed souls in eternal peace:pakistan:
the problem is US got all the gadgets and the money.....but ZERO knowledge of the peoples mind set while pakistan has ZERO money but complete knowledge of the peoples mindset!

now the problem is both sides mistrust each other & the taliban mistrust the US and Pakistan! basically the current situation is like the game played in the bar shot in the movie inglorious bastards!

Pakistan needs to fix its corrupt leaders so that it has some money left inorder to procure weaponry such as the HELIs....instead of waiting for hand outs from the US or any other country
We need new choppers and quick.... we cant afford to loose our officers at this pace.
May their souls rest in peace

Well there would be many things/equipments that our Armed Forces would be requiring right now specially given the present internal and external threat, but the problem for a country like Pakistan has always been funds to buy those equipments at right time, and that is why for the reason of weak economy and lack of funds; the priorities are set and the procurement is done accordingly.
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