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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

ha ha ...... Do I have to remind you Indians about how the Chinese kicked your hide in 1962 and how did your soldiers ran behind, lifting their dhoties and allowing the Chinese to have a clear picture of Indian soldiers' behinds. They probably went back because they were horrified with the muck they saw and wanted nothing to do with it.

:lol: accepting defeat now?? Are you..?? Nothing left to back up your farse claims so shifting to off topic rants.. :azn:

Kind of expected..
Nawaz Sharief never refused his claim of 4,000 Dead soldiers, and neither did anybody in Pakistan ever question him....except Musharraf and his book :lol: which we know is full of lies, as per mentioned by the other corp commanders or active army personnel in the force.
Did anyone else challenge Nawas Sharief's claim till date and did he go back on his proclamation? ...so end of the day the words of a Prime Minister who was the Chief Executive of your whole country stands without any challenge.

ISPR could have said NS statement is false..did they...no, right, so what NS said was the truth.
Are you sure those 1200+ soldiers were Kashmiris killed in encounters or perhaps fairy tales?

Understandable.. When run out of logical arguments, switch to nonsensical rants.. Stop acting like the face in your avatar ;)

I don't know the exact figures on the Indian side, only know whatever figures have been published. But as far as PA is concerned, the number is no where near as high as 4000 and not as low as 350. Sorry can't share the exact numbers with you but can give you a rough estimate. Its a bit lower if you reach the middle percentile of the numbers presented.

Kind of ties in to what informal sources in India also claim..
:lol: accepting defeat now?? Are you..?? Nothing left to back up your farse claims so shifting to off topic rants.. :azn:

Kind of expected..

Defeat of what?

Was just showing you the true face of your own soldiers before you start telling everybody that you are so brave a country. What a crap.
Indian casualties were obviously more than PA. Most of our casualties weren't caused by Indian fire, but lack of supplies and logistics.
what u can expect from a country who didn't accepted the dead bodies of their own soldiers....obviously to show that their causalities are low..what a shame

nli was battered from BOFORS artillary and then mirage 2000 laser bombing.

It was a stupid move ny mushraff and COST the pakistanis their long term relationship with USA
I don't know the exact figures on the Indian side, only know whatever figures have been published. But as far as PA is concerned, the number is no where near as high as 4000 and not as low as 350. Sorry can't share the exact numbers with you but can give you a rough estimate. Its a bit lower if you reach the middle percentile of the numbers presented.

I disagree with your assessment completely. The casualties were not as high as you are suggesting us to believe. Indian casualties were much much more than those suffered by Pakistan. And this is a fact.

nli was battered from BOFORS artillary and then mirage 2000 laser bombing.

It was a stupid move ny mushraff and COST the pakistanis their long term relationship with USA

The bombings were still as ineffective as your migs that came crashing down.
What I can attest to is the turkey shoot of the massed ranked indian soldiers, they came and died, rank upon rank -

This music played in my head. :)
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The bombings were still as ineffective as your migs that came crashing down.

Not mig's but mirage's with precision ammo and bofor's, to all our surprise proved that its the one of the world's best artillery guns owing to its precision bombardments.

And. girthe hain sheh savar zameen par....woh PAF kya jane jo udaan bhi nahi bari.
We must prepare for the next conflict - the fascist indian regime - is forever plotting against us.
Yup Bofors and Mirages were targeting Indian camps...how silly of us...

So you are confirming that they were. Even Indian Army talked about inefficiency and lack of professionalism of IAF. Bofors was the first western technology based platform you were using and therefore you think it was very efficient and accurate. What a crap.

Please don't call yourself silly on such a forum, though it may still be true.
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