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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Add 4 peaks to your equation :lol: ... Sacrificing 4000 soldiers ? :azn: Even neutral sources do not put it at more than 450 on our side ... In what universe ? Do you know the casualties of '65 war on both sides to even believe the claim of 4000 casualties in a low intensity conflict ? :lol
Nawaz Sharif, your former PM, how can you believe figures from the army. After fleeing 140 peaks, just look at your comment. :lol:
I know that you know very little of the arrival of Islam in the subcontinent and are fed with false " conversion at the point of sword " theories ... Just answer me this , if the Muslim invaders were converting everyone then how come there's still a majority of Hindus in the subcontinent ? :azn: ... Sorry , nobody's disrespecting anyone ... Who were you when you weren't a Hindu ? Religion changes with time ... No one is shouting on his fellow Muslims who were done with Hindu caste system who saw the light of truth in the new religion of Islam at that time and converted of his own will and through the efforts of Sufis , some of which even you Hindus revere even now ... Who's to deny they didn't rule India for almost a 1000 years ?

Well Indian ones do , shall I post ? :azn:

What you saying there was no force full conversion in India really? Muslim butcher, demolished temple, looting and raped many people's in name of Islam not only in India and spreading Islam, most mulsim even don't know whose mixed sperm inside in there body. And Muslim ruled for 1000 yr ok whole India and the parts ?. Whatever you did that wrong and horrible act which project you how liberal was your religion , few in exception. And your race feel proud great then feel it.

Just look at all over the world you still doing same thing in different way still forcing your rude attitude and result in front of you. See your country how people are dead over there, kids blowing mosque, walking human bombs and many more countries faced same misadventure cost. Before teaching Islam learn yourself first. Why Hindu population in Pakistan is now less than 1% and Muslim population in India is increasing. Still forceful conversion is in process.

Claims were made of both , even two fronts war and cold start :rofl: ... What was the result ? We saw the Indian actions in '87 , '02 and '08 ... Mobilized troops , threatened and then backed off ... Why ? Despite overwhelming conventional superiority ...

Yes someone considered them too seriously in 2001-2002 stand off ... Mobilized troops and lost 800+ in the process without Pakistan firing a single bullet ... Kept them at border for years and then unilaterally backed off :rofl: ... Now what you are saying is just an excuse that it enhanced India's image :lol: ... Indeed , the policy worked well ... Pakistan nuclear doctrine has been perfected and now its known that Indians will never try to cross some red lines ...

None of them are Indian , I think ...

hmm fine you won all war even 71. So you got Kashmir and almost whole India. Please keep your nuclear lolly pop yourself we are scared people, USA keep doing his cleaning job. Your muslim saver Osama has been taken out from the middle of Pakistan, who was shouting then and what you get yes all weather friends. zamid fairy tale ghazwa hind already crossed the yr which he mentioned

OP: Your nation launched a pre-emptive strike on India , and India responded with her UN based right of self-defense. The rest is history.

Article 51

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression
Nawaz Sharif, your former PM, how can you believe figures from the army. After fleeing 140 peaks, just look at your comment. :lol:

Nawaz Sharif had a personal vendetta against the army....he just trumped up the figures to malign Pervez Musharraff.

Pakistan Army is less than half the size of Indian Army and a very close knit community.....any major loss simply couldn't be hushed up....... you see, after the 2005 earthquake, Indian Army and media started claiming that some 500 Pakistani soldiers died in their bunkers, where as the final figure was of some 80 casualties were confirmed, hence take it with a bag of salt.
Nawaz Sharif had a personal vendetta against the army....he just trumped up the figures to malign Pervez Musharraff.

Pakistan Army is less than half the size of Indian Army and a very close knit community.....any major loss simply couldn't be hushed up....... you see, after the 2005 earthquake, Indian Army and media started claiming that some 500 Pakistani soldiers died in their bunkers, where as the final figure was of some 80 casualties were confirmed, hence take it with a bag of salt.

That's another angle to it.. If I am right, in 1999, NLI was not considered to be the part of Pakistani army.. Right?
The fact is we control strategic posts that can close down a vital national highway to Occupied J&K, the indians tried to take it back on numerous occasions, testifying to it's vital importance.

A few good artillery observers with real time cameras and laser range finders can bring down very accurate fire which will make it suicidal for any convoy's. Very important in any future potential conflict.

The fact that that pt is surrounded by 3 Indian peaks , which can take out any living thing on that peak, consider that..... that post is good target practice all 3 post.

Nawaz Sharif had a personal vendetta against the army....he just trumped up the figures to malign Pervez Musharraff.

Pakistan Army is less than half the size of Indian Army and a very close knit community.....any major loss simply couldn't be hushed up....... you see, after the 2005 earthquake, Indian Army and media started claiming that some 500 Pakistani soldiers died in their bunkers, where as the final figure was of some 80 casualties were confirmed, hence take it with a bag of salt.

Then why didn't the PAk army released the kargil Report ? what they want to hide , that failure? or their causality ? ot what , no winning side will hide report ....

Add 4 peaks to your equation :lol: ... Sacrificing 4000 soldiers ? :azn: Even neutral sources do not put it at more than 450 on our side ... In what universe ? Do you know the casualties of '65 war on both sides to even believe the claim of 4000 casualties in a low intensity conflict ? :lol

well you can't know the exact figures , because PAK didn't want its people to know, ask your PAK Army to release Kargil report? why they want to hide it from People of PAK? what they want to hide? their victory from Indian Army they want to hide?
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:lol: What are you proud of then ? :azn: If you had numerical and technological superiority and still suffered more losses than us and lost 4+ peaks ? One of them which directly overlooks NH1-D , the lifeline of IA

Let me remind you , there were no thousands of PA soldiers deaths in Kargil ( unless you consider 400+ as thousands :rofl: ) ... You are not even able to comprehend what does 4000+ deaths even mean :lol: ...

I do not care what you say , My country caught you off guard , inflicted heavy losses despite numerical inferiority , didn't use the air cover and now controls a peak which directly overlooks your vital lifeline ... Big accomplishment for a country almost 5x smaller than you :azn: ... 10 freaking years , yes which is considered as the golden era of Pakistan ... Why should we set up inquiry commission ? :azn:

do you have problems with comprehension???
Nawaz Sharif, your former PM, how can you believe figures from the army. After fleeing 140 peaks, just look at your comment. :lol:

Why didn't India find bodies of 4,000 Pakistani soldiers?

Why only 200 or so?

Please explain that
Indians are scared of another kargil or even a showdown like 2002..... even in showdowns around 1000 die and it took em almost an year and a few billion $ just to march upto their border......... :tdown:
Indians are scared of another kargil or even a showdown like 2002..... even in showdowns around 1000 die and it took em almost an year and a few billion $ just to march upto their border......... :tdown:

During the conference, Army Chief General
Singh also touched on the "Cold Start”
doctrine being adopted by India. The "Cold
Start” doctrine evolved after the army
exercise "Operation Parakram” wherein the
military troops mobilised for war against
Pakistan after the terror strike on the
Parliament in New Delhi. After taking
weeks to reach its launch pads along the
border, India’s military found Pakistan’s
forces deployed and ready for battle. Hence,
the "Cold Start” has been adopted and it
aims at launching attacks without any delay
in mobilizing the troops.
The launch of Prahaar missile, which is a
mobile, truck-mounted rocket that can strike
within 10 metres of a target that is 150
kilometres away, is a step towards the
Indian Army’s "Cold Start” doctrine. The
Indian Army’s doctrine will involves
multiple and simultaneous invasions of the
enemy territory with quickly mobilized
Indian Army battle groups much before the
enemy troops can reach the border and
occupy defensive positions. Army Chief
General Singh added that there is nothing
like Cold Start doctrine. However, the Indian
Army has a proactive strategy which can
maximize the potential of the doctrines and
Regarding the changes in the Indian Army,
the Army Chief stated that various drills and
studies have been conducted and crucial
acquisitions and deployments have been
made. The Indian Army is going to have new
cantonments, forward locations as well as in
the method of mobilisation. The Indian
Army’s mobilization time has also seen
improvement after the army drills. What the
Indian Army did in 15 days, it can achieve
in 7 days and it plans to do the same in 3
days in the future,” explained the chief.

Indian Army Chief Assures Superior Army Performance and Faster Response against Threats - Defence Now
We still have siachen, agla landslide kab aa raha hain?

We still have Rann of Kutch , Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan :azn: Let me know when you are coming to get them :lol:
Nehru had to run to UN to save his forces *** whilst the tribals and PA advanced beyond Skardu ...
We still have Rann of Kutch , Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan :azn: Let me know when you are coming to get them :lol:
Nehru had to run to UN to save his forces *** whilst the tribals and PA advanced beyond Skardu ...

Err - last I checked India had the Rann of Kutch. LOL - let me get this right. The Indian forces which pushed the tribals and PA back from within 20 kms of Srinagar to their current position needed saving? And the retreating forces did not?
Err - last I checked India had the Rann of Kutch. LOL - let me get this right. The Indian forces which pushed the tribals and PA back from within 20 kms of Srinagar to their current position needed saving? And the retreating forces did not?

Pakistan captured 10% of the claimed Rann of Kutch in '65 if you are unaware of history ... Read " the Initial skirmishes in the Rann "

Actually IA pushed the ill equipped at that time tribals back from Srinagar ... They couldn't proceed further whilst we advanced beyond Skardu ... Ask Nehru ... Who runs to the UN to arrange ceasefire and for what reason ? :azn:
Pakistan captured 10% of the claimed Rann of Kutch in '65 if you are unaware of history ... Read " the Initial skirmishes in the Rann "

Actually IA pushed the ill equipped at that time tribals back from Srinagar ... They couldn't proceed further whilst we advanced beyond Skardu ... Ask Nehru ... Who runs to the UN to arrange ceasefire and for what reason ? :azn:

Nehru is dead. Can't ask him.

You did not capture 10% of the Rann. The Rann is over 30,000 sq. kilometers. You made a demand for about 9000 sq kilometers out of which about 900 sq. kms was awarded to you by a tribunal.
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