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Pak Hindus refuse to return, cite harassment

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Wrt. Your first para...I agree, illegal banglas need to be booted..unfortunately it is our own fault by electing govts. that use these illegals as vote banks to benefit their political agendas...
As far as these Hindus are concerned, they need to suffer for their decisions..that's the price you pay for choosing pak over india..I have no sympathy for them..they had the choice to live in a secular pluralistic society..they chose otherwise

Second para..what do you mean how has india benefitted from keeping Muslims?!!! That's a ridiculous statement! Muslims are as much Indian as you and I! They pledge allegiance to our country just like u and I( talking purely about those that chose india after partition). Of course you will find some bad apples but same is the case for Hindus..
If we start talking about what good came out of keeping Muslims, then we have to start by analyzing the net contribution of each citizen, region, groups of people...next you want to get rid of up and Bihar coz they are poor states and a drain on our economy?!!!

C'mon Shivaji...we are marathis..we have always had a secular and socially forward outlook and we should never change that...just take the example of the great chattrapati who's name you adorn..he is the example of a true secular leader!
And do you really think the hindus who stayed back made their own choice? What if they didn't have the resources to travel? You are saying as if it was a peaceful transaction for everyone to move east or west.
bad logic.. present generation didnt choose, their parents did

Fair enough..but at the end of the day, why are we becoming saviors of humanity when we have so many of our own to help?
Isn't it our responsibility to help our own first, who's parents chose india ( Hindu or Muslim) than the sons of those that chose to stay back?
Sreekumar, please see my response to Shivajibhosale

Please Read my first post carefully .I am not talking about instant granting of Indian citizenship .They can stay here for 7 years .Then they surely get our citizenship.In process they can find a job in India without govt support.
And Hindus dont believe in ghettoisation.But we cant ensure such a thing when it comes BD muslims etc.
You are a secular Muslim.So you may not face it.
And we cant trust foreign muslims .We already have enough examples how these foreign guys misdirected our innocent youths.
Any way I dont like freebies to refugees with the Indian taxpayers money.Religion is not a matter here.
Broheim, partition based on religion was demanded by pak not india! India wanted to accept all religions and people. So those who chose Pakistan need to stay and suffer the consequences...charity begins at home and I would rather help the millions of hindu and Muslim Indians in dire conditions than these opportunists who remember us only when they are in trouble!

And I agree with you, Sindhis are extremely patriotic Indians( the ones that moved here post partition) but not these cats...they chose their destiny..
Indian Sindhis to me are like the Jews in the us...extremely successful, politically active and organized! Kudos to them for making their unfortunate situation turn into a positive for themselves!
I replied to your other post regarding making choices and loyalties.
Well settle them in India if there is no other choice,however it would be best for them if we could help them go to a first world nation as asylum seekers.
Wait before I comment, in your first para..who started massacring whom?? Muhajirs killing Hindus or other way around?

Also your second para I have no idea what you meant by your last line..I'm assuming it's irrelevant and just an unnecessary jab at the OP

By OP i meant the Sindhi guy of article, not the poster. Muhajirs started to kill sindhi hindus who refused to leave.
And do you really think the hindus who stayed back made their own choice? What if they didn't have the resources to travel? You are saying as if it was a peaceful transaction for everyone to move east or west.

A lot of poor people took arduous and hellish trips across the border with little to no resources...how else do we have such a significant Sindhi population? So what was the reasons for these people to stay back?
Even in this particular example, these people had incentives of keeping their land..they chose to keep their property while others sold and moved..now their position has been compromised and they are being exploited..
No sympathy points from my side!
Fair enough..but at the end of the day, why are we becoming saviors of humanity when we have so many of our own to help?
Isn't it our responsibility to help our own first, who's parents chose india ( Hindu or Muslim) than the sons of those that chose to stay back?

Well I disagree.If India will not take harassed Hindus,Sikhs,Jains, Buddhists then who will ?
India is the birthplace of these religions.
Many countries provide asylum to harassed minorities e.g US,Uk to Ahmadis from Pakistan.

Why this mirchi when someone suggests India help some poor folks ?
Please Read my first post carefully .I am not talking about instant granting of Indian citizenship .They can stay here for 7 years .Then they surely get our citizenship.In process they can find a job in India without govt support.
And Hindus dont believe in ghettoisation.But we cant ensure such a thing when it comes BD muslims etc.
You are a secular Muslim.So you may not face it.
And we cant trust foreign muslims .We already have enough examples how these foreign guys misdirected our innocent youths.
Any way I dont like freebies to refugees with the Indian taxpayers money.Religion is not a matter here.

Thanks for your detailed reply..I'm about to enter the subway so will reply once I have phone access again...

PS: I'm a Hindu by birth, so my opinion is not skewed because of my affiliations..not that it matters whether I'm Hindu or Muslim..but in case you felt my views were "secular" because I was Muslim
'mon Shivaji...we are marathis..we have always had a secular and socially forward outlook and we should never change that...just take the example of the great chattrapati who's name you adorn..he is the example of a true secular leader!
Indian Secularism is a big joke. I agree that rural Marathi Muslim aren't extremists. But majority of Indian Muslims are good for nothing trouble-makers.

As far as these Hindus are concerned, they need to suffer for their decisions..that's the price you pay for choosing pak over india..I have no sympathy for them..they had the choice to live in a secular pluralistic society..they chose otherwise
How could the poor migrate? They couldn't cover transportation and various other costs.

Indian Muslims were bribed to stay in India. Check out 1946 partition-election results. Every Muslim from north to south voted for Muslim league. Politicians still have to bribe them for votes. A lots of money has been spent on Haj,grants,scholarships,schemes etc. on this anti-national community.

The only secular Indian politician was Babasaheb Ambedkar. Even he said send Muslims to Pakistan or you will have troubles. And he was right !
And do you really think the hindus who stayed back made their own choice? What if they didn't have the resources to travel? You are saying as if it was a peaceful transaction for everyone to move east or west.

Please see my response to sriram, it covers the same basic question he posed..

Would definite like to hear your thoughts
Thanks for your detailed reply..I'm about to enter the subway so will reply once I have phone access again...

PS: I'm a Hindu by birth, so my opinion is not skewed because of my affiliations..not that it matters whether I'm Hindu or Muslim..but in case you felt my views were "secular" because I was Muslim
Prove me secularism is a essence of are constitution rather it was imposed us during emergency in 1976 when the amendment were made to please congress appeasement policies to please muslims.
A lot of poor people took arduous and hellish trips across the border with little to no resources...how else do we have such a significant Sindhi population? So what was the reasons for these people to stay back?
Even in this particular example, these people had incentives of keeping their land..they chose to keep their property while others sold and moved..now their position has been compromised and they are being exploited..
No sympathy points from my side!
Must I tell you then my friend, none were poor in Sindh. People stayed back because they saw trainloads of dead bodies and violence, early birds made it peacefully. Those who couldn't bribed for their life and their womens' honour. You have no sympathy for them, niether had Gandhi/Nehru. Same happened to many muslims on Indian Side, Jinnah cared niether.
Fair enough..but at the end of the day, why are we becoming saviors of humanity when we have so many of our own to help?
Isn't it our responsibility to help our own first, who's parents chose india ( Hindu or Muslim) than the sons of those that chose to stay back?

Fair enough but what about humanity are we humans or indians/hindus etc first?

as long as they aren't here to create trouble, nothing wrong in giving equal opportunities to refugees
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