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Pak govt has finalised a five-point agenda for talks with Trump’s lieutenants


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Govt chalks out plan to deal with possible US sanctions
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Thursday، 12 October 2017 12:37 AM

Amid persisting strain in relationship with the United States, the government of Pakistan has cobbled together a contingency plan to deal with any decision by the Trump administration to slap Islamabad with economic sanctions, Daily Express has learnt from government officials.
According to the plan, Pakistan will further expand its diplomatic, economic and defence ties with other countries, including Russia and China.
The government is also studying a proposal to set up a working group to strengthen bilateral ties with likeminded countries.
“A formal announcement to this effect would be made after consulting these countries,” one official said. “The government would offer them incentives to invest in different sectors of
Pakistan’s economy,” he added.
Another official said the government would also approach likeminded countries with the help of China with the offer to join the multibillion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC).
Pakistan has also finalised a five-point agenda for future negotiations with the United States.
“The National Security Committee would chart out course for future ties with the United States,” added the official.
Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has been constantly monitoring the statements of American officials since the announcement of the new Afghan strategy by President Donald Trump.
“They have decided that Pakistan would not buckle under any ‘do more’ demand from the United States,” a third official said.
According to sources, Pakistan is waiting to see the Trump administration’s response to its concerns vis-à-vis new Afghan strategy following a flurry of meetings between Pakistani and US officials, including Premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence and Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif’s recent interactions in Washington.
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defence Secretary Jim Mattis would be travelling to Islamabad later this month.
The agenda of their visit has been designed to drill home Trump’s message that Pakistani’s alleged support for militant groups has to end, say the
officials briefed on the visits.
The government has finalised a five-point agenda for talks with Trump’s lieutenants. The Trump administration would be asked 1) to establish relations on the basis of sovereign equality; 2) to stop blame-game against Pakistan; 3) to call off attempts to make CPEC controversial; 4) to review its decision of giving India a greater role in Afghanistan; and 5) to rethink its entire Afghan strategy.
According to sources, if the Trump administration refuses to budge, then the National Security Committee would chart out a new course for future relationship with the United States.

Why 5 point agenda??? A single point of agenda is all that is required.....1) growing a pair of testicles.... And before anyone gives shabashi to the government. This is all the doing of the army...noon leaguers with less and less political clout start making decisions in the 'national interest' as opposed to toeing the American line for their 'personal interest'
Why 5 point agenda??? A single point of agenda is all that is required.....1) growing a pair of testicles.... And before anyone gives shabashi to the government. This is all the doing of the army...noon leaguers with less and less political clout start making decisions in the 'national interest' as opposed to toeing the American line for their 'personal interest'

This is not about n league or pti
Imagine if Pakistan was under a military-rule, they've would've surrendered to US wishes the day after President Twitter announced his Afghan policy.

This is the way to do things. Politics are slow and negotiations are tough. You just need a lot of patience.
The government has finalised a five-point agenda for talks with Trump’s lieutenants. The Trump administration would be asked 1) to establish relations on the basis of sovereign equality; 2) to stop blame-game against Pakistan; 3) to call off attempts to make CPEC controversial; 4) to review its decision of giving India a greater role in Afghanistan; and 5) to rethink its entire Afghan strategy.

Excellent agenda.

And what can Pakistan offer to make USA agree to these points?
According to sources, Pakistan is waiting to see the Trump administration’s response to its concerns vis-à-vis new Afghan strategy following a flurry of meetings between Pakistani and US officials, including Premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence and Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif’s recent interactions in Washington.
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defence Secretary Jim Mattis would be travelling to Islamabad later this month.
The agenda of their visit has been designed to drill home Trump’s message that Pakistani’s alleged support for militant groups has to end, say the
officials briefed on the visits.
The government has finalised a five-point agenda for talks with Trump’s lieutenants. The Trump administration would be asked 1) to establish relations on the basis of sovereign equality; 2) to stop blame-game against Pakistan; 3) to call off attempts to make CPEC controversial; 4) to review its decision of giving India a greater role in Afghanistan; and 5) to rethink its entire Afghan strategy.
According to sources, if the Trump administration refuses to budge, then the National Security Committee would chart out a new course for future relationship with the United States.

Truly reveals what Pakistan wants and desires so badly!!!!!
Imagine if Pakistan was under a military-rule, they've would've surrendered to US wishes the day after President Twitter announced his Afghan policy.

This is the way to do things. Politics are slow and negotiations are tough. You just need a lot of patience.
With pmln we wont need to surrender since NS sold the country
Excellent agenda.

And what can Pakistan offer to make USA agree to these points?
How about we start from using our routes to supply US troops in Afghanistan?
Than we can move on to intelligence sharing. Just now we got freed a captive US family since 2012.
This is not a zero sum game as US likes to believe. If you can make life tough for us, we can reciprocate equally. Question is how far the US is willing to go? US cannot stay in Afghanistan forever, we on the other hand have a border with them. If it comes down to attrition US will lose.
How about we start from using our routes to supply US troops in Afghanistan?
Than we can move on to intelligence sharing. Just now we got freed a captive US family since 2012.
This is not a zero sum game as US likes to believe. If you can make life tough for us, we can reciprocate equally. Question is how far the US is willing to go? US cannot stay in Afghanistan forever, we on the other hand have a border with them. If it comes down to attrition US will lose.

There has to be give and take on both sides for any co-operation to work for mutual benefit. That's all.
How about we start from using our routes to supply US troops in Afghanistan?
Than we can move on to intelligence sharing. Just now we got freed a captive US family since 2012.
This is not a zero sum game as US likes to believe. If you can make life tough for us, we can reciprocate equally. Question is how far the US is willing to go? US cannot stay in Afghanistan forever, we on the other hand have a border with them. If it comes down to attrition US will lose.

The message Americans sent is that they will stay in Afghanistan indefinitely
Until the Taliban figures out how to fight the USAF Americans are going to control Afghanistan
The message Americans sent is that they will stay in Afghanistan indefinitely
Until the Taliban figures out how to fight the USAF Americans are going to control Afghanistan
No country can stay a thousand miles indefinitely. Thats BS and you know it. If Pakistan stops all supplies, It will end rather badly for the US and allies.
No country can stay a thousand miles indefinitely. Thats BS and you know it. If Pakistan stops all supplies, It will end rather badly for the US and allies.

If Pakistan wants to stop the supplies what is stopping you ?
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