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Pak family spends the night on a Mumbai footpath, Refused by hotels and lodges

such naive Pakistanis always need such eye openers... Good for them...

Welcome to the land of the real Bajrangi bhaijaan hahahahaha
I suppose you where living under a rock for last decade. Please take a look how Pakistani behave when they come to Mumbai Hotels. We still have a good memories of that.

Well sir who in his right mind will give accommodation to a citizen of a terrorist country.

I donn see this kind of emotions when millions of patients from your country get sponsored treatment from India. I suppose the word best describe you is ehsanframosh. But then we are talking about you guys. I am pretty sure you will have an religious explanation for the above, but spare me.
Dude, What do you smoke? Seriously...
Who in their right mind will travel to world Rape-Slum. Limited few does may be because they are really sick or in pain can only afford dirt cheap Indian medical.
@Sulman Badshah, @Areesh, @OTTOMAN, @Sunan, @That Guy, @Viking 63, @s.k, @Sheikh Rauf, @PAKISTANFOREVER, @Salman Zahidi, @The Silent One, @Icewolf, @Super Falcon

Guys think from a Indian business point of view as well. Pakistan has always waged a proxy war for Kashmir there have been several bomb blasts, Hijacks etc and Mumbai is the place where 26/11 happend

So why would a business man (Hotels) trust some people from Pakistan who would just come and ask for a room to stay
Think what would be going on in the mind of the people running the business what if something goes wrong then how will the business handle it ?

Who will save them from investigations ?

And trust me if they had gone to proper hotels they might have got the rooms from what i understand they have approached small businesses who wont take the risk.

There is always two sides to a story. You guys support terrorists as freedom fighters and this is what happens.

Here is a simple example of what Pakistan has ended up becoming
Letters from abroad: Shame on you, you are Pakistani – The Express Tribune Blog

Come on guys don’t you think you should stop supporting terrorists at least to start gaining back the respect in the world. I would say if you want Kashmir wage a 100 wars and get it In return you will earn it with respect but stop supporting terrorist cowards do that and we ain’t that.
@Sulman Badshah, @Areesh, @OTTOMAN, @Sunan, @That Guy, @Viking 63, @s.k, @Sheikh Rauf, @PAKISTANFOREVER, @Salman Zahidi, @The Silent One, @Icewolf, @Super Falcon

Guys think from a Indian business point of view as well. Pakistan has always waged a proxy war for Kashmir there have been several bomb blasts, Hijacks etc and Mumbai is the place where 26/11 happend

So why would a business man (Hotels) trust some people from Pakistan who would just come and ask for a room to stay
Think what would be going on in the mind of the people running the business what if something goes wrong then how will the business handle it ?

Who will save them from investigations ?

And trust me if they had gone to proper hotels they might have got the rooms from what i understand they have approached small businesses who wont take the risk.

There is always two sides to a story. You guys support terrorists as freedom fighters and this is what happens.

Here is a simple example of what Pakistan has ended up becoming
Letters from abroad: Shame on you, you are Pakistani – The Express Tribune Blog

Come on guys don’t you think you should stop supporting terrorists at least to start gaining back the respect in the world. I would say if you want Kashmir wage a 100 wars and get it In return you will earn it with respect but stop supporting terrorist cowards do that and we ain’t that.
Ah the good ol 'terrorist' rant.
Ah the good ol 'terrorist' rant.

But that’s the truth buddy what can a layman do if something goes wrong after giving shelter. That person will be in a mess of litigation.

And in India always stay away from Police, Lawyers and courts.
A Indian would have been either kidnapped or killed by terrorists if he went to Pakistan like the way the Pakistani counterparts were roaming freely in India.
B/c Indians are martians that we can tell them apart from us.

F logic.
Shiv Sena is the reason ....

Every small hotel manager knows they will have business with Pakistani guests but it would be much greater risk if some body tells shivsena goons about their stay. His hotel might become a ruined building with broken windows and gates.

Mumbai is hell hole any way. I went there in 2005 for my college admission and it was raining. I tried finding any thing to stay to my surprise I could not find any thing from powai to jogeshwari. Then I had to stay in 5 star hotel beside being student. I can not forget that time. That is why did not accept any jobs in Mumbai.

Just based on my experience :)
So You are Saying they got Valid visas from INDIAN Embassy, visit a Darbar & wanted to stay a night coz TRAIN was not available, in your twisted logic would come out in the Mid night All Gun Blazing ... what twisted hate filled logic is that .. Oh yeah You said it .. you were actually right .. it is REASON-II .. why sugar quoting your Justification ... ??

Ever heard of BUDGET visit ... they are on Valid Visit Visa .. they are not bound to stay in 5-Star ... If thr is a hotel they can afford & have Rooms Available, as a Visa holder they have Every Right to be given accommodation ... otherwise why give visa int he First Place ???

All those Pakistanis Blaming the Visitors for visiting india ... Please Note they went thr to Visit thr Relatives & it is everyone's personal prerogative to visit a Mazar or masjid ... my Parents visited my Grand Parents in India Every Other Year uptill last 2-3 years ago... & they have Pretty Horrible Accidents (visa , Police Issues) while Passing by Delhi ...

But it is not the visitors to be blamed .. my Mother could not stop visiting her mother !

Put your Blame where it should be ... On a twisted Mindset . A society which is getting more and more worst every passing day .. & i have more examples thn shining Indian Media shows !

yes thr are Good & bad People everywhere ... but Indian themselves know the media is making thm more & more Radical !
I donn say that you are wrong in your assertion but you should also remember we are talking about Mumbaikars here. We have pretty strong opinion about Pakistanis. And why not we have some or the other frnds who where eye witness to the horrifiec acts of terror few Pakistanis did over here. Still those bullet holes are there in CST. They are a Stark reminder of those days. Anyways I would like to explore one more line of reasoning. Why did the family made reservations before hand? Plus the area we are taking about has some pretty good hotels.
Dude, What do you smoke? Seriously...
Who in their right mind will travel to world Rape-Slum. Limited few does may be because they are really sick or in pain can only afford dirt cheap Indian medical.
Well aren't we on a thread discussing a pak family in India. But I see your infiriority Complex boiling up. Anyways still my question stands why can't a nation with Nuclear Weapons give its citizen good medical care? And so bad is the situation that they have to travel to a enemy country to beg for sponsored treatments?? This ought to say a lot about your country and its citizen.
I donn say that you are wrong in your assertion but you should also remember we are talking about Mumbaikars here. We have pretty strong opinion about Pakistanis. And why not we have some or the other frnds who where eye witness to the horrifiec acts of terror few Pakistanis did over here. Still those bullet holes are there in CST. They are a Stark reminder of those days. Anyways I would like to explore one more line of reasoning. Why did the family made reservations before hand? Plus the area we are taking about has some pretty good hotels.
Well aren't we on a thread discussing a pak family in India. But I see your infiriority Complex boiling up. Anyways still my question stands why can't a nation with Nuclear Weapons give its citizen good medical care? And so bad is the situation that they have to travel to a enemy country to beg for sponsored treatments?? This ought to say a lot about your country and its citizen.
Mr.Retard, thousand of Indian come to Pakistan every year.We don't treat them like shit, cuz we are cultured. Now as I said earlier, those that go to India must be poor and can't afford to go anywhere or may be they are migrant and had their relatives in India and it would be more easier for them to travel to India. Now India can't sponsor their own citizen food and medical, how the **** are they going to sponsor others. :crazy:
Why do 600 million Indian still defecate in open when India is so super rich and awesome? :taz:
Interestingly, My aunt went to Mumbai for treatment in 2010, this is barely two years after 26/11.. and they were very well received there. No angst was shown against Pakistan in general and everyone was generally welcoming.

So its either 1 or 2.

1. This family was generally unlucky and considering their itenary planning, simply ended up choosing the wrong area and went too cheap.

2. Indians have become more vile and hateful under PM Modi and have lost their humanity.

Interestingly, My aunt went to Mumbai for treatment in 2010, this is barely two years after 26/11.. and they were very well received there. No angst was shown against Pakistan in general and everyone was generally welcoming.

So its either 1 or 2.

1. This family was generally unlucky and considering their itenary planning, simply ended up choosing the wrong area and went too cheap.

2. Indians have become more vile and hateful under PM Modi and have lost their humanity.

Indians have been the same for past five thousand years under the flag of Sanathana Dharma. They'll continue to be the same for next five thousand years. So 2nd. point is out of question.

Coming to their itinerary, they went to India in the context of a movie and got lost there. You meet the energy you carry. I've said earlier India is what we expect or want to see.

India is mystical land. You find your god what you want your god to be.
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