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PAK FA vs F22 Raptor : A Detailed Analasis

I have always wondered if there is some credible evidence to support that argument !

They Have Had the Best Fighters .. F14s F15s and Your Own F16s
They Have "The Only" Operational Stealth Fighters/Bombers...

You Stilkl Need Evidence ?
All in all, the race for arms is always on, and only conflict 1 vs 1 can show which weapon/operator combination is superior at given tasks.

ps: greetings to all of you plane enthusiasts! :pdf:
All in all, the race for arms is always on, and only conflict 1 vs 1 can show which weapon/operator combination is superior at given tasks.

ps: greetings to all of you plane enthusiasts! :pdf:

Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay.
All in all, the race for arms is always on, and only conflict 1 vs 1 can show which weapon/operator combination is superior at given tasks.

ps: greetings to all of you plane enthusiasts! :pdf:

Welcome alter :)
So is an MTI radar an effective detector of an F-117 class body? Only if the conditions are 'just right'. But a knowledgeable adversary will do his best to create as 'wrong' the battlefield conditions as possible to maximize his technical advantage.

Target detection, identification and tracking against the natural interferences is a serious technical task. It is more complicated in circumstances of countermeasures: false targets, imitation jamming. Mistakes are possible even in a very plain circumstances. For example Aegis system was involved in a disaster in which USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 resulting in 290 civilian deaths.
LO/VLO target makes the task more difficult. For example when the distance between homing head and LO/VLO target is reducing, reflected signal undergoes changes, which may lead to instability or failure of an air-to-air missile control circuits.
A necessary condition for successful fight against LO/VLO targers is knowledge and consideration of the characteristics of the targets in all frequency regions for the near and far regions, for any angle, for combined and diversity reception.
Current methods of physical modeling can provide accurate reflection characteristics (with an error of less than 2-3 dB) for any specified aircraft. In Russia such metods are implemented in a Standard Radar Measurement System (Эталонный радиолокационный измерительный комплекс).
The results are used in weapons control systems. In PAK-FA (ПАК-ФА) "АК" stands for Aviation Complex (Авиационный Комплекс). It implies possibility of autonomous missions for single or couple aircrafts or using them as a part of complex combat system. For all purposes each aircraft will have 4 radars (forward, 2 side and backward) including L-band radar.
OMG.... so much analysis..... one from me....... Raptor is way more cuter than PAKFA, case closed. :P
For a country which is still struggling iwith recession its a big ask. Even if USA has to go on a war footing there is no way that it has resources to produce the kind of numbers that you have boasintingly announced.Anyways will give you a benefit of the doubt if you back it up with some figures or reliable sources.

US struggling with recession is still 1000x more capable than Russia and India combined.
US struggling with recession is still 1000x more capable than Russia and India combined.

You can just drop bombs on civilians. Against a normal country your chances of not more than cockroach against the bear.
Target detection, identification and tracking against the natural interferences is a serious technical task.
I know that already. I was in that 'business' for nearly 19 yrs combined military and civilian experience.

It is more complicated in circumstances of countermeasures: false targets, imitation jamming. Mistakes are possible even in a very plain circumstances. For example Aegis system was involved in a disaster in which USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 resulting in 290 civilian deaths.
All the more reasons people should pause before they make declarations about something they know nothing or little of. I see too many of that here.

LO/VLO target makes the task more difficult. For example when the distance between homing head and LO/VLO target is reducing, reflected signal undergoes changes, which may lead to instability or failure of an air-to-air missile control circuits.
I know that. One of those changes is the Doppler component, of which post 361 I used to illustrate how this radar component could be exploited to target an F-117 class body.

A necessary condition for successful fight against LO/VLO targers is knowledge and consideration of the characteristics of the targets in all frequency regions for the near and far regions, for any angle, for combined and diversity reception.
You are entering a loaded area.

What kind of characteristics are you talking about?

We know that physical structures have unique radar signatures (RCS), whether it is a human being, the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids of Giza, an automobile, or a jet fighter. The more complex the structure, the more unique that signature. However, in every complex structure, there are always commonality of component structures and we can break them down as well, all the way down to simple forms/shapes such as the plate, the sphere, the cube, the cylinder, and so on.

For example...A missile is composed of these major shapes: cylinder (body), the (nose) cone, and the plate (fins). The missile's design is universal, just like an arrow made by a Chinese warrior against one made by a Masai warrior on the other of the world.

So to what degree of radar signatures/characteristics of as a complex body as a jet fighter are you talking about?

Current methods of physical modeling can provide accurate reflection characteristics (with an error of less than 2-3 dB) for any specified aircraft. In Russia such metods are implemented in a Standard Radar Measurement System (Эталонный радиолокационный измерительный комплекс).
The results are used in weapons control systems. In PAK-FA (ПАК-ФА) "АК" stands for Aviation Complex (Авиационный Комплекс). It implies possibility of autonomous missions for single or couple aircrafts or using them as a part of complex combat system. For all purposes each aircraft will have 4 radars (forward, 2 side and backward) including L-band radar.
Aaahh...So are you implying that Russia have a library of unique complex radar signatures of every known aircraft in the world based solely upon modeling and not real measurements?

You can just drop bombs on civilians. Against a normal country your chances of not more than cockroach against the bear.
The Russian bear shat on himself when he saw what happened in Desert Storm.
The Russian bear shat on himself when he saw what happened in Desert Storm.

Do not be shy. American agent Gorbachev ruined the country. But not until the end - so your plan has failed.
What Desert Storm? If your neighbor were not Canadians and Indians, but Hitler or Napoleon, your sad and very short history of the United States would all have been forgotten.
Your only advantage - the fact that you live on a remote island.
You will not die from the hands of the enemy, but because of your own greed and the desire to rule the world, at a time when you have prisoners and the poor more than the African countries.
The one the Russian military wished it could have done. :lol:

Listen, Russia defeated the superpowers when about any U.S. no one has heard of. And it will do so at a time when everyone will forget that they were the United States.
And you can still be proud that won some Arab country, with help of the Europeans.
You can just drop bombs on civilians. Against a normal country your chances of not more than cockroach against the bear.
Lol....yeah...in reality we are sooooo weak and you are sooooo powerful. Chant it to yourself when you go to bed if it makes the truth hurt less.
I know that already. I was in that 'business' for nearly 19 yrs combined military and civilian experience.

in every complex structure, there are always commonality of component structures and we can break them down as well, all the way down to simple forms/shapes such as the plate, the sphere, the cube, the cylinder, and so on.

Aaahh...So are you implying that Russia have a library of unique complex radar signatures of every known aircraft in the world based solely upon modeling and not real measurements?

Thanks for an attention to my simple remark. Including quote from CV and basics for math methods of 3D objects modeling.
Guess next question will be on physical or geometrical optics.
So US researchers never use physical modeling?
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