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PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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I would ask all the critics what is the current answer against Pakfa china or pak has to offer .......Pls dont lay standard for 5th gen fighter in respect to F22 as the features of Pakfa are diffrent and are sky high in regards to 4th gen fighters like F16
It took Su-30mki almost 4-5 different prototypes before final variant.Same might be the case with PAK-FA, this is just the first prototype and could vary from the final one.

according to putin's quotes i think there is only modification in engine not in airframe
I am talking about its stealth features and you also said that many more developments are there!

Yeah so elaborate/explain it here.

What are the stealth features and development you are referring to?

Just dont put generic statements here.

It took Su-30mki almost 4-5 different prototypes before final variant.

That happens with every aircraft including JF-17/FC-1. Between September 2003 to September 2006 JF-17 saw 6 prototypes as well.

notorious eagle most likely the deign has no problems understand this is the first prototype and i am doubting this is going to be the engine used on Final production version therefore in simple words a wise man would even guess it easily... gambit is overtaken by his ego he is into dead meats these days. Lets give PAK-FA project to gambit for production line up..

supersonic..engines did smoke check the video again and again buddy.
Yeah so elaborate/explain it here.

What are the stealth features and development you are referring to?


Want to know about the stealth features lacking in T-50 plz check older posts by senior members.

Other developments are mentioned by you not by me.

Pause the video at 2:29 and compare it to this image of the Raptor.
And then read this http://www.defence.pk/forums/531811-post51.html

there is no just info regarding Avionics & i have not heard anything about HMD & the video is also not showing any HMD moreover the advanced AAMs are yet to be tested, it is no way near Raptor & F-35 but no doubt a big problem for us..
HELL.......ill be damn happy if pakfa incorporates stealth characteristic of yf23.......
then pakfa will surely have good reduced rcs..
Sukhoi Press Release, Translated

The plane was piloted honored test pilot Sergei Bogdan Russia. Prototype PAK FA spent 47 minutes in the air and landed on the runway of the factory airfield.The flight was successful, in full accordance with the flight plan. "During the flight we had a primary assessment of controllability of the aircraft, engine and major systems, the aircraft made a full-time cleaning and landing gear. The aircraft proved itself well in all phases of our intended flight program.They easily and comfortably manage ", - said Sergey Bogdan. Compared with previous generations of fighters, PAK FA has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of e-pilot, and promising radar with a phased antenna array.This significantly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks. On-board equipment of a new aircraft enables the exchange of data in real time as a land-management systems, and within the aviation group.

The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility.This allows you to significantly improve the combat effectiveness in the work, both by air and ground targets, at any time of day, in simple and adverse weather conditions. "Today we started a program of flight tests of fifth generation fighter aircraft. This is a great success of Russia's science and engineering thought.For this achievement is worth more than a hundred co-operatives allied enterprises, our strategic partners. PAK FA program displays Russia's aircraft manufacturing and related industries on a qualitatively new technological level.These planes, along with modernized aviation system of the fourth generation will determine the potential of Russian military aircraft in the coming decades. The plans of the Company "Sukhoi" is included and further development of the Program PAK FA, on which we will work with Indian partners.I am confident that our joint project will surpass the Western counterparts by the criterion of cost-effectiveness and will not only strengthen the defensive power of the Air Force of Russia and India, but will take its place in the world market ", - said General Director of JSC" Sukhoi "Mikhail Pogosyan,Commenting on the start of flight testing.

Summary of fifth generation fighter aircraft. Compared with previous generations of fighters, the fifth generation has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter.Fifth generation fighter aircraft equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of the e-pilot, and promising radar with a phased antenna array.This significantly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks.

On-board equipment of a new aircraft enables the exchange of data in real time as a land-management systems, and within the aviation group.The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility.This allows you to significantly improve the combat effectiveness in the work, both by air and ground targets, at any time of day, in simple and adverse weather conditions.Low visibility, aircraft performance and maneuverability allow to minimize the threat to the pilot, at the expense of the fifth generation fighter aircraft have increased survivability in difficult combat conditions, with the active counter air defense systems.

Increased radius of combat use leads to greater autonomy of the fifth generation fighter aircraft in the implementation of the planned combat missions. Fifth generation fighter aircraft will complement the fleet of modernized aircraft complexes of the fourth generation, as well as to replace the aging fleet of combat aircraft.In the long term availability of the fifth generation aircraft in service will allow customers to optimize and structure of the park, due to repeated increase combat effectiveness and capacity to address a broader range of tasks with a single plane.Program to create long-term aviation system of the fifth generation is a technological breakthrough in the domestic aircraft industry, which allows to maintain a stable leading position of Russia on the international market of combat aircraft.In the world aviation there is a unique analogue of fifth generation fighter aircraft - is the F-35, a product of Lockheed Martin.

The plans of the Company "Sukhoi" is the further development of the Program to create a fifth generation fighter aircraft and the creation of modification of aircraft with Indian partners. The joint project will surpass the Western equivalent to the criterion of cost-effectiveness and will not only strengthen the defensive power of the Air Force of Russia and India, but will take a worthy place in the world market.
I'm no expert on stealth.

But a word being tossed around a lot here is "superior Stealth".

If an aircraft can avoid avoid detection by radar does it really matter if it is Less stealthy than other aircraft.

I am just asking, The goal of the Pak-FA was to make a plane with Very low RCS giving it Stealth.

The fact that thye have flown the plane means they have achieved a satisfactory RCS, giving the plane stealth.

So why is everyone caught up over the words "superior Stealth".
May be the F-22 has a smaller RCS, does it matter Does the Pak-FA have a RCS that can be detected.

Since both aircraft are stealth Would it not just come down to Dog fighting as long range detections are out the window.

So the only way to tell which is better would be through dog Fighting capabilities

I am posing a question, feel free to educate me
Not again!!!

The first prototype is not a 5 generation aircraft :hitwall:

Oh is that so.

With what knowledge are you making that judgment.
Have you developed 5th gen fighters before,

Are you some kind of authority on stealth.
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