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PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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I for one have absolutely no doubt that the FGFA or PAK FA will look an awesome machine have some characteristcs similar to JSF and indeed F22 in its general design.

Russians have for 50 years been the worlds best fighter aircraft producers after USA.

The flanker was Russia,s answer to the formidable duo of F15 & F16 andcame about 7-10 years later than the usa fighters.

PAK FA will follow F22 about decade later i don.t think the Russians will disappoint.

I,m realy keen to see WHAT western technology INDIA may want to add to PAK FA as per mki prpgramme for their version of the FGFA. ie Israeli french who knows even spin off MMRCA winner.

Regardless i don,t see this FGFA entering Russian service til 2017++ and indian service before 2020
lets see what russia comes up with, traditionally, russians comeup with something which makes USA and the west pee in their pants for a while.

The Americans are way past stealth and already focusing on the future. This is the first serious Russian stealth project. That too still in the making whilst the Americans have already fielded the F-22. Personally, I don't think the Russians will come up with something that will challenge the Raptor. Let's face it, the Americans are at this moment and for quite a while in the distant future untouchable unless a miracle were to occur. To me Russia is like AMD copying and catching up all the time. Whilst, the US being Intel leading up front, setting the pace and tone.
The main thing for Indians they have just completed the 4th generation tech/infrastucture at DRDO to a build 4th gen a composite fighter by them selves ie LCA tejas..

They will now move to 5th generation technology with some TOT and spin off from FGFA programme which russia will have to share and set up in india for them.

They will have moved up one generation in 10 years.
I will not doubt capabilty of Russians, they were hit by division and economy. I think India should invest more on Russian project, we can get good benefits in helping Russia.
original view were seen by knaapo officials and even some InAF staff more streamlined nose than the raptor and similarities with both raptor and su27 is the genera opinion

here is an eye accounts expressing of what happened on the runway trials

Writing. So true. They brought it to the taxiway, the preparation of 30 minutes, then brought the engines, the plane left the starting line (itself of course), the snake, turn on 360, again a small snake, stop, podgazoval, jogging and checking the brakes, turning on the 360 in the opposite direction, turning on the 180 and went back to the taxiway, after which he was taken away altogether. In general, everything was working and simply. Everything worked without a failure and it was at 5
In reply illmunatus,,

Russia is behind USA. we all agree.

BUT russia is also ahead of everyone else including the Europeans and certainly the Chinease.

Other than Russia who else is even CLOSE to fielding a 5th gen protoptype.

Even the chinease will work mostly on 4 gen J10 until 2015++

The europeans will work only on Typhoon/rafael. for years yet.
As far as brother illmunatus's comment is cocerned, i'd say i am no expert in Aviation industry just a reader, but i think the biggest advantage of F22 is stealth, but i,ve read somewhere through a russian source that they,ve found the technology to detect any stealth aircraft without any difficulty and they hinted that the solution of stealth was found out of a very common radar technolgy which was no less then a miracle, i don't exatly remember the link now otherwise i'd post that too.

besides this, i,ve also read that russians have successfully tested and employed plasma technolgy for PAKFA, and i think F22 doesn't have this feature, so PAKFA will certainly have its own cards to play and will stand a very good chance against the F22.
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