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Pak boat 4 persons on boat blew themselves up! After hot pursuit by Coast Guard in Arabian Sea

Baad mai pata lagay, fishermen thay and Indian (BlueWater) Navy had just blown them up out of sheer paranoia! Now throwing a cover story as usual.

Well, Gutka and other contraband has been known to be brought from India towards these smaller Sindhi ports.. so in all likeliness that was a usual smuggling run that was blown up.
Press release says otherwise.. without any testimony.. there is no way to confirm the intel.
Regardless, Keti Bundar is pretty remote area so a lot of things happen there(including smuggling in of Indian goods such as Gutka and other contraband)
Remote, yet convenient. Eyes were on it. One advantage of the Indian space program.
Secondly we don't need to confirm if there is direct evidence from recorded footage.
Press release says otherwise.. without any testimony.. there is no way to confirm the intel.
Regardless, Keti Bundar is pretty remote area so a lot of things happen there(including smuggling in of Indian goods such as Gutka and other contraband)
Just wait, it will get more interesting when they will find made in Pakistan Khajoors among the debris.
Remote, yet convenient. Eyes were on it. One advantage of the Indian space program.
Secondly we don't need to confirm if there is direct evidence from recorded footage.

Which is probably not the case. Quite likely there was nothing on it except that it was a smuggling run blown up by a trigger happy coast guard.

Just wait, it will get more interesting when they will find made in Pakistan Khajoors among the debris.
Well, if that does turn out to be the case.. the timing is important.. afterall.. Ghani is cooperating more than he should and poor Abdullah Abdullah is having difficulty keeping his masters happy.
Not verifiable until the boat occupants themselves said so.

For what ?
When 26/11 happened our police captured Ajmal Kasab and it caused loss of 3 precious lives.But then your country men and nation leaders rejected his Pak citizenship and continued for 4 years.

On topic:Good Job Coast Guard.Hope our there is no casuality from our side.

Intelligence inputs said that a vessel has embarked from Karachi Keti Bunder

So you want India to TELL about its sources

Thereafter Dornier aircraft of Coast Guard were following it

Why did this vessel RUN for one hour when asked to stop and then blew itself up
For what ?
When 26/11 happened our police captured Ajmal Kasab and it caused loss of 3 precious lives.But then your country men and nation leaders rejected his Pak citizenship and continued for 4 years.

On topic:Good Job Coast Guard.Hope our there is no casuality from our side.

Oh thats fine, plenty of poor fishermen to blow up in our seas.
NEW DELHI: In what could have been another attempt to unleash havoc on Indian shores like the 26/11 terror strikes, the Indian Coast Guard intercepted a suspicious Pakistani fishing boat, laden with explosives, in the Arabian Sea in the early hours of January 1.

The four people on board the boat apparently blew themselves up after being chased by the Coast Guard for over an hour and warning shots being fired during the incident.

Defence ministry sources on Friday said the Pakistani fishing boat, on way from Keti Bunder near Karachi, was intercepted by the Coast Guard approximately 365 km from Porbander.

"The Coast Guard warned the boat to stop but it increased speed and tried to run away. After being stopped, the four persons on board the boat blew themselves up. The boat sank at the spot. Search operations are still in progress," said a source.

Intelligence inputs said that a vessel has embarked from Karachi Keti Bunder

So you want India to TELL about its sources

Thereafter Dornier aircraft of Coast Guard were following it

Why did this vessel RUN for one hour when asked to stop and then blew itself up

Lets see, maybe they did not want to go to an Indian jail and be stuck there for what was just a navigational error.

I dont have to tell anything to India about its sources.. especially since they are usually from Pigeons or Monkeys.
If India actually had any concrete sources it would not have lost all those innocent lives in Mumbai.
In what could have been another attempt to unleash havoc on Indian shores like the 26/11 terror strikes, the Indian Coast Guard intercepted a suspicious Pakistani fishing boat, laden with explosives, in the Arabian Sea in the early hours of January 1.

The four people on board the boat apparently blew themselves up after being chased by the Coast Guard for over an hour and warning shots being fired during the incident.

Defence ministry sources on Friday said the Pakistani fishing boat, on way from Keti Bunder near Karachi, was intercepted by the Coast Guard approximately 365 km from Porbander.

"The Coast Guard warned the boat to stop but it increased speed and tried to run away. After being stopped, the four persons on board the boat blew themselves up. The boat sank at the spot. Search operations are still in progress," said a source.

Coast Guard intercepts Pak 'terror' boat off Gujarat coast, occupants blow themselves up - The Times of India
Well, if that does turn out to be the case.. the timing is important.. afterall.. Ghani is cooperating more than he should and poor Abdullah Abdullah is having difficulty keeping his masters happy.
All i can say right now is that neither the Rangers / BSF incident was by chance nor is this one. India has to act in order to give some respite to its investment in Afg, especially when the new Afghan govt is being 'made' to cooperate.
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