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Pak armyman wins Overseas Sword at Sandhurst


Apr 24, 2007
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Pak armyman wins Overseas Sword at Sandhurst

SANDHURST: Junior Under Officer Umair Imran Qazi won the Overseas Sword at the British Military Academy on Tuesday.

The 21-year-old Abbottabad-born officer received the honour from British Defence Secretary John Hutton at the Sovereign’s Parade. There were 453 cadets on parade including 42 cadets from 26 countries. However, 199 cadets including 18 foreign cadets from 16 countries passed out and received their commissions. In addition to being judged the best overseas cadet, Umair who will join an armoured corps regiment on his return, also won a clutch of other awards. He won Prince Saud Abdullah prize for obtaining the best aggregate marks in academic subjects, the Pakistan Defence and International Affairs prizes for the best performance in defence and international affairs. Cadets from Bahrain, Botswana, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Uganda and the US also received their commission. :pakistan:


This is such a unique tradition set by the GCs of PMA.

They have been winning the Sword since long.

The one that went from my course also won the sword.

Hey sir Fatman can you please find a picture of him.

And one more thing-they always join the Armored Corps!! :)

This is such a unique tradition set by the GCs of PMA.

They have been winning the Sword since long.

The one that went from my course also won the sword.

Hey sir Fatman can you please find a picture of him.

And one more thing-they always join the Armored Corps!! :)

We're sending cadets to Sandhurst for commissioning?

Uhhh...did you ever see the way we march...and you march:lol:

Who's army is he/she serving in?

Sh!t! Probably drives on the left side of the road too.:agree::tdown:


Congrats to all. A GREAT time in their lives.
but of course you are an enigma...:)

Great to hear about the achievements of our youth...Well done lads
Now come here and shove that sword up Baitullah Mehsud's ***


:rofl::rofl: lolzzz...
But the 'Sword' is the most sacred, i'll advice them not to misuse their achievements. i bet the sword comes with a label: external use only..:lol:
We're sending cadets to Sandhurst for commissioning?

Uhhh...did you ever see the way we march...and you march:lol:

Who's army is he/she serving in?

Sh!t! Probably drives on the left side of the road too.:agree::tdown:


Congrats to all. A GREAT time in their lives.

Good excuse....

Imagine if US send there officers for the course and at the end sowrd of honor goes to Pakistani officer!
And, when it is sure that SOWRD OF HONOR is made for Pakistan than its better.... Pakistan allergic states should not risk to jepordize their pride.
Oh.. I just came across this news... must have been bogus :usflag:

First US Army officer to graduate from Sandhurst

Kevin Heath was one of 199 officers to pass out from the British Army academy this week, and the first of several American officers who will pass through the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the coming years.

British and American commanders have agreed that US officers should attend the college in Camberley, Surrey, because of the extensive co-operation between the two armies in theatres such as Afghanistan.

Lt Heath will now return to the US Army's Ranger School before joining the 173 Airborne in Italy. His unit is set to deploy to Afghanistan, where he said he expects to work closely with British forces.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Lt Heath said his unique experience of the British military would be invaluable in Afghanistan. "It'll be a great help to have the comrades, the friends I made here, when I deploy out on the ground on operations," he said.

While two armies have very similar approaches to combat and other operations, he said the British system of military training has clear advantages. "Here it's more individual than in the US. At Sandhurst they work on developing you as a person."

A 26-year-old Chicago native, Lt Heath was a "UK virgin" when he arrived in the country for the first time to start at Sandhurst last year. He leaves a committed Anglophile: "I have nothing but good things to say about the country."

Political commentators have debated possible changes in transatlantic relations in the years ahead, but Lt Heath is clear that Britain and the US remain intertwined by shared experience, including going to war together.

Having US officers at Sandhurst "helps with the special relationship between the two countries. It's a great step in our collective history".

The new officers commissioned at the academy this week were addressed by John Hutton, the Defence Secretary, who paid an emotional tribute to the class, telling them: "Our gratitude for what you do knows no bounds."

He added: "Many of you will leave here for operational tours in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the biggest challenge that currently faces our armed forces. Success is of paramount importance to the security of our country.

"The work we do in support of the Governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan will help to deny terrorists their safe havens, which in turn will prevent them attacking our loved ones here in the UK."

Officers from foreign armies are often sent to Sandhurst, and 26 different nationalities were represented in this week's graduating class.

In a week when several Pakistani citizens were arrested on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks in the UK, defence sources highlighted the example set by Umair Imran Qazi, the 21-year-old Pakistani Army officer who won the Overseas Sword of Honour as the best foreign student of his class at Sandhurst.

Lt Qazi will now return to Pakistan where he is expected to be deployed on the country's border area with Afghanistan, where terrorist groups blamed for plotting attacks in the West operate.

This is such a unique tradition set by the GCs of PMA.

They have been winning the Sword since long.

The one that went from my course also won the sword.

Hey sir Fatman can you please find a picture of him.

And one more thing-they always join the Armored Corps!! :)



First, thanks for the excellent article on 2Lt Heath. The writer was indeed correct that a U.S. Army officer has been commissioned through the British process but will serve in our army.

My next question reference him is whether he did that in addition to instead of in lieu thereof. Not really important and my congratulations to him for being our first to do so.

More to the point, I'd like you to know that I absolutely bear no shame that 2Lt Heath didn't finish first. I am certain that Lt Qazi was an absolutely outstanding cadet and fully deserving of his recognition.

Understand this-I'm all about performance. Great soldiers everywhere can be assured that the U.S. military deeply respects those whose professionalism shines. We are a meritocracy and nothing stands more valued than competence and professionalism.

My sincere congratulations to Lt. Qazi as a tremendous representative to your country and it's armed forces and nothing but wishes for his complete success at whatever he should do during his military career.
Very good news, proud of our forces :)

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First, thanks for the excellent article on 2Lt Heath. The writer was indeed correct that a U.S. Army officer has been commissioned through the British process but will serve in our army.

My next question reference him is whether he did that in addition to instead of in lieu thereof. Not really important and my congratulations to him for being our first to do so.

More to the point, I'd like you to know that I absolutely bear no shame that 2Lt Heath didn't finish first. I am certain that Lt Qazi was an absolutely outstanding cadet and fully deserving of his recognition.

Understand this-I'm all about performance. Great soldiers everywhere can be assured that the U.S. military deeply respects those whose professionalism shines. We are a meritocracy and nothing stands more valued than competence and professionalism

My sincere congratulations to Lt. Qazi as a tremendous representative to your country and it's armed forces and nothing but wishes for his complete success at whatever he should do during his military career.


Lad, I was not talking in serious sense ...

BTW, rest of our army officers are of same quality.... metal and mind.

I hope this young man be transfered to ISI, immediately. ;)
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