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‘Pak army wants dialogue with India but with all options open’


We face different challenges to what our fore fathers faced in the 60s. We need a solution based on the changed dynamics and threats in the past 6 decades.

The bitterness between our states is an incubator of right wing views. For instance i do fear that the right wing parties in Pakistan whom historically have failed to secure more than 6% of the total votes, will benefit from a Modi win.

If we have two extreme views on the both sides, its going to charge cannons leading to normal folk getting the shaft.

I firmly believe that a resolution to this issue will detox the venom of hate and will open doors to prosparity for both peoples.

Our most serious issue isn't Kashmir but the poverty in S.Asia. Collectively we are a home to perhaps the largest population of poor people on earth. Perhaps one day we can have enough trust one day to see it as a mutual issue and cooperate to reduce it, that too is also linked to a lasting peace.
And 71 was done by aliens from mars :disagree: India had nothing to do with it. What about Sarbijeet Singh, I believe he was here to spread the message of love right and those blasts were for diwali celebration. You are a Think Tank, act like one.
exactly and thus across the board the mandate is to have good relations with pakistan, without letting our guard down... where do you see the harm in it.


We face different challenges to what our fore fathers faced in the 60s. We need a solution based on the changed dynamics and threats in the past 6 decades.

The bitterness between our states is an incubator of right wing views. For instance i do fear that the right wing parties in Pakistan whom historically have failed to secure more than 6% of the total votes, will benefit from a Modi win.

If we have two extreme views on the both sides, its going to charge cannons leading to normal folk getting the shaft.

I firmly believe that a resolution to this issue will detox the venom of hate and will open doors to prosparity for both peoples.

Our most serious issue isn't Kashmir but the poverty in S.Asia. Collectively we are a home to perhaps the largest population of poor people on earth. Perhaps one day we can have enough trust one day to see it as a mutual issue and cooperate to reduce it, that too is also linked to a lasting peace.
Misconception being how right wing is modi? same aprrehensions remained in Atal ji's time, Modi will be no different. And when in thier own states our politicains would like to play the rhetoric, but once in 7 Race course road, it's back to traditional Indian policies in general.
And 71 was done by aliens from mars :disagree: India had nothing to do with it. What about Sarbijeet Singh, I believe he was here to spread the message of love right and those blasts were for diwali celebration. You are a Think Tank, act like one.

That was done in response to ISI activities in Punjab but a deal was cut between our countries to stop such activities yet Pakistan still continued it's approach via Kashmir and arming and funding groups like the LET.
In my humble opinion, I think both side should get involve in a fruitful dialogue. Both of you guys have reached the point of no return, what else are you willing to do? Nuking one another? No, the whole world can't afford it, let alone your nations.
In my humble opinion, I think both side should get involve in a fruitful dialogue. Both of you guys have reached the point of no return, what else are you willing to do? Nuking one another? No, the whole world can't afford it, let alone your nations.

When the culprits of 26/11 the mass killing of 166 men, women and children done by a known Pakistani terror group are still not charged or given sentences what is there to talk about?

The only solution for India is to improve it's anti-terrorism system and we have improved a vast deal, with some big catches in the last 6 months.

If Pakistanis and we don't buy that 'non state actors' crap lol dares to repeat another 26/11 attack on our soil this time we will act but the timing of which will be our choice and we not talking nukes do not worry lol there is other ways we can play such dirty games US/Israeli covert style ;)
When the culprits of 26/11 the mass killing of 166 men, women and children done by a known Pakistani terror group are still not charged or given sentences what is there to talk about?

You did prosecutor several individuals over the years. The strategy you played out was effective. I'm not asking you not to carry out tough measures to keep your country safe and sound, you have the right to do so. What I'm longing to see is a cooperation between both states, a demonstration of goodwill, followed by peace-making deeds. Pakistan too should apply the same strategy.

The only solution for India is to improve it's anti-terrorism system and we have improved a vast deal, with some big catches in the last 6 months.

Incorrect, India's counterterrorism effort is traced back to the 90s. As for the anti-terror system, It is a good step in the making. But surely you can't blame the Pakistanis for everything.

If Pakistanis and we don't buy that 'non state actors' crap lol dares to repeat another 26/11 attack on our soil this time we will act but the timing of which will be our choice

The timing of which the counter-attack will take will never bring those who died back on both sides. What you both should do is to think positively about the benefits of cooperating, and the cons of speeding chaos.

we not talking nukes do not worry lol there is other ways we can play such dirty games US/Israeli covert style ;)

Why shouldn't I worry about slaughtering millions upon millions of Indians\Pakistanis?

The covert style of the aforementioned states in your post didn't do any better for these two countries. The other side will strike back too and the circle goes on and on.

When the culprits of 26/11 the mass killing of 166 men, women and children done by a known Pakistani terror group are still not charged or given sentences what is there to talk about?

The only solution for India is to improve it's anti-terrorism system and we have improved a vast deal, with some big catches in the last 6 months.

If Pakistanis and we don't buy that 'non state actors' crap lol dares to repeat another 26/11 attack on our soil this time we will act but the timing of which will be our choice and we not talking nukes do not worry lol there is other ways we can play such dirty games US/Israeli covert style ;)
@Yzd Khalifa the NIA was only formed after the 26/11 terror attacks and that is now the main central investigation agency which does not need state permission.

Problem was we were talking and expanding ties but what happened? 26/11 which set back ties, now what option do we have? continue like nothing has happened? and forget about the 166 dead people? if justice is not given to the victims (it's been a good 5+ yrs plus yet still the culprits have not been sentenced) what is there to talk about?

First if you really wanted peace you would at least ensure the culprits of 26/11 would be sentenced? if this does not happen I can tell you one thing for free no Indian govt in power be it congress or BJP will ever continue with the composite dialogue on Kashmir, water, siachen etc the only thing that will happen is trade ties will improve but not to the level we would both have hoped for.
I think it can be a good step , but we have to see what happens , I don't know Indians member will agree with me or not but peace between Pakistan and india ,is not just in these two countries . USA , China , Russia , Israel and others have their interests , specially for the countries who are mass producing weapons and exporting to Countries like Pak and india ..
tension between Pakistan and india will always make this arms race alive in this region ...

anyway I hope kashimir issue will be resolved soon , and two nations enjoy peace :D
You can disagree all you want, Statements from Modi proves my point. fact is Modi is as obsessed with Pakistan as his predecessor were. If Pakistan is that low on India's priority list as said by your fellow country man, why bother mentioning it in the 1st place?

Said low priority. Comparatively.

What i stated was not a wishlist but a thought to ponder upon.You asked me a question about benefits and i gave you a logical answer. You disagree with that, fine by me but let me say this A Pakistan's wishlist would not include making the entire region autonomous but rather under Pakistan control as most of Pakistan's rivers flow from Kashmir. That is not what I said. Your army is in a state of war in Kashmir, that will not be the case once core issues are addressed. Moreover addressing core issues has nothing to do with disarmament. It will be foolish to think otherwise but again India would have less to worry about and instead focus more on economic development of its people, matching that of China. India is still nowhere near a developed world. Stop living in fantasy world.
And I did not brought in Siachen because my reply was focussed on the advantages of addressing core issues and not because Pakistanis run away. If issues like Kashmir can get settled how long will it take for matters like Siachen to get sorted out.

Again, as I have pointed out before, this is indeed a Pakistani reduced wishlist(Kashmir does not belong to India etc). If autonomy was all you were interested in, the Musharraf-MMS plan provided that. Is that acceptable to you? The rest of the article is the same old line of how India will benefit economically etc. India would certainly like to improve ties with Pakistan but not on your terms, not even somewhere in the middle but closer to where our terms line. Peace with Pakistan is desirable but only if the asking price is reasonable. To us. Any & all asking prices will not be paid. It would be very naive Pakistanis who believe that India will be willing to trade Kashmir for better economic relations etc. No country will part with territory for such vague notions. Addressing core issues is easier said than done. It is just such a lot of rhetoric. You still haven't been able to give a coherent argument of why you think India would be remotely interested to do what you might wish of it when as I have said & you have agreed, India has the upper hand here.
No country will part with territory for such vague notions.

We are going in circles so excuse me for nitpicking at your post. I agree with the above line, but the question here is "Is Kashmir an Indian territory"?

I have stated all along in my post that if India believes that Kashmir is disputed, it is only than it matters the benefits I have stated above. If India thinks along the lines of the above, than of course no and anything that Pakistan will offer will not matter.
We are going in circles so excuse me for nitpicking at your post. I agree with the above line, but the question here is "Is Kashmir an Indian territory"?

I have stated all along in my post that if India believes that Kashmir is disputed, it is only than it matters the benefits I have stated above. If India thinks along the lines of the above, than of course no and anything that Pakistan will offer will not matter.

India believes it is and that will be the only opinion that matters. The fact that it is disputed doesn't make Indians consider it any less of Indian territory. Any assumptions to the contrary is a recipe for failure.
The problem with these talks is that our objective doesn't change. If Pakistan wasn't able to take Kashmir by waging wars, it won't be able to take it by talks! As simple as that really.

So before we go for any talks, both sides need to first decide on what their expectations are and what they want to achieve from these talks, realistically. LOC as the permanent international border will be acceptable for India, anything less than that not in a million years, specially when India has the upper hand and will continue to further cement its hold over Kashmir.

At the end of the day it boils down to the question whether Pakistan be willing to give up its claims on the Indian part of Kashmir?
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Build one shed near India- Pak border and the diplomats, politicians and generals can have all their chai-biskut parties there...and spare the common tax payer of both India and Pakistan the heavy burden of 'talks'.
India believes it is and that will be the only opinion that matters. The fact that it is disputed doesn't make Indians consider it any less of Indian territory. Any assumptions to the contrary is a recipe for failure.

And hence the circle will continue.
You did prosecutor several individuals over the years. The strategy you played out was effective. I'm not asking you not to carry out tough measures to keep your country safe and sound, you have the right to do so. What I'm longing to see is a cooperation between both states, a demonstration of goodwill, followed by peace-making deeds. Pakistan too should apply the same strategy.

The problem is while we are nabbing the petty and small guys, the real kingpins are having a safe haven in Pakistan.The fact that Pakistan is doing nothing about it is reason enough to believe that Pakistan supports the terrorist activities against India.
That makes Pakistan a terrorist nation and we, discourage dialogues with terrorists.
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