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PAK army vs Us army

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I 100% agree with Mastan. Wars are terrible. A wise man said " Wars are delightful for those who have not experienced them." Telling you the truth i dont think we are capable of fighting USA right now. i have no doubt on our forces but we are not economically strong.we dont have that good equipment.our production line are too short. we cannot afford war more than 2 weeks.

But with the support of the people with the army. No Country no matter how powerful can defeat our Army.
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Frankly speaking nahi, did you somehow forget that your best weapons (those F-16's you love so much) are American, there's no way Pakistan would be able to fend off the Americans in all out attack, not even by blackmailing them with your nukes, because no one's that crazy.
Absolutely right......... but I hope that time will not come Inshallah...!.......
But Yes (God Forbid) in case if some thing happen wrong then....as our nation has already proved several that ...... we always stand besides our forces shoulder to shoulder............. agreed, we are not Iraqi.. no Afghani.........yes we are proud to be Pakistani...........aur hum pakistan hein "zara hut key" wakhari type key:azn:

HMMMMMMM zara hut key hen "tabhi to 1/2 country ganwa bethey hen phir bhi aqal nahi aae
Hello gentlemen,

Can you guys send me the stuff that you guys are smoking---after reading your comments, I need it really really bad.

Did I ever tell you the 'BOONGA BOONGA JOKE'. Well if you missed it---here it is again-----two white travellers got caught by a tribe in the dark deep jungles of africa.

They were beaten up first and then on the day of the big festival, they were brought in front of the leader of the tribe. The Chief says that as they were caught trespassing his lands without permission----they will have to be punished-----.

'What is the punishment' said one prisoner. The tribal leader said that you can either chose Boonga Boonga or you may chose death.

The first one asked what was boonga boonga----he was told that they bend you over and then they do you---the guy thinks that it will hurt him---but at least he will live----so he choses boonga boonga----after the task is done---he is set free---with his shaky legs the first guy trundles off.

The second guy is looking at all this---he thinks to himself---I can't live and handle this shame---I am too proud----so he says to the chief----I will take death. The chief looks at him and says,' is that right '. The answer is 'YES'. The chief turns around and orders his henchman----"DEATH BY BOONGA BOONGA".

So, the question to my young pakistani'S is----are you really that much out of touch with reality----do you have any clue what happens in war----when the invading armies cross into your border----the first thing they do is to slaughter your men and then rape your women right in front of your faces---then there would be some sickos---who will gang rape your little girls in front of your faces----you will hear their screams, because you won't be able to shut your ears off, you will see them being torn apart, because you won't be able to shut your eyes----then there will be those amongst the enemy who will turn on your little boys as well----the little boys----tomorrows soldiers of pakistan will be so--molested right in front of your faces and torn apart---your whole generation will be raped in front of your eyes and there will be nobody to hear your screams and feel your anguish and pain.

Wars are terrible things----I was surprised that the WEBMASTER has even allowed a thread of this topic to be opened up here----but then reading the expression of the pakistani boys---I realized how NAIVE and out of touch they really are from the real world.

You people really think that there will be a sanitized hollywood version of the war---there will be death, destruction, mayhem and chaos---there will be no food, no medicine, no drinking war, no electricity----there will be bombs exploding everywhere---and men and women will be crying in terror just from hearing the detonation of the exploding ordinance---the thunder of the enemy planes flying overhead without any threat from ground, would jello the bowels of most men---bridges will be collapsed, roads will be destroyed, railways would be annihiltaed----communication network will be history---.

Maybe you don't understand that the americans are eagerly awaiting to give pakistan such a sound thrashing that even somalia would look like an advanced nation if compared to pakistan.

Don't ever ask for war---even if it is forced upon you---find a way out of it.



Sir, Your post is quite sound if a little over dramatic at best. :devil:

But i like it, for those who are uninitiated it should bring home the utter pointlessness of war. But in their defence they have a right to express their "Passion" misguided and naive as it may be.

Ernest Hemingway once wrote: “They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.”

BTW just so everyone is clear on the US is in present state cannot afford to sustain troop levels needed for a surge in Afghanistan, they have been busy begging UK and France for troops which the UK has strongly opposed to see: BBC NEWS | Politics | 'No Afghan move' for UK troops

The US is busy playing a nasty game, using our genetic attributes of passionate outbursts and temporary loss of sanity at the expense of logic and reason; they want us to go into this war so that we appear the aggressors that will give the US what the want, the meal ticket they have been waiting for. Such a move would ensure they can have the reluctant support from NATO, but support none the less and amass another collation against the new axis of evil, this is all a rouse and as General Sun Tzu said: All war is deception.
MastanKhan - I congratulate you for your realistic perspective on war. War is an evil that unfortunately, in the eyes of the naive, has hidden behind a mask of glory and passion.

The United States military is unfortunately far more powerful than the Pakistani military - considering the US Military budget alone, our budget is a mere fraction of it.

This contest will only result in a painful campaign of guerrilla warfare, fraught with blood, sweat and tears. Such a campaign will be disastrous for Pakistan.

However, Pakistan may have indirect victories. Countries like Saudi Arabia, and more relevantly Iran have used natural resources as a hidden blade to defend itself, Japan has used clever diplomacy to protect its people from the Americans after WW2 - Pakistan, should use its strengths to protect itself from the onset of war. It must use diplomacy and economy rather than aggression (vis a vis military) to protect itself from the relentless scourge of war.

I am grateful for the comments posted by kensei / rescueranger.

Are my comments too dramatic----I don't want the time to tell me that. But I do want to paint the worst possible scenario so that my future generation----the young kids with tons of testosterone in their veins---may not turn around and say that you did not warn us 'DAD'. Nobody told us that such a thing could happen---we had no concept about the HUMAN BEAST that wakes up from its slumber in the deepest darkest corners of our souls and SEEKS PLEASURE in blood, gore and promiscuity. Oh well---only if you wish to live and learn at that point----would find out that the soul has been taken away by the devil and the blackness that you see covering your land is the breath of the 'evil'.

Donald Rumsfeld had to make a public statememnt---stating that the pictures of the molestation of iraqi women and men--etc ( videos / still photos ) etc may not be released to the public----they were so inflammatory in their depiction that they would cause tremendous harm.

Yes----pakistan should have used its resource to get away from the evil hand----they should have neutralized OBL---killed him and his top cronies right after tora bora----and taken any excuse from any army to " attack " pakistan.
.... as General Sun Tzu said: All war is deception.

Reminds me another one….


Seems Sun Tzu knew what he was talking about.....shame how wisdom got lost over the centuries. Its just plain depressing in how many areas we have gone wrong.

I wonder if this ‘War on Terror' which appears to have a one dimension policy of 'destroy and exterminate' - has it resulted in a safer world? Has it resulted in a reduction of the amount of people who feel aggrieved enough to want to become 'terrorists' anyway? Are they (coalition forces) likely in the foreseeable future to be able to leave Iraq and Afghanistan and leave them safe and stable so that this 'fledging democracy' will flourish and their troops can return safely home and all the nasty evil terrorists will give up and say open a Restaurant or a Bakery or something similar instead?

[QUOTE=MastanKhan;223161]Donald Rumsfeld had to make a public statememnt---stating that the pictures of the molestation of iraqi women and men--etc ( videos / still photos ) etc may not be released to the public----they were so inflammatory in their depiction that they would cause tremendous harm.QUOTE]

We did be fooling ourselves if we think that Americans would remember what they learned in the previous wars …If they learned anything it will definitely be apart from not counting non-US dead. :tsk:

After creating all this mess, I hope that Mr Bush and his ilk’s would have found out by now that airborne haircuts, glittering shoeshines and sharp saluting has no influence on winning a war!:disagree:
Mastan Khan keeps a vast knowledge of wars and how it goes.very comprehensive!
but there is a problem.i tried to figure it out by myself but failed.what is BOONG BOONGA by the way??:undecided:
and what kind of death is it anyway?
is it something primitive?
uh, just so y'all know, no one on this side of the pond is WHISPERING the idea of invading pakistan fullscale. only talkin bout cross-border hot-pursuit raids and uav bombs, which sucks (for everyone), but not a regime change or anything. for one thing, obama wouldn't have it.

ever hear the term "pax americana?" america spends more on its armies than the next 40 highest spending nations combined. fact.

in other words, this thread is a moot point.
Well of course US have the best army in the world. Most Advanced technology. Its military budget is equal to Worlds 46% of military budget. But with all that Its still fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Couldn't find one Usama or Aiman uz zawari. Defeated by a country like vietnam in 67.
If we are forced to war the causalities on our side might be high. But they wont archive there objective here. Because it wont be 500,000 Pakistani army against them. It will be 17 Million people.
What super replies from mastan khan - I think i share totally same point of view.

These jingoistic people talkign of patrotism which is state fed propaganda in them. i love my country but i am not patriotic.

now comign to war - the wars are not al lwhat you see in in hollywood or bollywood. or lollywood .
where a big punjabi jutt with - brucelee reflex and body of a elk take on whole battalion. in reality it just take one bullet about 10 gram of mettle .

war be it against pakistan or india or china or anyother nation - who ever of how ever bad he is - can not be a good option.

because war are run by state politics and faced by people.

i seriously hope one day both side jingo people realize. that you get bullet for a bullet a A less effect nucler bomb is as bad as a little more effective nucler bomb.

a ak-47 kills you as much a m16. in the end only the people who have nothing to do with the war die.
Troops commanded by PAK ARmy officer in FATA already fuked he US arm whan US drones fired missiles a them killing dozens of soldiers
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