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Pak army under tremendous pressure along LoC: Chief Army commander Kashmir

The only thing u have got rid off is a normal life In Pakistan.
"Australia bow out from tour of Pakistan over 'players' safety'; PCB insists talks ongoing"
"The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has been informed that Australia will not be coming to Pakistan for a one-day series scheduled to be held in March-April this year, The Sydney Morning Heraldreported on Sunday."

I think you have a comprehension issue ... how LOC issue is relevant to cricket?
Stick yourself to the topic or get lost else you will be reported.
Seems bharats influence is far and pervasive. We have managed to put a stop to all meaningful international sports in Pakistan.

Like I said world just love to milk the bharat mata, so enjoy getting milked unless it gets dried out.
Good that you realize that but what to do with your govt army and population who have their head in the sand and don't realize how west and even east is milking the bhart mata cow smartly.
I know you are just repeating entrenched positions here but in your endeavours to harm others, Afghanistan and India, your own house is on fire.

Like I said world just love to milk the bharat mata, so enjoy getting milked unless it gets dried out.
I sincerely wish that both countries, esp Pakistan had the intelligence not to get milked by others,, and I am not talking about a few millions in sports.
I know you are just repeating entrenched positions here but in your endeavours to harm others, Afghanistan and India, your own house is on fire.

I sincerely wish that both countries, esp Pakistan had the intelligence not to get milked by others,, and I am not talking about a few millions in sports.

You are living in the past. Pakistan has thrashed indian sponsored terrorists. Go and check the figure and see how massive decline in terrorism has slaughtered indian wishful dreams.
Well we can see them begging for peace

Keep the pressure till the problem is solved


Joke aside, are you serious about this map?
You might not realize it but the whites detest India much more than Pakistan.
Pakistan is a good example of " see without us they are useless" , but India is a eyesore for them, a erstwhile servant country now calling the shots.
if you were one calling the shots you would never have abandon that third world God forsaken hellhole for white Amrika
that soupa powa Indian exists in vision of brain dead sanghis who see everything through their safroon goggles
for rest of the world you and your kin are slum dwelling sub humans

Well we can see them begging for peace

Keep the pressure till the problem is solved

@waz @Oscar @Dubious check out this clown
Well we can see them begging for peace

Keep the pressure till the problem is solved

Afghanistan President & Atal bihari wajpai once discussed same map long time ago early 80s i think... Now one is finished 2nd is moaning daily bases....
Kashmir Times. Dated: 12/1/2019 11:16:43 AM

SRINAGAR, Jan 12(Agencies): The army has a range of options to exercise against the continued infiltration from across the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir to give a befitting reply to Pakistan, the seniormost Army commander in J&K said Thursday.
“It (infiltration) has carried on… We have a range of options that are available to the Indian Army and depending on the situation and depending on what is the effect that we desire, we decide on whatever option has to be exercised,” Army commander, Northern Command, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh told reporters at Gulmarg -- 55 kms from here.
Lt Gen Singh was talking to the media after inaugurating the Gulmarg Winter Youth Festival organised by army.
He said ceasefire violations on the LoC was a ploy by the Pakistani army to push the infiltrators into Indian territory.
“As far as the ceasefire violations are concerned, they have continued on the LoC, but it is essentially the adversary, the Pakistani army, on the other side of the LoC initiating ceasefire violations with a view to facilitate the infiltrators and give them cover to cross over the Indian side,” he said.
The Army commander, however, said the Pakistani army is given a befitting response whenever a ceasefire violation takes place.
“Our strategy is very clear. Whenever any ceasefire violations are carried out by the Pakistan army, they are given a befitting response and it is to the credit of all the troops deployed on the LoC that we have been able to keep the enemy under tremendous pressure,” he said.
Lt Gen Singh said the multi-tier and effective counter-infiltration grid on the LoC was the reason the Army has been able to eliminate a number of militants.
“Our operations have continued unabated whether it is the counter-infiltration grid on the LoC wherein we have a multi-tier, very effective counter-infiltration grid, and that is the reason why we have been able to trap so many infiltrators on or very close to the LoC.
“Similarly, in the hinterland, all operations are intelligence-based, surgical operations. And it is to the credit of the people and the youth of Kashmir that there is a lot of flow of information and because of that we have been able to achieve security success is in the past one year,” he said.
He termed as huge success the killing of more than 250 militants in 2018 and said over 50 were apprehended and five surrendered.
The army commander said the militant recruitment has come down in the past five months.
“In our assessment, the local recruitment has been there in 2018. However, in the last about four to five months, there has been a relative decline in the number of youths joining militancy. It is because of the result of the sustained efforts of the government, of the security forces that we have been able to prevail upon the teachers, the parents and the elderly to wean away their children from joining the menace of militancy,” he said.
He, however, said Pakistan was using social media to radicalise the valley's youth and giving them "false promises".
“As far as radicalisation is concerned, I think it is our adversary who has been using the social media to a large extent with a view to radicalise our youth, to take them on a wrong path, to give them false promises and to give them a false feeling that possibly be able to get 'azadi' (freedom) in the manner in which our adversary feels. But, like I said, our youth has got a lot of knowledge, there is a lot of hope, there is huge capability, there is huge potential. We are all working together to ensure that our energies are channelised in the right direction for the good of our state as also our country," he said.
To check the radicalisation through social media, Lt Gen Singh said, various measures had been put in place.
“Social media is something which has been an issue of concern for the past sometime and I would like to mention that we are putting in various measures right from the government of India's initiatives at New Delhi and similar initiatives at the sate level and by all security forces. As far as the Army is concerned, we are not behind, we are a step ahead and we have also been able to ensure that our counter narrative also reaches to the concerned people. So, this is an exercise in progress and it will continue," he said.
Referring to the forthcoming parliamentary and assembly polls, he said the armed forces were prepared for any contingency.
“You would remember that we had the non-initiation of combat operations (unilateral ceasefire in June last year), we had Amarnath Yatra, urban local body elections, the panchayat elections and it is to the credit of the state government, to all the security forces that each of these events went on exceptionally well from the security point of view. Nobody knew at the beginning of 2018 that all these activities are going to take place. But, as far as the armed forces are concerned, we are always prepared for all the contingencies. We all are aware that there are going to be elections which will take place in 2019, there will be activities of the adversary who will continue to put pressure as for as the infiltration and radicalisation is concerned, but the armed forces are absolutely prepared take on any challenge that could arise anytime,” the Army commander said.

If all is well then why are these generals crying every now and then? Especially about snipers.

Well we can see them begging for peace

Keep the pressure till the problem is solved

Wet dreams after a certain age are a disease bro. Go check yourself out from a doctor.
The Pakistani commander would say the same thing and they kill the same amount. dead sons, brothers and husbands on the border don’t say anything.
Excuses :lol:

You can keep guessing and ranting about pervaiz khattak

While we all know that a new record of Indian soldiers killings has been made by Pakistan army. And that too right under nose of modi and Bipin :lol:
You are the one making excuses.

P Khattak showed you the reality.

As I already said we created an even bigger record.
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You are the one making excuses.

P Khatfak ahowed you the reality.

As I already said we created an even bigger record.

What you said is an excuse. Sucking up to pervaiz khattak to save face after last year's humiliation

Our record is present with proofs unlike your guesswork
Let us get down to basics, because of hostility between the two countries, young men are killing and being killed.

We have the upper hand, because the war in the tribal areas against undoubtedly one of the toughest insurgencies in the world has been fought and defeated has given us the hardness and skill, to dominate the enemy.

Till there is a solution, this will continue unfortunately.
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