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PAK Army to take over security of polio teams in KP, killing the fear of terror!


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
Army to take over security of polio teams in KP

The decision was announced after a meeting at the GHQ attended by the representatives of WHO, federal and KP govt.—File Photo
Updated 2014-04-17 16:10:53
13 Comment(s)
ISLAMABAD: In a major development, the Pakistan army was asked to assist the civilian government by taking over security of polio eradiction teams in militancy-hit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

A meeting was held Wednesday at the General Headquarter in Rawalpindi to coordinate details of the campaign with particular emphasis on security and access to affected areas.

Representatives from the World Health Organisation (WHO), and representatives of the federal and KP government and the FATA secretariat attended the meeting.

Also read: Polio vaccinator kidnapped, killed

The forum was informed about the current polio situation in the country and challenges being faced for smooth conduct of polio campaigns.

“On the directives of the prime minister of Pakistan, Army has been asked to support National Polio Eradication Campaign particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” said a statement from the ISPR issued shortly after the meeting.

The meeting also expressed the urgency for polio eradication imitative to save future generations.

The participants emphasised the need to take all necessary measures including improving the security situation to make Pakistan a polio-free country.

Pakistan is one of only three countries where the crippling poliovirus remains endemic. The country may face international travelling bans as it continues to house to the highest number of polio cases worldwide

Efforts to stamp out the disease have been hampered by opposition from militant groups, who see vaccination campaigns as a cover for espionage, as well as long-running rumours about the drops causing infertility.

Related: Pakistan on crutches - Special Report

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and adjoining tribal districts, where Taliban and al Qaeda linked militants have hideouts, are particular polio hotspots.

Last year, the WHO declared Peshawar, the capital of KP province, the world’s “largest reservoir” of endemic polio and called for urgent action to boost vaccination.

According to the WHO, almost every polio case reported in 2013 in Pakistan could be linked genetically to strains of the virus circulating in Peshawar.
In his United Nations speech Bill Gates, the founder of software giant Microsoft, who now runs Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, had said, “The fight to eradicate polio is the thing I spend most of my time on. It is the next big milestone in global health and development.” Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are three countries where polio virus still exists while the rest of the world is polio free today. The fight to eradicate polio in these countries is ongoing. In Pakistan it is sad that the terrorists have been targeting health workers who have been working hard and going home to home to administer polio drops to children who may be exposed to the virus. Polio is a debilitating disease that leaves a child crippled for life and if not controlled it is contagious. This is the reason, it is important for children, especially in the Northern Pakistan, are immunized so that the virus does not spread to places where it has been eradicated. It is welcoming news that Pakistan Army will protect the health workers and we are hopeful that this debilitating disease will soon be eradicated from Pakistan as well.

Abdul Quddus,
DET - United States Central Command.
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Good move,hope to see a polio free Pakistan soon.why is that there is no support from our Pakistani friends on this thread.
I cant understand the reason of attacking polio workers, Taliban ko Poliose kyaa khunnas hein?
I cant understand the reason of attacking polio workers, Taliban ko Poliose kyaa khunnas hein?
They spread some stupid rumor that polio drops is a means of biological weapon to render those who took the drops as infertile! No idea where they constipated such conspiracy unfortunately all taliban are uneducated otherwise they would have at least bothered to send their own scientist in under cover :woot:
They spread some stupid rumor that polio drops is a means of biological weapon to render those who took the drops as infertile! No idea where they constipated such conspiracy unfortunately all taliban are uneducated otherwise they would have at least bothered to send their own scientist in under cover :woot:

The very reason for them becoming taliban is "Education"or lack of it.....
Just wondering if our police is of any use at all? Is there anything they themselves can control? If they can't even guard then what is the use of them as paramilitary force. Why not abandon the police department and simply use army, at least it will save the money GOVT waste on this incompetent force.
The very reason for them becoming taliban is "Education"or lack of it.....
Taliban means students....however in their case its an oxymoron! :unsure:

Just wondering if our police is of any use at all? Is there anything they themselves can control? If they can't even guard then what is the use of them as paramilitary force. Why not abandon the police department and simply use army, at least it will save the money GOVT waste on this incompetent force.
They cant even control how much chai pani they do ...so lets not talk about responsibilities....
i know what you mean... India is sponsoring polio in pakistan..right?:p:

You want to say that India's wish is only to nuke Pakistan, not to plant polio and dengue virus!
While we have seen India using water as weapon against Pakistan.
You want to say that India's wish is only to nuke Pakistan, not to plant polio and dengue virus!
While we have seen India using water as weapon against Pakistan.

You believe India would try to spread polio in Pakistan? My friend there is a limit for your imagination..... Btw India eradicated this menace not long time ago.... very recently.....
Press Release

No PR80/2014-ISPRDated: April 17, 2014
Rawalpindi - April 17, 2014:
In line with the government�s initiative to eradicate Polio from Pakistan, Army has been asked to assist the civil government in making this campaign a success. A meeting was held at GHQ to coordinate details of the campaign with particular emphasis on security and access to affected areas. Representatives from WHO, Federal, KPK govt and FATA Secretariat, attended the meeting. The forum was appraised about the current polio situation in the country and challenges being faced for smooth conduct of polio campaign. The forum also expressed the urgency for polio eradication imitative to save the future generations. The participants emphasized the need to take all necessary measures including improving security situation to make Pakistan polio free country.

It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan may face international traveling ban due to highest no of polio cases worldwide and is one of three countries where polio is still categorized as an endemic viral infection. The polio eradication in Pakistan faces security challenges thus demanding Whole of Nation Approach.
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