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Pak army refuses to open gates for cross-LoC trade

I think its a general anger and frustration within PA showing its effect. Imagine the humiliation it bears everyday when NATO slaughter their own men and they can't do a dime about it. Drones pounding bombs on hourly basis inside Pakistan. It is just natural that anger is vented towards our side. I think rather than escalating the situation, we should react calmly and I am sure things will be normal again. Let the NATO soldiers come back from Christmas vacations, once they are back to work everything will come back to normal.
Can someone say which states in India has trade relations with Pakistan through the border?
@persona_non_grata the first rule of humanoids 'Never poke nose in humans matter'.... They know the law of universe. America is happy with india as they know pakistans nukes problem and not india.... the biggest shameful thing about pakistan is they warned india by saying i will do terrorist attack because i have nukes.... isnt that foolish? india has better defence. More firepower, strong economy, strong support, better weapon technology and list goes on.... What pakistan has? Not much.... Not much defence, not much firepower.... Pak economy nowhere near.... When india (mr atal bihari) went pakistan and than pakistan return favor by Kargil war.... Relations were good when 2003 parliment attack happened.... than 2008 26/11 happened.... and now india welcomed pakistan cricket team and than pak returned favor by beheading 2 soldiers (which is shameful and no country army would do that unless they with terrorists).... mr idiot rehman malik came in india and behaved like total idiot who only made him and pak look foolish.... pakistan need to change. my advice to pakistan is war india. its better that way.... My advice to india is 4 times (four wars) u let pakistan go away by just defeating them but 5th time make it sure its fatal so peace will start taking effect.... world is fedup by threats of nuke. Better use it. Remember what mr sharif (ex pak pm) has said.... in kargil war mr mushraf have said lets nuke india and than every military and politician who were at meeting panic and looked at mushraf and said that would be suicide.... pakistani people are good people but they been represented by some brainless people who playing with fire.... Where osama bin landen found? Why not indonesia? Malaysia? Africa? Turkey? Why he found in pakistan and that too few meter away from pak army headquarter? What is wrong with pakistan? Pakistan always threat of nukes as if india dont have any.... everything was going peaceful and here we are.... Pakistan done it again. Everytime pak india plays cricket something happens to pak army. india want peace but trust me india is a pressure cooker.... There is a limit. Peace is must and sorry to say that pak wont accept peace without war.... Thats sad.... 4 times india pak war and here we are pakistan wants more.... But this time will be the final one as america the one wants india to attack pakistan which will give america to launch an attack on pakistan as they dont want nukes to fall in terrorists hand.... Few people in pakistan putting pakistan at risk.... They are good people in pakistan but am afraid they will be at risk.... Pakistan should be brave. Stop terrorism and war india in open. That would be real man and brave move.... Do not hit and run. Stand ground and war in open.... Peace is must but theres old saying.... War brings long term peace....
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We are above your head, fool! If you dare to use water as a weapon all indian waters originated from China...we can divert all your water to Mongolia desert...

You tiny little yellow boy , Indus and Brahmaputra are the only rivers that originate from China. Block Indus , and Pakistan gets converted to a desert. Indus flows through a tiny part of India. Even if you build 10 dams on the river somehow , still there will be more than enough water left for India. Meanwhile , Pakistan will have nothing left. Block Brahmaputra , and Bangladesh gets no water. :wave: . Also , diverting a river to the mongolia desert is not as easy as manufacturing cheap plastic toys and fake iphones , which you people are so good at.
Don't open. Not going to affect anything in India. And kindly close door from where you send your so called mujahidins also.
Cause u are already doing so. What difference would it make ??? China should teach u who is da boss at the end, moron.

if we wud have done that,ur country wud have become a desert by now.so stop trolling and accept that u got owned.ask ur relatives in bangladesh,whether they are living in a desert.
if we wud have done that,ur country wud have become a desert by now.so stop trolling and accept that u got owned.ask ur relatives in bangladesh,whether they are living in a desert.

It very simple India cannot do it .They know if they push Pakistan to the corner its not gonna be good for them either.
Indians are pushing Pakistani on this water íssue to corner at a slow pace but i just hope that they dont do this kind of blunder as they will have to pay the price ultimately.

On topic : PA might have attacked the post they might have killed the indian soldiers but as like all the professional armies they dont behead their opponents . Dont matter how much angry they are their is no way they do this to their emeny soldier.
I guess the actual story is indian attacked pakistani check post and killed a pakistani soldier ,just a day after our Army cheif said India is not our No.1 enemy .Pakistani retaliated by attacking the indian check post and killed 2 of their soldiers.

Now indian just like always trying to get sympathy of the world trying to prove that Pakistani soldier decapitated the soldier just like TTP does .Altough its a total BS story by Indian army but if GOP is not going to stand against India this is going to be another fake drama serial just like Osama bin ladin drama. Pakistan have to feel the heat even though it is drama.

Note to IA : From next time be think carefully before attacking Pakistani check post coz the retaliation will cost you much

PS: I feel sorry for the soldiers who died in this escalation . Rip
It very simple India cannot do it .They know if they push Pakistan to the corner its not gonna be good for them either.
Indians are pushing Pakistani on this water íssue to corner at a slow pace but i just hope that they dont do this kind of blunder as they will have to pay the price ultimately.

On topic : PA might have attacked the post they might have killed the indian soldiers but as like all the professional armies they dont behead their opponents . Dont matter how much angry they are their is no way they do this to their emeny soldier.
I guess the actual story is indian attacked pakistani check post and killed a pakistani soldier ,just a day after our Army cheif said India is not our No.1 enemy .Pakistani retaliated by attacking the indian check post and killed 2 of their soldiers.

Now indian just like always trying to get sympathy of the world trying to prove that Pakistani soldier decapitated the soldier just like TTP does .Altough its a total BS story by Indian army but if GOP is not going to stand against India this is going to be another fake drama serial just like Osama bin ladin drama. Pakistan have to feel the heat even though it is drama.

Note to IA : From next time be think carefully before attacking Pakistani check post coz the retaliation will cost you much

PS: I feel sorry for the soldiers who died in this escalation . Rip

last Time Pak pay the price in 1971, Bangladesh Created.

During Kargil: International Community rejected PAK, Isolated , watched as failed and terrorist supporting state like NK.

Cause u are already doing so. What difference would it make ??? China should teach u who is da boss at the end, moron.

US , Japan , SK, Vietnam , india will teach China who is the Boss..
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